34| Gallons of Water

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(Hehe the big plot twist)


Yep I'm pregnant. I like thinking about how Glenn was so happy to be a dad. I just wish we got more time to watch our kid grow up.

Look at me smiling when someone heads was going to get smashed in. But we will get here sooner or later. Promise, no let's see I think we're at here!

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of no where. With no hope... okay that was dumb" Dale said. Smoke was coming out of his car. I groaned. The smell was intoxicating.

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..."Shane said as he was looking at all of the cars.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find" Daryl finished for him as he was already looking through a car.

"I can siphon more fuel form theses cars for a start" T-Dog offered.

"Maybe some water" Carol said.

"Or food" Glenn said with his stupid smile.

"This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this" Lori said. I slightly rolled my eyes.

"Yeah a graveyard of fucking cool stuff. Shit I found condoms" I said as I pulled them out of a car. "You might need these cowboy" I told him as I threw them to Rick.

I do in fact hear them have sex. Maybe almost every night. Maybe I should of used them.

"Very funny" Rick sneered back. Rick and I have been growing a close friendship. He was a cool guy to hang out with.

"Come on yall look around" T-Dog said as he slightly pushed me.

Glenn followed me as I was looking through a near by car.

"Maybe we should tell people" Glenn said as he comes in through the drive side.

"My brother would chop your balls off" I said as I opened the glove compartment.

"You know I suck at keeping secrets" Glenn tells me as he lets out a sigh.

"I know babe. But I will but let's at least wait a couple days until I know I'm sure" I said as I moved stuff around.

I'm the most luckiest person in the world. I found a pregnancy test. Still in the package. I pulled it out. I felt kind of bad because this person might of died with a baby in there stomach.

Wait does that make the zombie a baby too? I don't know I'm to tired to think about all that stuff.

"Glennie" I said as I passed it to him.

"We are so lucky" he said as he smiled. I grabbed it and shoved it in my pants.

I ran back to the RV I needed to know and quick. So just in case.

I hurried to the bathroom and locked the door. I pulled down my pants and peed on the test. You know this was not my first time. My friends and I used to take test and mix them into a bowl and one came out positive.

Turns out my friend Jenny was pregnant. It was kind of funny. She was a cute baby. I frowned. I hope they got out alive and good.

I pulled up my pants and set the test on the counter. I paced back and forth into the small bathroom. Afraid to flip it over. I waited and waited. Then I flipped it over.

My heart dropped. It was a positive sign. I'm pregnant. I had so many emotions. Daryl was going to kill me, I finally get a mini me, Glenn and I can be a family.

I smiled. I know this was a horrible time to have a baby but I knew we were going to find shelter and get everything down and my baby would be able to grow up happy.

I threw the test in the trash. I ripped up the box and put toilet paper over it. I then hid the test under the mattress of Dales bed. I hopped that no one wanted to change the sheets. I am very sorry Dale.

I grabbed my katana and walked out of the RV. Glenn was waiting outside.

"Anything?" He asked me. I nodded my head. He smiled. I jumped into his arms. I felt tears run down my face.

"I'm so happy. I get to be a dad" he said as he pulled away from the hug. I kissed him.

"Hey love birds! Jerk eachother off later. Help find some stuff" Daryl shouted at us.

"Yeah I have a bigger cock then you!" I shouted right back to him.

"When are we going to tell someone?" Glenn asked as we walked to another car.

"When we have a place to settle down. There is a lot going on. And I don't want to add stress" I said as I looked up at him.

"Okay. I'll do my best for you" he said as he kissed my head.


Glenn was fixing Dales car. Dale told him it was good to learn. I was leaning next to him his stricken rules was I couldn't leave his sight, because I'm pregnant.

I argued at first but then I gave in.

"This is lame" I groaned as I wiped my face from the hot sun.

"Everything's lame" he replied as he kept twisting whatever he was twisting.

"Are we low on water!" Shane called out. He was leaning on the truck in front of us. He opened the gate and it was full off water tubs.

He opened one up and let the water pour all over him. I smiled and jumped up and down. That was gallons on gallons of water.

"Hey! Leave me some!" Glenn shouted at him as he continued to work. I heard laughs from people. This is the second best thing to happen to me.

Everything is going good. Until I felt the hair on my arms stick up. Every time I feel like that something bad happens.

All of the sudden I heard a scream.

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