51| Horses

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Glenn was on all four trying to catch his breath. I was rubbing his back. He scared me. He was never going to risk his life like that ever again.

"Back to the drawing board" Dale huffs out. I wanted to scream at them. They literally almost killed Glenn.

Glenn leaned up to where he was on his knees. He huffed out a breath.

"Says you" he said as he got up and handed Dale the rope and walked away. I quickly followed after him.

"Hey you okay?" I asked him as we made it away from the group. His shirt was slightly un bottom and it was showing his white tank top. His jerks were dirty and his hair was all over to place. I couldn't help but get a little turned on.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed his face and kissed him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and slightly squeezed. The kiss was small and short. I broke apart and our foreheads were touching.

"I almost lost you" I said as I looked into his eyes.

"I know" he said quietly.

"I love you Glenn" I said with a smile.

"I love you too Y/n"


We walked back to the group. We were pulling out the Walker. Glenn managed to get it around its neck. I have to admit that fucker was heavy as shit.

I was infront of Glenn and we were pulling. My arms were aching. Glenn wasn't that heavy as this shitter was.

"Come on, guys pull" T-Dog shouted at us. We was standing by the well. His arm was aching and we didn't want to rip the stitches.

"Come on, y'all" Shane said as he was infront.

There were a lot of groans and grunts from the group and we pulled on the rope.

I groaned as I continued to pull on the rope. My hands hurt. I knew I was going to have a big rope burn on my hands when this is done.

"Almost there. Come on, pull, guys" T-Dogs said. Very inspirational words. But I continued to pull instead of make a snarky remark.

"Come on, y'all together" Shane yelled at us through grunts as he pulled.

"Almost there. Come on, pull, keep it coming" T-Dog said as we started to see the Walker come up. I sighed in relief. "Nice and easy. Just a little more" T-Dog instructed us to do.

Glenn got it around its neck. I was afraid that it would pull apart and fall into the well. One was above his belly too.

We managed to make it a little farther up to wear you could see almost all of it. T jumped back as you could see it move and snarl. It moved its hands in the air trying to grab something.

I got a smell of the Walker. It was disgusting. I wanted to let go of the rope and puke. I couldn't swallow to keep everything down.

"Come on, almost there" T-Dog said as more and came up. "It's suck" he told us.

Half of the body was having in the well and other out. The rope was slowly coming off of it. We could of easily stopped and killed it then pulled it out with our hands.

Then all of the sudden the body split in half. The front half went out of the well and the other fell down into the well. All the guys splattered everyone.

I heard a lot of mumbled and groans as we let go off the ropes.

It's organs were hanging out of its body. It was crawling around to grab onto any of us. Some people fell back at the sudden weight loss. I helped Glenn up.

T-Dog stood there completely pissed off. He looked up at the sky and rolled his eyes.

"We should seal off this well" Dale said to us.

"Yeah might be a good idea" Shane said as he rubbed his head.

"So what do we do about-" Andrea said before T-Dog said smashing the brains in on the Walker.

He had a shovel and repeatedly beat its head in. I heard Maggie groan and I rubbed her back slightly. I turned away. I didn't want to puke again.

She then slowly walked away. She cowboy hat slowly resting on her head.

I looked back at the Walker. I felt something come up. I couldn't hold it down anymore. I threw up.

I felt Glenn out his hand on my back. I wiped my mouth and popped a breath mint.

"Sorry y'all. I usually have the stomach. It's this baby" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it" T-Dog said as he threw the shovel on the ground.


"This is so much fun" I said as I rode the horse i between Maggie and Glenn.

I caught the hang of it easily and we strolled down the street.

"You know, normally this is the kind of thing I do on my own. My pregnant girlfriend is not involved" Glenn told us. I rolled my eyes.

"Well you wouldn't know what you would need. Plus I'm a professional" I said as I petted the horse.

"You all right?" Glenn asked Maggie.

"Yeah, you seemed pretty shockin up back there" I told her as I looked at her.

"I'm fine" she replied. Quickly maybe a little to quickly.

"Never seen one killed up close before?" I asked her. She didn't answer. "I guess it's kind of a shock. You know being in the road, we've seen a lot. Guess we've gotten a little numb to it" I said as I looked around me.

"I guess so" she replied.

We got off the horses as we made it to the store. There was a sign that said. 'Take what you need and God bless" I smiled a tiny bit.

Maggie led us into the building.

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