20| Holes

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I'm working on Daryl and Carl. I LOVE DARYL. he is so cute I swear 🤭🤭


Glenn stayed close to me after what happened. Like extremely close. I didn't mind it. I never liked being alone. Being alone means being alone with your thoughts and that may be the most terrible thing for someone to go through.

"Do you think Justin Timberlake is dead?" I asked him as we were sitting on some logs.

"Probably. Most celebrities are" he said as he picked up a stick.

"I never understood why his song Mirrors was like 8 minutes long" I said as I giggled a bit.

"I never knew that. So tell me. You listen to all 8 minutes of that?" He asked me with a smile.

"Yes actually many of times" I said as I slightly pushed him.

He opened his mouth to say something before I heard a gunshot go off. I looked up to see Andrea holding a gun. I grabbed Glenn's hand.

She killed her. My heart broke a little for Andrea. I couldn't never imagine going through something like that.

Everyone was standing around her. They didn't say anything. I slightly dropped my head.


It's been a couple of hours. Glenn and I got into a small disagreement about how Justin Timberlake was a horrible song writer.

"I'll have you know that all of that 8 minutes was heaven" I told him as I crossed my arms.

"Your only saying that because your inlove with him" he snickered as he poked me.

"I am not actually" I said. "I'm in love with someone else" I said dramatically.

"Who?" He asked me suspiciously.

"Dale" I joked. I couldn't help it. The look on Glenn's face made me almost pee my pants.

"You better be joking" he said as he went over to me and started to tickle me. I fell on the floor laughing.

"Please stop before I pee my pants" I said out of breath. He finally stopped. He held out his hand for me to grab.

"We should go. For the burial" he said as he led me to the hill.

I nodded. This was the first funeral I have been to in a while. And knowing the world we live in it won't be the last.

We got up there and Lori was saying something about having nothing to hold on too. It was hard to understand because we got there so late.

It was very quiet. Andrea wanted to bury Amy by herself. Everyone stepped back but of course Dale didn't. He had to much of a heart to let her do something like that by self.

She slowly dragged the body to the hole. Dale right infront of her to help if she needed.

I was standing next to Glenn. He grabbed my hand and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Daryl was on the other end of us. We still weren't talking. This might be the longest time he haven't talked to eachother before.

Andrea was obliviously struggling and Dale went to grab my feet by Andrea stopped him. "I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it." She repeated over and over again. Of course Dale didn't listen and helped at the end.

Andrea stood there for a couple seconds trying to lay Amy down peacefully. It wasn't that big of a hole and she moved around trying to figure it out. I grabbed Glenn's hand holding back tears.

Amy was a very sweet girl. She was always talking and she always had a big smile on her face. And I loved to be around her. Seeing such a sweet perosn go was terrible.

Dale helped Andrea back up from the hole. She was panting and obviously a mess. She was Amy's blood all over her.


We were walking back. No one spoke and I think it was better that way. I was still holding Glenn's hand. It was nice to be comforted in a time like this. To have someone to care and hold on too.

It was a quiet walk back. I needed to talk to Daryl soon but I couldn't find the right time and I didn't want to rush it. So maybe at the C.D.C I would talk to him.

I don't think we could stay here any longer and we needed to find some actual shelter soon. I didn't want to stay in gent forever and they were killing my back.

It was time for some meeting. We were sitting around the camp fire. I was sitting super close to Glenn. Maybe close to being on his lap. Shane was around. He gave us a quick look and looked at Rick. Maybe he got the hint.

"I've been uh I've been thinking about Ricks plan. Now look, there's are no...there are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first in the morning. Okay?" Shane announced to the group.

I smiled a bit. Now we have a way out. Maybe we could finally get some actual shelter at the C.D.C and finally be okay. Not have to worry about where out next meal comes from, or sleep with one eye open. This is finally our chance.

We have been lucky for awhile now. And we need to be stable.

I looked up at Glenn. He looked down at me. I smiled and leaned in for a kiss. This might be the happiest even been in a while. No we can finally be okay. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He was handome.

I couldn't wait to start a family with him. As soon as this is all over. And then we could have a family go our own.

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