41| Take it

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I think that day made me open my eyes a little. I wanted to be something more. Something that people would be proud of. That mom or Merle would be proud of. Something great.

We were all standing together in a group by a the tree I punched. Glenn noticed my hand and tried to grab it but I pulled away. I saw the hurt in his eyes and I felt bad. But I wasn't done being mad at him.

What he said was totally out of line. And I needed to remember that.

"Ahem, y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl, your in charge. Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." Shane said as he approached the group.

"You're splitting us up. You sure?" Daryl asked. I could tell his question was mainly directed to Rick.

"Yeah" Shane said as he let out a sigh. "We'll catch up to you" he told us.

"I want to stay too" Carl spoke up. I was kind of shocked but at the same time I was proud of him. "Im her friend"

Shane looked at Rick waiting for an answer. He kind of looked mad that Carl was intervening. Like if Carl was going to be there it was blocking something.

"Just be careful, okay?" Lori said as she kneeled down to Carl.

"I will." Carl said with a smile.

"When did you start growing up?" Lori asked him and ruffled his hair.

I said my goodbye to Rick and he waved back. Shane could kiss my ass. I started to slowly walk towards the woods. I saw Daryl hand Lori a gun and Andrea roll her eyes.

Today was not the day to piss me off and I swear if Andrea said something I was going to knock her on her ass.

We all walked towards the woods Daryl in the lead. I was still not talking to Glenn. And I hope he would understand.

We walked farther into the woods. No one really said anything. Plus I didn't mind. We passed a big log and Carol sat down.

"This is it? The whole plan?" Carol asked us.

"I guess the plan is to whittle us down into the smaller and smaller groups" Daryl told us.

"Carrying knifes and pointy sticks" Andrea said.

"Leave sprinkles out of these" I told her as I pulled out my katana.

"I see you have a gun" she said as she pointed to Lori. Here we go.

"I see you have two eyes" I replied back to her stepping towards her.

"No one was talking to you, you know?" She said as she stepped closer to me.

"Yeah and no one asked for your opinion either. You can sit here and be pouty you don't have a fucking gun all you want. But that don't change nothing" I spit in her face.

"Yeah and you have a fucking sword you named sprinkles" she told her stepping closer to me.

"You really want to start something because I will knock your ass on the ground. And don't think just because I'm pregnant don't me I won't drag you" I said getting even closer.

"I'd like to see you try" she said challenging me. She slightly pushed me.

I don't know what happened but I punched her straight in the face. Knocking her on the ass. And I didn't help in was my bandaged hand too.

"Say something again" I shouted at her. Before I could climb on top of her I felt Daryl pull me back.

"Stop!" Lori said getting our attention. "Why you want it? Here take it." Lori said to Andrea holding out the gun. "I'm sick of the looks your giving me." Lori said as Andrea took the gun.

"Pussy" I told Andrea. Before she could do anything Glenn pulled her back.

"Stop it" I heard Glenn tell us. Now he fucking with Blondie. I see how it is.

"All of you. Honey, I can't imagine what your going through. And I would do anything to stop it. But you have got to stop blaming Rick and y/n. It is in your face every time you look at them. When Sophia ran they'd didn't hesitate, did they? Not for a second. I don't know that any of us would have gone after her they way they did. Or make hard decisions that he had to make of that anybody could have done if any differently. Anybody?" Lori asked us. I was glad she defended me like that. I smiled a bit.

Lori looked around at all of us. I have her a small smile. "Y'all look at him and then you blame him when he is not perfect. If you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you" she told us as she took a drink of her water.

Andrea come over to Lori and handed her her gun back.

"Looks like that punch knocked some sense into you" I told her as I laughed at her and then walked past her. 

It was a nice quiet walk back to the highway. I smiled. I felt a lot better. Every since Andrea shut up I feel like I can finally think peacefully without her moping around. All the freaking time.

I knew it was going to be a long walk back. It gave me time to think. I was going to say sorry to Glenn when's we made it back. When we had more private room to speak.

Plus this baby has taken a toll on me. My brothers were the fighters. I never gotten into a fight at all. And this was my first one and I taken that I really did beat the shit out of her. All of the sudden we heard a gun shot.

One singular gunshot. I looked around at everyone faces. It didn't make any sense.

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