27| i love you

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I woke up to my head pounding. I groaned a bit as I saw the light. It was way to bright. I felt Glenn's arm around me. I soon then remembered what happened last night. I felt a a blush coming over my cheeks.

For being my first time it felt amazing. Glenn was gentle and he made it loving. He was sweet and asked if stuff was okay before doing do.

I gentle pushed off his arm not wanting to wake him up and headed to the shower. I didn't have any clothes to take off in fact we both slept naked. I turned on the water.

I felt it before I got in. It was nice and cool in our room but I needed a cool shower to get rid of this headache. I stepped into the shower.

I let the cool water run down my body. I got fully under the water and smiled. This could work out.

I was about to grab the soap before I felt someone out there arms around me. I tensed up but then I looked behind me and it was Glenn.

"Good morning baby" he said as he kissed my shoulder.

"Good morning" I said as I smiled like crazy. I'm glad he didn't get to see me.

"Did you sleep good" he asked me as he placed another kiss on my shoulder getting closer to my neck.

"Mhm" I hummed as I felt his lips hit my sweet spot. I was a sucker for neck kisses. It was my knees week and my hole body feel tingly.

"That's good" he said as his hands trailed down my body.

His hand went down to my pussy. I slightly pushed my legs apart. He rubbed small circles in my clit. I pushed into him slightly as my knees felt week. He didn't stop with the neck kisses.

I let out a whine as I felt him pick up the pace. "Glenn" I whined as I felt him slip a finger into me.

"Yeah baby?" He asked me as he pumped his finger in and out of my wet cunt.

"Gonna cum" I moaned as I felt him go faster.

"No your going to hold it in like a good girl until I tell you" he whispered into my ear as he slipped another finger in me.

"Glenn please" I moaned as I felt my stomach twist. I don't think I can hold it in any longer.

"Cum" he said. I let the knot go and cummed all over is fingers. I leaned back into him.

"I love you" I whispered. I stopped dead in my tracks. I can't believe I said that. Before I could let him finish I rushed out of the bathroom. I didn't even let myself get dry before i put some clothes on.

I ran out of my room and ran into Lori.

"I'm sorry" I told her as I looked at her.

"You okay? You look pale" she said as she looked at me with concern.

"I told Glenn I loved him. I know it's early on and I liked ever since I saw him  and that's been awhile. And I rushed out of my room and I didn't even let him answer. And I'm so screwed" I said leaning on the wall and falling down. She sat right next to me.

"Well it looks like you guys had a fun night" she said as he noticed the hickeys on my neck. I smiled slightly.

"What if he doesn't love me back? And what if he doesn't want to be around me anymore" I said as I placed my head in my hands.

"I remember the first time I told Rick I loved him. We were in highschool. And he was dating some girl I think her name was Alice not sure. But it was prom night, I loved Rick ever since I saw him. But he was dating her. We have been friends for a while. It was a slow dance and Alice went to the bathroom and it was my chance. I walked up to him and told him. Turns out he loved me back" she said smiling at the distant memory.

"But that's you and Rick. You guys are like ment for eachother" I said as I looked up at her.

"Yeah but I see the way Glenn looks at you. And if your smart don't waste that. Because one day you might make a stupid decision and he won't look at you the same way" she said as he placed her hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her.

"Thank you" I told her. She nodded. I stood up and placed my hand out infront of her to help her up. "I'm going to pull a Lori" I told her. I heard her laugh as I walked back to my room.

I opened the door. I saw Glenn in the middle of the room. It looked like he was trying to find something.  

"Glenn?" I asked him as I walked into the room closing the door.

He looked up at me. I saw hurt in his eyes and I looked down.

"You didn't let me get a chance to say it back. I guess if it was in the heat of the moment and that's why you said it. But I do love you Y/n, ever since you got into camp. I looked at your brothers and then k saw you. You were totally different. And that's what I love about you" he said as he walked up to me and put his hands on my face. I smiled at him.

"I love you too" I said with tears in my eyes. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

I love the boy that was standing right in front of me. And I would do anything to protect him even if it kills me. Or I would even die just do I don't have to live without him.

I can't wait for the line up 😭😭😭😭

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