6| Going Back

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It was Carl. I could tell because he screamed for his mom. We all jumped into action. Going to see what was wrong.

Grammy said "it's better to go into situations on the brighter side" I followed Glenn to the screams.

It was in the woods. As soon as we got there Carl and Sophia ran into there parents arms. I let out a breath, thankful that none of them got hurt.

The rest of us ran. I wanted to see what was up. Re ran farther into the woods looking for the 'walker' that caused Sophia and Carl to scream.

We soon got to the clearing. It was a walker that was eating a deer. Poor thing. I stepped closer to Glenn. "Oh god" I whispered.

I managed to not kill one. I was never going to anyways. I could never take another person live even if they weren't alive. I couldn't bring myself to it.

Everyone stood around it. Someone stepped on a branch and it alerted the thing that we were here. I got up and growled at us. It went straight to Rick. Rick hurried up and hit it on the head. Shanks then used the butt of his gin to hit it in the back. Then Glenn and T-Dog went at it. I stayed back.

The repeatedly did that over and over again. I thought about Merle. That's what could of happened to him. He could be a walker and someone would be beating at him. Tears filled in my eyes.

He could be a complete jerk but he protected me from dad. He was still my brother, my blood.

Dale chopped off his head. Everyone relaxed. Glenn went back to me and hugged me. It all shook my up. I needed Daryl back.

"It's the first one we've had up here" Dale said as they were all done. "They never come this far up the mountain" Dale said as he shook his head.

"Well there running out of food in the city that's what" Jim said.

All of the sudden more tree branches broke. I clung more to Glenn.

Then came out Daryl with his crossbow. I sighed in relief. I let go of Glenn and ran up to Daryl. I couldn't hold my emotions up anymore and broke down.

"What the fuck y'all do to her?" He asked as he wrapped one arm around me. "And my deer. God damn it" he said as he shook his head.

"We didn't do anything. We need to talk to you" Shane says trying to stay calm.

"Yeah better have a good explanation about why my baby sister is in tears" he said.

"Merle" I whispered.

"What? What about Merle?" He said as he looked at me. I pulled away from the hug. I wiped my tears and before I could speak Rick did it for me.

"Daryl, just slow up a bit. Let me talk to you" Shane said as we walked back to the camp.

Daryl stopped and turned around. "It better be why you got my sister crying" he said.

"About Merle. There's a... there was a problem in Atlanta" Shane said as he wiped his face.

"He dead?" He asked as he looked around.

"We're not sure" Shane told him. At those words I broke down on the ground crying. Glenn ran up and wrapped his arms around me.

"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl yelled at Shane.

"No easy why to say this, so I'll just say it" Rick said as he stepped up.

"Who are you?" Daryl asked him. My crying slowed down a bit. But I was still pretty shaken up.

"Rick Grimes" Rick told him.

"Rick grimes, you got someone you want to tell me?" Daryl asked me.

"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there" Rick told him. I tried not to cry again as I thought of Merle chained up.

"Hold on. Let me process this. Your saying you hand cuffed my brother to a roof. And you left him there?! I can't believe I left my sister with y'all pieces of shits" Daryl said as he looked at me on the ground.

"Yeah" Rick said.

All of the sudden Daryl threw his Crossbow at Rick. Rick ducked it and Shane tackled him. I got up and ran over to Shane.

"Let him go! Let him go you jerk" I said as I hit Shane on the back. Shane let my brother go. I went over to Daryl and helped him up.

"I'd like to have a clam discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?" Rick asked.

"Yes" I answered for him. "I'm sorry about his actions but you can tell he is upset" I said as I looked at Rick.

"Apology accepted" Rick said with a small smile towards me. What if did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others" Rick said to us.

"It's not ricks fault I had the key. I dropped it" T-Dog said. I knew T-Dog was trying and after what Merle said to him I was a little torn. Merle had no right to say what he said and I apologized to T-Dog.

"You couldn't pick it up?" Daryl asked him.

"I dropped it down the drain" T-Dog mumbled. I could tell he was really sorry.

"If it's supposed to make me feel better it don't" Daryl said as he walked away. And I followed right after him.

"Well maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof. So the geeks couldn't get at him. With a padlock" T-Dog said.

"It's gotta count for something" I told Daryl.

"Hell with all of yall. Just tell me where he is. So I can go get him" Daryl said as he wiped his eyes.

"He will show you" Lori said.

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