24| A chance

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ahaha I want the fun parts to come up. Season one is so stupid. ughhh and I'm watching season 4&5 again like let's just skip to that part


"Let's get out of here" Carol said as she was hugging Sophia.

Everyone headed for the car but I stayed. I felt Glenn pull my head but my eyes were fixed on that camera.

"The camera it moved!" I shouted as I watched it move again.

"I saw it too" Rick said as he stayed by my side.

"You guys imagined it" Dale said from behind us.

"It moved" Rick said more sternly.

"We're not fucking crazy. That camera fucking moved" I said as I  started to get more angry. I wanted to get out of here.

Rick and I walked closer to the camera. I knew someone was in there and they could hear us perfectly fine.

"It moved" Rick said again.

"Y'all it is dead man" Shane told us. I wasn't going to walk away from this. "It's an automated device. It's gears, okay? There just winding down. No come on" Shane said as I felt him grab my arm. I quickly pulled away from his grip.

"Don't fucking touch me" I told him as I looked back at the camera. I started to bang on the doors.

"Y/n there is nobody there!" Shane shouted at me. I didn't care. Rick followed my lead.

"I know your in there. I know you can hear me!" I shouted as I kicked the door. "Please we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, and children" I said as I pounded on the door again. I could feel someone out there hand on my shoulder.

I looked back and saw Glenn. He gave me a sad smile and tired to push me away.

"No food and hardly any gas left" Rick said as he was backing me up. Others could think we were crazy but we knew what we saw. Lori got infront of Rick.

"We have nowhere else to go! Your killing us" i said as I pulled away from Glenn's grip and started to pound again. "Your fucking killing us" I shouted as I kept kicking and screaming.

Glenn grabbed me and pulled me away. I wasn't prepared for him to pull me and I couldn't fight back. I tried to but I wasn't strong enough. "Your killing us" I kept shouted and Rick did the same.

All of the sudden a loud sound came out and the door opened. A bright light came through. I smiled. Teras we're in my eyes. I was right. I was fucking right. We have a chance. We have a shot.

"Daryl you cover the back" Shane tells Daryl as we moved into the light.

I was in front with Rick. I couldn't help it. I was right and they were all wrong. But that's not the point the point is that we have shelter.

"Hello?" Rick called as we walked into the building. It was dark now. The lights in the building were on. But there were no bodies. Not like the outside it was littered with them. It was all bright and clean.

"Watch for walkers" I heard someone say as we walked further into the building.

We all stopped as we came into the entrance. I was taking in the wonderful sight infront of me. There could be a cure here and we could all be okay.

"Hello?" Rick called out again. We heard a gun cock and everyone looked forward to where the sound was coming from.

We say a man. He had a gun. He was wearing a white shirt with jeans. He had blonde hair. He looked scruffy and like not clean in a way. Where are all the others?

"Anybody infected?" He shouted at us from a distance.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it" Rick said. I looked down in remembrance of the thoughts of Jim.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" He asked. He was talking fast like he was on a timer and he needed to get all of his words out before it was too late.

"A chance" I answered as I still had my sword in my hands but lowered it a bit.

"That's asking an awful lot these days" he said as he was starting to step closer to us.

"I know" I said. There was a silence. He looked around at each and everyone of us. Like trying to take a mental picture of a good look.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission" The guy told us.

"We can do that" Rick said. The guy lowered his gun seeing us as not a threat.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed" The man said as he hurried to the door worried about Walkers coming in.

Glenn, Rick, Daryl, T-dog and Shane all carried in the stuff. They hurried back in after carrying multiple bags on them. Trying to make it in one trip. I have to admit it is scary out there.

As soon as they came in Dale and I closed the doors. The man was might be really serious about once it opens it won't close.

"VI deal the main entrance" the guy said. I looked around. I didn't see anyone. "Kill the power up here" He added as he walked away and we followed him like lost puppy dogs.

I stayed back with Glenn. As much as this place in a way seemed to good to be true. And it made my stomach do flips just thinking about being back in the open for anything to get us.

We needed this place. Like I said we needed a chance and if there are many other people around here, everything can go back to how it used to be. When the world wasn't full of shit.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now