15| Our camp

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"Admit it, we only came back to Atlanta for the hat." Glenn joked around as we were walking back to the car.

"Don't tell anybody" Rick joked back.

I took out my sword and I pretended to slice something with it.

"Be careful swinging that thing around" T-Dog said as he looked to me.

"Do you even know how to use that thing?" Rick asked me.

"Yes I do actually. Friend taught me. This is better then guns and something I'm comfortable with" I told them as I put it back in the case on my bag.

"You've given away half our guns and ammo" Daryl said, he had a salty attitude about Merle. But if Merle wanted to be saved he would try to.

"Not nearly half" Rick said as he talked to Daryl.

"For what?" Glenn asked him.

"Bunch of old farts who are gonna die off momentarily anyhow? Seriously, how long you think they got?" Daryl asked us,

"Who long you got till you shut up?" I asked him as I skipped ahead of the group. They walked to slow.

"Haha very funny" he said in return.

"How long do any of us have anyway?" I asked as I started to walk backwards.

They stopped walking and so did I. I turned around. Our van was gone. Just in thin air.

""Oh my god" Glenn sighed.

"Where the hell is our van?" Daryl asked.

"We left it right there. Who would take it?" Glenn asked frantically.

"Merle" I said as I looked back on them.

"He's gonna be taking some vengeances back to camp" Daryl said as he looked to the ground.

My heart dropped. I didn't want this to happen. This couldn't. Before any of us could do anything Rick started to walk at a fast pace. I sighed. I really didn't want to talk. But it's okay.


It was getting dark. Sunset hour. This reminded me when Michonne took me on her early morning runs. She liked to watch the sunset as she ran. Said it gave her peace.

That's the only thing that kept me going. She would be proud of me. We were all sweaty and panting.

My legs hurt like shit. But none of us stopped. I wanted to. So many times. But I looked at Daryl and Glenn and it kept me going. We had something to defend and this was it. And we were almost here too. We couldn't stop now.

We heard screaming. Please not it be Merle. We quickened up our pass even more. I started to run.

When we got to camp, walkers everywhere. I took out my sword. My time to shine. I walker was coming up to Lori and Carl, I quickly sliced off its head.

She looked at me and nodded. I kept going. I had to admit this was kind of fun. I quickly shook of that thoughts. I kept off hands heads arms everything.

I looked to see Amy on the ground. Andrea on her holding her. Stopping the blood from her neck. I quickly shook my head and killed an on coming Walker. At the end my whole body was bloody and so the Katana.

I looked around and found Glenn. I gave him a hug. I'm glad he was okay.

There was crying and everyone looking around. I got my heart to calm down a little. So glad that Merle wasn't the cause of all this.

Seemed to be the only ones the fit bit were Amy and Ed. Ed already gone. Thankful for. I felt extremely bad for Carol and Sophia though.

I looked down at my sword. I killed a zombie. Like multiple. I sat down. This was a lot to handle. Half of our camp was gone. Everything we worked for.

I slowly got up. I looked a mess. I didn't like the new look. The blood and everything. I'm not a murder. I just don't like dead people? Does that make sense. I don't know this is to much to think about.


I slept with Glenn that night. When Daryl was asleep I stuck into his tent. I felt safe. Not like I'm not safe with Daryl. It's only because I can talk to Glenn.

Daryl likes to keep to himself and barely ever talks about the way he feels. And with Glenn I can talk to him. And it makes things better.

"It's our fault. We shouldn't have left" Glenn said as I laird next to him.

"You saying Merle is not important?" I asked him. I knew if he said yes I wouldn't blame him.

"No. I'm saying not that many people" He said as he looked down at me.

I knew what he meant. I shouldn't have gone so I could stay here. But I didn't have my Katana and what if I got bit?

"I needed to go. To find my brother and I needed to toughen up. That's what I did. I got you out of there with just myself. I killed all those walkers out there" I said as I sat up. I didn't like that I was trying to prove myself to someone.

"Not my point. I'm saying I want you safe at all times. And when we got separated I was scared. That you wouldn't come to save me and leave me" he said as he looked down.

"Glenn, I would never. I threaten to cut off some guys feet for you" I said as I cupped his face. He laughed.

"The story is better when T-Dog says it" he said as he looked down his face still in my hands.

I kissed him. It was a nice sweet kiss. It wasn't a long one and in fact I don't know if I can. I never made out with someone. And I didn't want it to be over having half of our camp get killed. So I pulled away.

I smiled. And so did he. Before we went to bed I placed a kiss on his check and I snuggled up closer to his chest. It was nice to feel his warmth. And I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"Goodnight Glenn"

"Goodnight Y/n"

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