80| Forget

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I didn't want everyone to keep bringing it out. In fact I was just wanted to forget. Because that was the better fact of it all.

I didn't want the terrible reminder of what I couldn't have. So I told Rick I wanted no one to bring it up. And they all agreed. I think it was better that way.

It hurt like hell. But I can't keep going on like this. The pain, I had to put it in the past. There was no use of doing this the same thing all over again. I have more important and better things to worry about.

I was able to get up and move. My stomach felt weird. I threw up a couple times today. Hershel said it was okay for me to do that. That it was a normal process. I was done crying about it.

Maybe it was the right thing wrong time? I would have to wait until the time is right to start my family. And I knew we were going to find just that.

I talked to Glenn about the whole thing and he said that he would do whatever I wanted. He thought moving on would be a good idea but I knew he didn't. But when I was ready I would talk to him.

It was the next day. Glenn filled me in on what they were doing with the boy. To be honest I don't think that he would go back to his people. They left his ass for dead. If it was up to me I'd go back and kill every son of a bitch there. But shit ain't up to me.

They were taking him someplace like thag and abandoning him. I knew Dale would not agree with that but think of what his people did. They are all just the same

I've been refusing to talk to Daryl. I just didn't want that conversation. I knew he would tell me I told you so or some stupid shit like that. And I knew the loss hurt him to. But sometimes you need to put yourself first.

I got up and but some jeans on and a shirt. I brushed my hair and put it up. I looked at myself in the same mirror. I looked tired and weak. But that was going to change. I let my guard down for just a little bit. Now I have to do what's right for me, Glenn and my group. Because that's all I have. And my swords of course.

I was in the house with the rest of the girls taking care of Beth. Expect for Andrea because she was to be a fucking women god or whatever. She it impress Shane. I knew they fucked. Guess Lori and Andrea got something in common after all.

"Couldn't eat a thing, huh?" I asked Beth as I walked into her room. I gave her food a good 15 minutes ago that Maggie and Lori fixed but she didn't eat anything. I knew she was going through something but she needed to snap out of it.

"You're gonna..." I stopped when she started to cry. She looked off into the distance and just cried softly. I had no idea how I was going to help her through this at all . "Hey" I told her as I kneeled down beside her on the but I knew that her mom loss was tearing her to pieces bed. "I know how hard it is. I was little when I lost my mom. I didn't know her okay. But I know how hard that absent feeling is. You can only assume-" I tried to tell her before she cut me off.

"It's just so pointless" She said with a bitter tone. I knew the words felt like sandpaper on her tongue.

"You have Maggie, your father, Patricia and Jimmy. You gotta stay strong for them. I wish I could promise you it would be all right in the end. I can't. But we can make now all right. And we have too" I told her. I could feel tears in my eyes but I pushed them back.

She turned and looked at me. "Thank you" she said quietly.

I smiled at her. "I'll be right back we'll go take that walk" I told her as I picked up her plate. I walked out of the tool. I set her food down on the kitchen counter. Something was missing. A knife.

I practically ran into her room. "Beth!" I said as she was laying down in her bed. I moved stuff around trying to find that knife. I looked in her dresser, under her bed. "You give it to me sweetheart. You don't wanna do this" I told her softly but still standing my ground.

She took her blanket down a little and slowly handed me the knife. I felt a little relief as I took the blade from her. I didn't say anything when I walked out of the room. I needed to tell Hershel or Maggie someone who could keep eyes on her at all times .

I ran out of the house. When I was pregnant I coudknt run. But running felt so free like. Even thought the cause of me running was bad but it felt good to get places faster.

"Andrea, have you seen Maggie or Hershel?" I would never go to Andrea in a million years but I needed to. Lori was taking a rest because she has barely been sleeping good, Carol is still stuck by the loss of her daughter and Andrea was keeping watch.

"I haven't seen herself, but I saw Maggie and Carter walk by maybe 20 minutes ago" She said, I knew she knew I was panicked and it wasn't a time to fuck around and I was going to thank her for that later.

"Can you find them for me? I have to get back to the house" I pleaded with her. I was out of breath and I was sweaty but this was important. My legs caked but I didn't care.

"Of course" she said, that was my cue to run back with all the power I had left inside of me.

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