33| On the Road Again

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(I know some parts aren't technically with the story get over it)


So.. we made it out of C.D.C. Which was great because I really didn't want to get blown up. I do miss the OG group, well maybe some. Not so much Andrea... wait I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyways where are we..? Ahh on the road again. I kinda did like that song growing up. Anyways..

"On the road again going places that I've never been" I mumbled to myself. We in fact have been on the road again.

We stopped to find gas and some supplies on our way to Fort Benngings. And Carl did stay with me that whole entire time.

I've always liked kids so having one obsessed with me..? Sure I'll take it. Lori didn't mind at all. I'm fact she seemed kind of Glad to have some alone time.

"Are you still trying to figure out that stupid song?" I heard Glenn ask me.

"What? I know there is more to it. I haven't heard it since I was a little kid" I said as I poked him.

"It's annoying. I hate country music" he groaned as he slumped over.

"Sorry I'll just never talk ever again" I told him as I sighed dramatically.

"Honeymoon stage already over?" Dale asked from across us.

"Yes we're already getting to the divorce stage" I told him.

"Wow" Glenn said as he put his hand over his chest.

"You know, I remember the first time my wife ever yelled at me. It was because I kept leaving cabinets open. She really went off on me too" Dale said with a tiny lap.

"I'm with your wife on that one. Daryl loved to leave cabinets open. It hurt when I bumped into them" I said as I winced remembering the pain.

"Rick does that too" Lori called from the passenger seat.

"Wow so know your telling on me?" Rick asked her playfully.

"I think it's just men" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I will make sure I never do that" Carl called from my lap. We all giggled from that.

"Oh jeez" I heard Dale mumble. I look forward. We made it to the highway and there were cars all across them scattered.

There was a small chance that this van would be able to get through. Carl was sleeping on my lap and he woke up to voices. He looked up at me tiredly.

"Good morning sleepyhead" I said as I ruffled his hair. He looked up at me and smiled and grabbed a hold of my leg and held it. (That's the size comparison)

I looked up at Lori for some sort of help. I felt bad because he was grown so attached to me. I mean he treats me like I'm his mom and all I did was comfort him once.

"Hey bud why don't you hang with your mom?" I asked him.

"But I rather be with you" he said. I smiled and then I saw Loris face. I instantly felt horrible.

It's been a couple weeks since the C.D.C and I've felt kind of strange. I've used the bathroom multiple times because of a sick stomach.

"Carl go" I said trying my best to be stern. He looked at me and gave me his puppy dog eyes and left.

I saw him run over to his mom. I quickly went into the bathroom. I threw up everything that was in my stomach and it wasn't much. I looked at the mirror.

I've checked my body or any places for bites. I'm not even sick. I don't feel that way either.

I got out of my bathroom. I popped a breath mint I found a couple days ago into my mouth. I've used these a few good times.

"You okay?" Glenn asked me as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah" I said sighing trying to calm down my nerves.

Okay so it turns out that I haven't gotten my period in a couple of days. Which is odd because I'm really regular. And I tried to make nothing of it.

But then Daryl was cooking meat and I threw up. The smell was horrible. And I've been craving pickles and my mom told me she craved pickles when she was pregnant.

So yeah I'm kind of freaking out. And plus I've been crying a lot lately over little things and I don't know what to do.

"I heard some noises in there. Are you sure?" Glenn asked me as I was brought of my trance.

I needed to tell someone. I'm horrible at keeping secrets and this is a very bad time to have a baby. I will just say I'v gotten a little cold.

"I'm pregnant" I blurt out. Shit that was not what I was trying to say. He started at me. I felt my palms get sweaty. I know this was a horrible idea.

"Am I the father?" He asked shyly. I looked at him.

"No. Dale is" I said sarcastically.

"Are you serious?" He asked me, he completely ignored the sarcasm in my voice.

"No stupid. Your the dad. I'm just not sure. I think so at least" I said quietly.

"That I'm the dad of that your pregnant?" He asked still confused.

"Oh my god. Your the dad! I'm just not sure if I am. I've gotten morning sickness, I'm super moody and the smell of meat makes me sick" I said as I started to freak out.

"We should get you a test" he said. Finally he was trying to be helpful but he was just stating the obvious.

"Yeah... what would I do without you?" I asked him still being sarcastic.

"I know" he said with a smile.

I really have to teach him sarcastic tomes. "Come on" I said as I pulled him out of the Rv. I didn't want to draw anymore attention to us. This was so nerve racking.

I was completely screwed. We needed to find shelter quick because if I have this baby I'm not having it on the road

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now