13| Blue Marker

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(Guys I know Daryl's mom didn't die like this. But role with it okay. Plus this gives Daryl's mom a nicer touch then what it was)


"Felipe, go take care of it. Okay? And take your grandmother with you" G said as he turned around and started to get frustrated.

"Who are those men? And girl?" She asked as he walked towards us. Felipe tried to hold her back but she slapped his hand.

"Don't you take him" She told us as she walked towards us. G was talking to he in Spanish to get her to leave.

"Ma'am?" Rick said. I looked over. He was wearing a police uniform. She didn't know the apocalypse was going on did she?

"Felipe's a good boy. He have his trouble but he pull himself together. We need him here." She said to Rick.

"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson." He told her as he lowered his gun.

"Then what do you want him for?" She asked him.

"He's... helping us a find a missing person. A fella named Glenn." He told her.

"The Asian boy? He's with Mr. Gilbert. Come. Come, I show you. He needs his medicine" she said as he walked away.

We were hesitant to move. But G looked at us his face still stern. "Let em pass" he said. Everyone lowered there guns. I breathed out. I'm glad this didn't end bad.

The old lady grabbed his hand and let us outside. We walked up the stairs to another building. I looked around. I had no idea what this place could be. Well before the zombies.

She lead us down a hallway into a courtyard. This was a nice place. Everyone looked like they had it together. It led us to a building. Kind of like a hospital.

A old man was sitting by the entrance. This was an old people's home. This changed my whole perspective.

I volunteered at one of these places. When I was younger. To get high school credits. I love spending time with old people and hearing there life stories. It was so interesting.

We walked by rooms of old people sitting, talking or reading. I smiled. They had no idea and they all thought everything was perfect. They were going to die peacefully without any thought.

We followed the old women and Felipe to a big room. With a few more old people around. I looked around to find Glenn.

I was him standing with the people helping Mr. Gilbert. "Glenn" I shouted. He turned around. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Your okay" I said into the hug. He held me tighter. "Your okay" he whispered back. I let go of the hug.

"It was so crazy. We trapped his kid and I told him I was going to cut off his feet if he didn't show me where you were and then I showed him Merle's hand and I acted like it was a guy I cut off on my own and then-" before I could finish he kissed me. I smiled into it.

I pulled away after a second. I heard a cough and it was kind of awkward to kiss when a old guy could be dying. We turned our attention to the guy.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close.

Felipe did his work. I was surprised he didn't see like a nurse. And before then the old guy was up and breathing.

"What the heck is this?" Rick said  to Glenn.

"An asthma attack" Glenn said as he looked at Rick. "Couldn't get his breath under control" Glenn told him. I shook my head a bit.

That was not what Rick meant. We thought he was getting teared about by dogs. But then I heard no barking. So it was kind of hard to believe satans dogs were there.

I felt a little weird. We went all this way to find Glenn but would we for Merle? Would Merle do it for us? Again he is a selfish jerk sometimes but I question if family means anything to him. He was so quick to getting out of the house.

Left Daryl and I to deal with dad. We got all the bearings for Merle leaving. I didn't get them so bad. But when Daryl was out doing something there would be a chance I would get them.

They hurt like hell. I remember the first time. I was 7 years old. I came home from school happy and I wanted to show my dad my drawling. But I got Marker on my new dress. Not really knew, a couple of ladies donated clothes to us.

But it was a nice white dress. It was flowery and I loved it. I would stand in the mirror all day staring at myself in the mirror with it.

Then when I got home dad was sitting on his recliner. I showed him the picture, at that time i couldn't tell when dad was drunk or not. And it was in the afternoon. He got back from drinking that night. That's what Daryl told me.

He looked at my dress and blue marker was on it at the bottom. That's when he got his grabbed his belt and hit me with it.

I remember screaming and crying begging him to stop. And he didn't not until Merle and Daryl came home. Merle told Daryl to take me in his room and lock the door.

That's what Daryl did. By then the dress was completely ruined. Blood all over it. Daryl patched me up. He said that it wasn't my fault and dad wasn't thinking straight.

He defended dad to me at a young age. He believed that maybe dad would turn around and he wouldn't be such a asshole. And that I would have a good childhood.

He then sat me on his bed and told me to explain my drawling to him. And by then my tears were all gone. I explained to him what it was and he hung it up in his room.

Daryl was more of a dad when my actual one was.

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