55| Chupacabra

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"All right, everyone's getting new search grids today. If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far" Rick said. Like always everyone else is helping why I have a baby in my stomach.

Like I really love my baby but I can't do stuff with it. Andrea can do stuff. Let that sink in and I can't.

"I'd like to help" Someone said. I turned around and saw Jimmy. I rolled my eyes. If he can help then I would actually want to shot myself. "I know the area pretty well and stuff" Jimmy said as he took his hands out of his jeans and walked up right next to Rick.

"Hershel okay with this?" Rick asked him. We were on thin ice with Hershel.

He wanted us gone and off his farm for many reasons. But with Maggie's help we were able to stay because of the baby. So maybe it was good that Glenn knocked me up. We had food and shelter.

"Yeah yeah. He said I should ask you." Jimmy said. It was odd because he never really had a conversation with any of us until know.

"All right then. Thanks" Rick told him as he patted his back.

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me" Shane says from in the car. I groaned loudly. Maybe a little to loudly.

"Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse" Shane finished ignoring me. He was looking off into the distance. Having his main character moment.

"Anybody includes Sophia right?" I snapped back at him crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't like how he was dissing my brother like that. He looks like a fucking egg.

"Wherever slept in that cupboard was no bigger then Yay-high" Daryl said as he moved up his hand to his side. The size of Sophia.

"It's a good lead" Andrea said to Daryl with a smile. I looked at her weirdly.

"Maybe we'll pick up her trail again" Rick said reassuringly.

"No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up this ridge right here, take a Birds Eye view of the whole grid. If she is up there I'll spot her" Daryl said. I smiled at him. He was really serious about finding this girl.

"Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there too" I teased at him.

"Chupacabra?" Rick asked questionly.

"You never heard this?" T-Dog asked Rick.

"Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra" Dale tells us as he laid some guns down. I let out a small laugh and so does the rest of the group.

"What are you braying at jackass?" Daryl asks Jimmy, who stops laughing.

"You believe in a blood sucking dog?" Jimmy fired back.

"Do you believe dead people walking around?" Daryl asks him. The boy got quiet. I giggled to myself.

"Hey hey" Rick said stopping Jimmy from picking up a gun that Dale had laid out. "Ever fire one before?" Rick asked him.

"Well if I'm going out, I want one" Jimmy said. His parents probably gave him everything he wanted.

"Yeah, and people in hell want slurpees" I told him as I stretched out my arms. It was getting hard standing. My feet were starting to get swollen. I had to borrow a pair of Dales shoes because I didn't want to rip mine.

They all then started to move out. "Why don't you train tomorrow?" Shane called to Jimmy.

Most people in our group and Hershel's, weren't to good at it. So Shane had an idea to take them off of the property to shoot because of Hershel's no gun rule. 

"If your serious im a certified instructor." Shane told him from inside of the car.

"For now he can come with us" Andrea told him with a smile as she walked over to the car.

"He's yours to babysit then" Shane grumbled.

I slowly walked away. I wasn't going to be involved with this so why does it matter. It pissed me off that I couldn't anyway. I was here stuck doing nothing. I started up my journey to the house.

Which was a really bad idea. It was hot and my feet hurt like crap. If you would of saw me I looked like I had just ran a marathon. I didn't have shorts that fit me. I didn't have shirts that fit him.

I was almost halfway when I saw Glenn running up to me.

"Y/n! Why are you out here? You should be resting" he said as he grabbed my hands.

"Glenn I'm not old okay. I'm perfectly fine. I just want to make it to the house" I said as I tried to walk past him.

"Okay but when we do your sitting down and not moving for 2 hours" he told me. He was serious. I think that was the funny part about it.

He was so sweet and caring. Ever since the Maggie thing he really wanted to make it up to me. He would rub my feet at night, make sure I had enough pillows or blankets, he would hold me and tell me stories, whenever I had to pee which was a lot he would help me. I had to start wearing pads because sometimes it was hard for me to make it to the bathroom.

Hershel offered us a spare bedroom in the house. Which at first I didn't want to take because of my friends not being able to. But for the most part they all were more then happy of letting me. It was to crowed in the RV.

Now I was going to ask Hershel if his offer still stood. Which I'm sure it would though.

We finally made it to the porch. He sat down in a rocking chair and was messing with the guitar.

"Do you know how to play?" I asked him. He really never played anything just strummed on it.

"No not really" he said as he looked up at me. I smiled.

"Well I do. You know my dad he did a couple things for me. And one thing was he taught me how to play one song on the guitar" I said with a smile thinking about my dad.

"You never really talk about him" he said. He told me all about his parents and everything. His sisters, his friends even his dog.

"Well what would you like to know?"

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now