87| Moving in

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"You still carrying that guitar around?" I asked as I leaned against the kitchen table as Glenn set his stuff down.

"Of course" He said as he kissed me. I stretched my arms out and gave him a hug. It was nice to be inside because the heat was becoming unbearable.

"Ugh maybe if I fake sick I don't have to help carry all the stuff into the house" I mumbled into his chest.

"Come on. The faster it gets done the less we have to do" He said as he pulled me up outside with him.

I walked outside to go hang with Lori and pretend I was doing something. I know how bad it sounds but it's so boring and I hate work.

I stood beside her as she watched Shane climbing up an electric pole.

"I hope he falls" I said as I placed my heads over the top of my eyes so I could get a better few from the sun.

"Don't say that" she said with a little laugh. I shrugged my shoulders.

"What is he doing anyways?" I asked as I watched him. He seemed like he was on a suicide mission if anything.

"I got no idea" She mumbled. I could tell she wanted to go over there.

"Here" I said taking the basket out of her hands. "Where?" I asked her.

"Hershel's room. Thank you" she said to me as she squeezed my arm before walking away.

I didn't get the whole reason why she was obsessed with him so much. But it doesn't bother me. I mean in the beginning he seemed like a chill guy but when Rick came back something inside of him snapped.

I definitely worried about Ricks safety if anything. He could easily kill any of us without and second thought. I shuddered at the thought and went inside to put the basket away.


I was outside on the porch talking with Rick and Daryl. It's been awhile since I've been around my brother and sometimes I forget he is around since he is so quiet.

"Take him out to senoia, hour there, hour back, give it take. We may lose the light, but we'll be halfway home by then." Rick said as we talked about what to do with Randel.

"This pain in the ass will be a distant memory. Good riddance" Daryl said with a laugh as he sat down on the porches railing.

"Carols putting together some provisions for him, enough to last him a few days" I informed them as I was just with Carol helping her.

"I don't see why" Daryl growled. I was about to argue with him back before Shane drove then car up the driveway with the trunk still up.

"Dumbass" I said as Daryl let out a small smile as he looked up at me.

"That thing you did last night..." Rick said as he trailed off. He was talking about Daryl killing Dale for him.

"Ain't no reason you should do all the heavy lifting." Daryl told him.

"Awe Daryl's becoming soft" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him. Rick let out a laughs s he looked at Daryl's face.

"Would you get off of me?" He growled at me. I shook my head no and hugged him even tighter before I let go.

"So you good with all of this?" Rick asked Daryl.

"I don't see you and I trading haymakers on the side of the road. Nobody win that fight." Daryl said, he was going back to Shane and Ricks hard time together.

Shane walked over to us. "I'm gonna take a piss" Daryl said as he threw the map to Rick. He didn't want anything to do with Shane.

"I think Lori needs help" I said as I placed my hand on Ricks shoulder. I felt bad for leaving him but I didn't want to get in the middle of everything between them. He nodded his head.

I walked inside to find any more trouble I could get into.  There wasn't much going on. Lori was in the living room while Carl kept trying to talk to her. I could see she was getting stressed out.

"Hey Carl wanna see if we can go pull a prank on Glenn?" I asked him as I held out my hand for him to take. He looked up at Lori with pleading eyes.

"Yes. Stay close to Y/n" She told him as she kissed his forehead. She mouthed a thank you.

I took him out the back door because I knew that Shane and Rick were talking and I didn't want Carl to hear anything.

We were a good bit from the house looking outside for Glenn until Carl spoke up.

"Y/n? Can I talk to you about something?" He asked as he still had my hand in his.

"Sure buddy" I said as I slowed down our pace of walking.

"Yesterday, I went off exploring in the swamps. I came across a Walker and I was stuck in the mud. I messed around and it got free but I couldn't kill it so I ran. And it was the same Walker that killed Dale" Carl said with his voice breaking a little. I kneeled down infront of him. "It's my fault. I'm the reason why he is dead" He said as tears went down his face.

"Oh no buddy. It's not your fault. You don't know why Dale was out there in the first place. You're not the reason why. You can't put other people's deaths on your shoulder. I promise you he is not mad at you. If anything he is proud of you" I said as I wiped his tears.

"Do you really think so?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"I know so" I said with a smile as I gave him a big hug. "Now let's go prank Glenn" I said with a smile as I dragged him along.

Hey!! This is just a little filler chapter. Some sweet wholesome moments in there. We're so freaking close. Also check out my other stories too. Y'all I keep getting more ideas for stories and it's really blowing me off my writing track 😭 I will be posting more often! I promise 😘

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