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"It restarts the brain?" Lori asked.

"No, just the brain stem. Basically, it's gets them up and moving" Jenner told us as he didn't take his eyes off the screen infront of him.

"But there not alive?" Rick asked.

"You tell me" Jenner said as he looks at Rick and points to the screen.

"It's nothing like before. Most of that brain is dark" Rick said shaking his head.

"Dark, lifeless, dead." Jenner described. "The frontal lobe, the neocortex, the human part, that doesn't come back. The you part. Just a shell. Driven by mindless instinct." Jenner told us.

Then all of the sudden something came through the brain and the mouth wasn't moving anyone.

"God. What was that?" Carol asked just as shocked as I was.

"He shot his patient in the head. Didn't you?" I asked him as I connected the dots.

"VI power down the main screen and the work stations." Jenner said as he completely ignores me.

"Powering down main screen and workstations" VI says as the main screen went dark.

"You have no idea what it is, do you?" I asked starting to get frustrated.

"It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, fungal" Jenner listed.

"Or the wrath of god?" Jackie asked.

"There is that." Jenner said looking down.

"Somebody must know something. Somebody somewhere." I said stepping forward Glenn's hold on me letting go.

"There are others, right? Other facilities?" Carol asked almost in a desperate way.

"There may be some. People like me." Jenner said.

"But you don't know? How can you not know?" Rick asked.

"Everything went down. Communications, directives... all of it. I've been in the dark for almost a month." Jenner told us.

"So it's not just here. There's nothing left anywhere? Nothing?" Andrea asked.

"That's what your really saying, right?" I asked him. He didn't say anything and I laughed to myself.

I heard a Jackie mumble Jesus under her breath. I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt Glenn stand next to me. He reminded me of a puppy dog not getting enough attention. He grabbed my hand.

"Man, I'm gonna get shitfaced drunk again." Daryl said as he walked away.

"Dr. Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and i hate to ask one more question, but... that clock it's counting down" Dale said as he pointed to a clock. I looked over. A big clock with bold red letters slowly counting down the time. "What happens at zero?" Dale asked him.

"The basement generators they run out of fuel" Jenner said quickly and turned around.

"And then?" Rick asked starting to get impatient with the Doctor in front of him.

Jenner started to walk away completely ignoring Rick. I was tired of this man ignoring our questions.

"VI what happens when the power runs out?" I called out to the computer.

"When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur" VI told us.

The word sounded so familiar to me but I couldn't figure out what it meant. But I knew some bad shit was about to go down.


Rick, Shane, Glenn, T-dog and I raced down to the basement to find the generator.

"Decontamination what does that mean?" Glenn asked as we raced down the stairs. Rick was in lead then me following close behind him.

"I don't like the way Jenner clammed up. They way he just wondered off like that" Rick said.

"What's wrong with him? Seriously man. Is he nuts? Medicated, what?" T-Dog said as he reached the end of the long stairway.

"In there" Rick said as he pointed to the room at the end of the hall ignoring T-Dog.

We walked into a room. We all had flashlights. It was completely dark. I felt Glenn bump into me and apologized.

All of the sudden the lights came on. I walked farther into the room so the others could have some space too. I looked around. There were a bunch of cans that had the word caution on it.

It was a big room and the generator shoudlnt be hard to find.

"Check that way" Rick said motioning to me and Glenn. We went off in the direction we were told. I was tired of this bullshit and I wanted to get this over with.

I took the lead looking for one so we could get the hell out of here and then I could beat the shut out of Jenner.

I turned the corner and it was a long dingy hallway. It kind of looked like something from a horror movie.

We walked down the path even slower. I was starting to get nervous and something didn't seem right. Then all of the sudden the lights flicker off and turn off. Some of of the lights stayed on.

"Emergency lighting on" I heard VI say. I tended up I felt Glenn bump into me again.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked Glenn amd T-Dog.

"I don't know but this don't feel right" T-Dog said agreeing with me.

"I don't trust Jenner. I bet he is hiding something from us" I told them as we walked more into the hallway. "You see how he tended up when we talked about that one patient? I bet you that he knew that person personal" I said as we walked further.

"I agree with you on that" Glenn said from behind me.

"I don't trust this place anymore" T-Dog said. I know he was completely right.

"We need to get out of here" I told them. We turned back around and raced to check up on Rick and Shane. Not so much Shane.

"Hey you guys kill the lights" Glenn asked as we saw them.

"Nah it just went out" Shane told him. He was busy looking at some sort of machine.

"Anything?" Rick asked us.

"Yeah a lot of dead generations" I said as I huffed out a sigh. "And more empty fuel drinks than I can count" I went on.


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