11| My guns

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Still on the computer...sorry.

     It only took a cuple seconds for the doors to open up. It was kind of like a push button in a wear. The opened up. It was like a power opererated. A man come out. It seemed ike it was dark in there. He stepped on. His strides were long and steady. His men were in the back armed with guns. They didn't notice T-Dog yet.

     "You okay little man?" The guy assuming its 'G'. He looked the kid up and down. Eyeing us too.

    "There going to cut off my feet, Carnal" The leg said. I rolled my eyes at that.

     "Cops do that?" G asked us as he looked at us. His voice still calm and steady.

     "Not him. The chick. She is scary man. Please you have to get me out of here. She cut off some dudes hand and shows it to me" The boy said as he looked back at me.

     "Shut up" Daryl said. He kid jumped slightly and looked back at G.

     ""Hey, thats that vato right there, homes. He shoot me in the ass with an arrow" A bald guy in the back aid. He came up forward with a gun pointing at Daryl. "What's up homes, huh?" He said as his gun still pointed at Daryl.

     "Chill, ese, chill. Chill." G said as he put his hand on the guys hand and lowered the gun. Then he looked back at us. "This true? She want Miguelitos feet?" G said as he looked at me. "Thats pretty sick girl" he said.

     "We were hopng to have a calm discussion" Rick said. I rolled my eyes I was tired of the calm discusions.

     "That hillbilly jumps Felipes cousin, beats on him. And your crazy lady wants to cut of his feet? Felipe gets an arrow in his ass and you were hoping for a calm discusion? You fascinate me." He said as he looked at Rick.

     "Ill show you what fascinstes me. Give me Glenn or ill cut off all yall's feet" I said as I lowered my gun.

     "Dam little lady you need to calm down" G said to me. I put my gun back to his head.

     "Mistakes were made on both sides" Rick said pushing me back a little.

     "Who is that dude to you anyway? You dont look related" G said as he looks at us.

     "He's oe of our groups more or less. Im sure you have a few like him." Rick said. More or less?

     "You got my brother in there?" Daryl asked them. No offense but i do not think that Merle would be hanging around them.

     "Sorry, were fresh out of white boys. But ive got an asain, you interested?" G asked us. Glenn.

     "Of course im interested. Now hand him over" I said stepping up back to my oringal place. "I have one here of yours and you got mine. Sounds like an even trade to me." I told him.

     "It don't sound even to me" G said as he stood there and crossed his arms over his chest.

     "G. Come on man." The kid said as he raised his arms.

     "My people got attcked. Where's the compensation for their pain and suffering? More to the point, wheres my bag of guns?" He asked us.

     "Guns" I asked him with confusion.

     "The bag Miguel saw on the street. The bag Felipe Jorge were going back to get" He said.

     "Your mistaken" I told him as I was starting to get more and more angrier by the second.

"I don't think so" he said. In a way it was like he was challenging me.

"About it being yours. It's my bag of guns" I told him.

"The bag was in the street. Anybody could come around and say it was theirs. I'm supposed to take your word? What's to stop my people from unloading on you. Right here and now and I take what's mine?" G said as Felipe moved and cocked the gun. Daryl moved into action and aimed his crossbow at him.

"You could do that" I said. Then I moved my attention to T-Dog. "Or not"

"Oye" G yelled. He looked up. On the roof two of his men carried someone. And that was Glenn. At first it was hard to see but then they took of the baggie over his head.

Duck tape was on his mouth. They dangled him over the roof. My heart started to beat faster. I could tell Glenn was scared but I was going to get him out of this one way or another.

I don't care how much blood will be in my hands. If I have Glenn I'll be okay.

"I see two options. You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks. Or you come back locked and loaded. We'll see which side spills more blood" G said as he did his stupid little smirk and walked back into his little bat cave.

I'm going to rip his balls off and feed it to walkers. Oh my god. I've never acted like this ever. I shuddered at my own thought.

Love makes you crazy. Oh hold up love? I barely know Glenn. Do I actually love him? I mean I it's possible I never really thought about love before it cou-

"Y/n! Let's go" Rick said as he waved his hand in my face. This is gonna be ridiculous.


We got back into the Lab. I was getting pissed we were waiting around this long. Playing patty cake when Glenn is locked up somewhere.

"Them guns are worth more then gold. Good won't protect your family of our food on the table. You willing to give that up for that kid?" Daryl asked Rick as we in the lab.

"Some kid? Watch what you say" I said as I pointed my finger at him.

"Damn Daisy calm down" he said as he backed up.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now