89| Following Tracks

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Daryl was right. My legs aches and it was completely pointless being in the dark searching for someone that was probably dead. If not maybe he would be able to tell us what the fuck happened. At this point I'm taking Randel's word over Shane's any day.

"We're just back to square one" Glenn said as we did in fact make a loop to where we were where we started from.

"If you're gonna do a thing, you might as well do it right now" Daryl said. (Guys what did he mean by this? Did it mean like pee or something? 😭)

We walked only a little farther until I stood beside Daryl and saw soemrhing weird on a tree.

"Give me that" I said as I grabbed the flashlight from Daryl's hand and pointed it at the tree. "There's fresh blood on this tree." I said as I even got a closer look.

"There's more tracks" Daryl mumbled as he snatched the flashlight back and shined it to the ground. "Looks like they're walking in a tandem"

An animal screeched and it made Glenn bumb into me which I fell into Daryl. Which led to me loosing my footing and falling right on my ass.

"Wow thanks guys" I said as I groaned as I got up.

"Sorry" Glenn mumbled as he helped me up. I brushed myself off as Daryl leg out a small laugh.

"Fucking dumbass" He said as he kept on walking.

"Fucking dumbass" I mocked in a high pitched girly voice.

"I don't sound like that" he growled at me.

"Yeah kinda do" I argued back with him. He mumbled something under his breath and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, there was a little dust up right here." Daryl said as he was focused on the ground.

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked, he was shaken up and scared.

"He means something went down" I said as I grabbed his hand and gave it a scream. When I was little I used to go hunting with Daryl and Dad and we got all the lingo from Dad.

"It's getting weird" Glenn mumbled. Which he was not wrong about that. I was even more mad that Rick went off with Shane alone. I knew he could handle himself but what happens if Shane catches him off guard. I shuddered at the thought.

"You okay?" Glenn asked as he noticed the state I was in.

"Yeah just worried" I said as I stuck more close to him.

"Had a little trouble" Daryl said as he pointed the flashlight to a black blindfolded on the ground. I picked it up and held it to the light.

There was a rustling noise and I jumped and dropped the blindfold on the ground and quickly ran up and hid with Glenn behind a tree. I held my katana out to my stomach just in case.

I looked behind my tree, my heart beating in my chest as I walker slugged by. His feet dragging him ever so slightly. Daryl whistled and tossed the flashlight to Glenn who easily caught it.

I heard the Walker get closer and closer. With each step and groan. When Glenn turned around the Walker met right in front of his face.

The Walker grabbed Glenn and Glenn flew down to the side. The Walker went after Daryl who shot an arrow and missed. I grabbed my sword and went to help Daryl. I stuck the sword  through the walkers head. The Walker fell down to the ground as I pulled my sword out.

"Gross" I mumbled at all the walked guts that were on the sword.

By then Daryl and Glenn were on their feet right next to me.

"You're welcome" I said as I smiled knowing I saved both of their asses.

"Yeah yeah" Daryl mumbled.

"Well we know what happened to Randel" I said as I looked at the familiar looking face of the Walker.

Daryl bent down to the ground to get a better look at what once was Randel.

"Got his neck broke" He said as he looked the dislocated neck around. He flipped the Randel over to look for any sort of bites, scratches. "He got no bites"

"Yeah, none you can see" Glenn said as he leaned down next to Daryl.

"Glenn, he had to die from a broken neck. We can strip him naked and still he wouldn't have any. Which seems pretty weird and disrespectful to do. But this is an even bigger point to bring up. Shane definitely fucking killed Randel. But why?" I asked as I walked around the body. "Why would he need to kill Randel?" I mumbled under my breath.

"How's that possible? You need to get bit to be a Walker" Glenn said as he stood up.

Million thoughts raced through my head. Daryl stood up and started to run towards where we can from. I quickly grabbed Glenn's hand and made him follow after me.

I'm so sorry to end this chapter short but this is where it left off in the episode !! One more episode left. I'm going to split it up into two parts. Love you all!!

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