19| Pink Sparkly Shoes

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CHECK OUT MY DARYL AND CARL STORIES!! it's like the only thing I write is Y/n...


I was wiping my katana. So much for keeping it clean. I mean so much blood. I found a dirty rag and I kept it as mine. I mean to keep it in my back pocket.

The only thing I packed where two pair of jeans, a couple pair of shorts, random shirts and one hoodie. I didn't really come prepared and honestly I didn't have a lot.

I did manage to get a lot of bandanas. I like to use them for my hair. Keeps it out of my face. Daryl tends to take them for random stuff. And they come back with all weird stains so I hid them.

See I'm a smarty pants. Ugh everything was taking a toll on me. To be honest I'm surprised Amy has made it this long. Not to be mean but she should of turned by now and it was a matter of time before Jim turns.

Ever since Glenn got taken I got a better sense of this world we live in and how to live it. I can't always be happy and cheerful one. I have to protect myself and the group and that's what I was going to do.

Still I am a happy person just when the time is right. If that makes some sort of sense.

I didn't know why Shane wanted to go to Fort Benngings so much. To be honest nothing great there. And speaking of Shane he is walking over to me right now.

I'm sitting on a stump near the camp Daryl is off pouting to himself.

"Hey, Y/n, mind if a sit?" He asked as he came up to me. He gave me a eerie feeling but most men do for some reason. He was always a cop he can't be bad.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" I asked and I loved my sword away but still in grip if I needed too.

"I was wondering. I've been watching you for a while now and I think we have something" he told me with a smile.

What the actual fuck. He is like my brothers age. Watching me? That is actually revolting. I weird feeling when in my stomach started to form and my hands got super sweaty.

"Yeah umm it's just I barely know you and Glenn and everything" I stumbled over my words. I would assume that he would understand. Like we did make it obvious in a way.

"Just think about it" he said as he patted my thigh and walked away. I couldn't move. I could still feel his hand on my thigh.

How long has he been watching me? Everything I do? I couldn't help it. My body felt gross like I needed to take 66 showers.

I sat there I felt to weak to get up. Like my legs felt like jelly. I was on the verge of tears. I didn't feel safe being around him. Could I tell someone?

A couple of seconds I heard my name. "Y/n?" I turned around it was Glenn. I couldn't help it and I got the urge to use my legs and I ran over to him and hugged him.

I welcomed in his sent and he wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe. Like everything was going to be okay. I didn't realize how tight I was hugging him until I heard he say "Y/n..just..a little tight" he told me. I quickly let go.

"Hey hey what's happened?" He asked as he noticed the tears forming in my eyes. What if he was going to think I was stupid or I brought it on myself?

"Shane..he" I stuttered quietly. I couldn't even speak it fully. I don't even know if o can walk around camp without feeling someone longing stare.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked me. His face has gone serious and he grabbed my shoulders. He looked around me checking me for bruises. He reminded me what Daryl used to do when I came home from school crying because someone made fun of my shoes.

I had pink sparkle shoes. They were my favorite. Daryl bought them for me. It was his first pay check and he bought me them for my 7th birthday. I wore those shoes everywhere.

Until one day I came home crying because a kid colored all over them and said they were stupid. Of course I was little and it hurt my feelings and ever since then I hated the color pink.

Never wore it. But the sound of Glenn voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Did he hurt you, Y/n?" He asked me again. This time more stern in his voice.

"He said that he watches me and he touched my thigh" I whispered. I wish I could of told him more but the sound of my voice breaking and they embarrassment killed me.

"I'm going to kill him" he said. He quickly let go of me. But I grabbed him before he could.

"Please don't go" I said as I held onto his arm. Tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes. His face immediately softened and he quickly moved to hug me.

I felt nothing better to be in his arms. To know thats everything is going to be okay. I don't know how I'm going to live like this.

I don't feel safe in my own tent anymore. But if Rick can convince everyone to go to the C.D.C everything will be okay and we can all split up. And Shane will be away.

Or maybe he gets bit by a Walker some time soon and my worries will all be gone. I know that was selfish to think about but maybe I can tell Daryl and he can figure something out.

Hey maybe he won't try anything when I'm with Glenn 24/7. As long as I'm with someone.

HEYYY BABESSS. was this a little to much??? I love to do random filler chapters when I'm out doing stuff and I can't watch the show for the script. SEASON ONE IS ALMOST OVER. I have to admit it's a pretty boring season and now we can get to the fun part. anyways tell me how you think. PLEASE I LOVE TO READ COMMENTS AND SEE WHAT YALL THINK. I will be working on an actual chapter after I post this one to keep the story going. LUV YALL

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