48| No Guns

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(My bf can't talk for like... until 5 hours. So I'm rlly sad and I need to past the time... so more chapters for y'all. and like I realized I made this short... but I do it until 1000 words. And I have mine in book format where it's 6 pages long. I don't know about scrolling. Sorry abt that)


"I'd perfer you not carrying guns on my property" Hershel told us. Well sprinkles isn't a gun. "We managed so far without turning this into a armed camp" Hershel said. Well we can use knifes or Andrea might call 'pointy sticks'.

"With all due respect you get a crowd of those things wondering in here..." Shane wondered off.

"We're guests here. This is your property. And we will respect that" Rick said looking at Shane. He then laid his gun down. I don't carry guns. Guns are lame.

Shane then placed his on the hood of the car too. A little more aggressively.

"First things first: set camp, find Sophia" Rick instructed us.

"I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody got too" Shane started, I rolled my eyes. "What happens if we find her and she is bit?" He asked. I was completely shocked. He is thinking of her like she is already dead. "I think we should all be clear on how we handle that" Shane finished.

"You do what has to be done" Rick replied.

"And Carol? What do you tell her?" I asked them. I was a little pissed off that they were loosing hope.

"The truth" Andrea replied. I wanted to punch her again.

"I'll gather and secure all weapons. Make sure no one is carrying till we're at a practice range off site. I do request one rifleman on lookout. Sales got experience" Shane put out.

"Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun" Rick added. Hershel shook his head.

"Thank you" Rick said. Shane and Daryl already started to move out.

"That stuff you brought. Got more antibiotics, bandages, anything like that?" Maggie asked us. Before I could reply Andrea beat me to it.

"Just what you've seen" Andrea said as she walked off.

"We're running short already. I should make a run into town" Maggie offered.

"I'll come with" I told her, she gave me a smile.

"No" Rick said as he grabbed my arm.

"Oh my god. You kept me from one thing don't keep me from another. I'm a nurse. I know what we need and what can be helpful" I said to Rick. He let go of my arm and slowly nodded his head.

"Not the place Shane went" Rick said sternly.

"No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road. I've done it before. Plus Y/n will be a good help" Maggie told us.

"See our man there in the baseball cap?" He said as he motioned to Glenn. "That's Glenn, our go to town experts I'd ask him to go along to be cautious. Plus he wouldn't stay here if Y/n went" Rick said. I nodded and so did Maggie.

I went over to Glenn. He was helping setting up tents. I gave my tent to Andrea who complained about being with Dale in the Rv 24/7, because I was going to stay with Glenn.

"Hey" I replied as I jumped infront of him.

"Hey" he said as he set up a pole in the ground.

"We're going on a run" I said with a smile.

"Who is we?" He said as he didn't take his eyes off the pole.

"Me and Maggie. And you. Rick is making you go" I said as I sat on a log. My feet were killing me.

"You shouldn't be going" he said sternly as he finally looked at me.

"Oh boo hoo. I'm a nurse. I know what we need. Plus this baby wants some adventure in there life" I said as I pointed to my stomach.

"Fine. But you do not go out of my site" he said as he kissed my head.

"Roger that" I replied as I went off to go find Maggie.

She was walking inside.

"Hey Maggie" I said as I followed her inside.

"Hey just in time. I'm going to the attic to get the thing. I could use a little help" she said as I followed her.

Her room was the way to get to the attic. You went through another door and there was the attic. We walked up the creaky stairs.

It smelled up dust. The hot summer sun sure did beat down on the house. The attic was in fact very dusty. I sneezed as we made it to the top of the steps.

"Bless you" she mumbled as she looked around.

I looked on the opposite side. I saw old photos, clothes, toys and dolls. I looked at an old photo. It was a little blonde girl sitting on a tire swing. I assumed it was Beth. I smiled. I placed it down.

"Found it" she called. I walked over to her. "Trust me. This thing is new. As soon as mom died we put her stuff in here. To hard to look at" she referred to her mom as her step mom.

Walkers got both her mom and her step mom. I smiled sadly.

"Okay, we got this" I told her as I went to lift it up but she stopped me.

"I got it" she told me. I hufffed a little.

"Come on. I got this" I said as I bent down to help her. She went down first and I held up the rear. It wasn't terrible to carry actual. It wasn't that heavy. We made it down the attic stairs. As soon as we did that. We took a tiny break and picked it back up to carry down the rest of the stairs.

As soon as we did it, Hershel and Glenn were in the living room. Glenn had his hands crossed over his chest.

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