25| Only One Left

591 18 2

so close to this being over :)))


We were all backed into a small elevator. Squished really. My back was pressed up against Glenn. My face was red. I did not want to make this any awkward then it was. He put his hands on my hips. I face flushed pink. And I hope no one got the wrong idea.

"Doctors always go around packing hear like that?" Daryl asked and I was glad someone finally decided to speak.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough. Expect you" The guy said who we finally learned his name was Dr. Jenner. The expect you was targeted to Carl. "I'll have to keep my eyes on you" He joked. I smiled a bit.

Ever since everything has happened I haven't got the chance to talk to them. I missed being a kid with Carl and Sophia. But everything was so hectic I haven't got the chance.

I always thought we were never going to stay in that camp forever. To be honest it seemed to unrealistic.

We soon got out of the elevator. I missed Glenn's touch. My hips felt hot from where his hands were gripping.

We walked down a long hallway. We were all tried and hungry and now we were going to take shots. You know being a nurse I was always afraid of getting a shot.

"Are we underground?" Carl asked as we walked the hallway.

"Are you claustrophobic?" He asked her not looking around to see who asked the question.

"A little" she says. I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile.

I never told the group about me being a nurse. I didn't want them to keep me around just for that reason. So when people got hurt I tried my best to not interfere unless I knew they were doing something terrible wrong.

"Try not to think about it" Jenner said as he broke me out of my thoughts.

We walked into a bigger room but the lights were off and I couldn't tell what it is.

"VI, bring up the lights in the big room" he called out. I still wanted to know who this VI was.

All of the sudden lights lit up the room. He was right about this being the big room. Computers were lined up. I'm a big circle little desks we're but there. And I looked at the ground we were on a ramp.

"Welcome to zone 5" he told us as he started to walk down the ramp. I looked at Rick who looked back at me. I nodded my head. If Jenner wanted to kill us he would already have.

But the one thing that didn't make where is everyone else?

"Where is everybody?" I asked as we walked down.

"The other doctors? The staff? I'm it. It's just me here" Jenner said. I looked to the ground. I think this was to good to be true.

"What about the person you were speaking with?  VI?" Lori asked not ready to give up hope.

"VI, say hello to our guest" Jenner says. "Tell them.. welcome" he finished my my heart dropped.

"Hello guest, welcome" VI said. It's a fucking computer.

"I'm all that's left" he said. My heart sank. "I'm sorry" he said as he noticed the look on our faces.


Blood test. I didn't want to do this. I couldn't. I purposely put myself at the end of the line. Maybe he sees all of ours are good he doesn't have to do mine.

As soon as Andrea went by it was my turn.

"Have a seat" he said with a smile. I slowly sat down. "You afraid of needles?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Really bad. It's funny because I'm a nurse" I whispered trying not to let anyone know.

"Your a nurse?" He asked as I put my arm down. I felt everyones stares.

"Your a nurse?" Dale asked me.

"Uh yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you guys because I thought you guys would only want me around just because I am one and FUCK" I said as I felt the needle go in me. I shut my eyes in pain.

"Thank you Dale for distracting her" Jenner said with a smile. He pulled out the needle.

I got up very slowly and it felt like I was about to faint and Glenn came up to me to help me up.

"What's the point? If we're infected, we'd all be running a fever" Andrea said from her seat on the other side of the room.

"I already broken every rule in the book by letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough" He told him. "All done" he said a she stood up after I finally was able to stand straight.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I felt a little pale and my stomach hurt.

"She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have" Glenn said a she put his hand on my back trying to help me.


Looks like I saved the day. We being afraid of needles and not eating scored us a meal. It was nice having all of those around the table eating and laughing.

And there was wine too. Since the outbreak I've turned 21 a couple of days before. And I didn't really drink that much or barely any. So this would really be my first time ever.

"You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with there dinner" Dale said as he poured Lori some.

"And in France" I added as I took a bit of my spaghetti.

"Well when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then" Lori said as she looked down at her boy.

"What is it gonna hurt? Come on" Rick said to his wife trying to get her to loosen up. After all we were safe and we could let our guard down some.

Laughter broke out when Lori shrugged her shoulders giving in. Dale took that as cue to boy the boy a little bit. I looked around at all the smiling faces. This was good to have.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now