53| Im Okay

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(Okay y'all so liek I'm going to do 2 months so she is 3 months pregnant. But like nothing important happens okay. Expect like Carl wakes up and that. But everything is the same, let's pretend that the whole baby thing is slowed down. That is was just in case because she knew her and Shane didn't use a condom and it's for later on. But the whole baby thing happens)


It's been 2 months since what Glenn did. I'm still hurt and I don't want to forgive him. This is making me think of the Bad Blood song by Taylor Swift? What Kendrick Lamar said? 'You forgive and forget but you never let it go'

That's how I feel. I'll forgive him but I won't forget. I'll have to eventually because I do love him but it's gonna take time. And I'm carrying his kid.

Im still living in the Rv. Dale let me sleep on the bed since the baby but I tired to argue with him but he wouldn't let me.

Daryl found out and tried to kill Glenn but I stopped him. Like I said I didn't want trouble. Everyone knew and Hershel seemed pretty disappointed in Maggie.

Speaking of her, I haven't talked to her. She was tried to come up to me and apologize but I didn't hear any of it. Like I said I needed time and they needed to give me it.

Rick was a big help though. He always checked up on me in the mornings and everything. He asked if I needed anything.

The morning sickness has slowed down a bit. My stomach was getting a bit bigger and you could see the baby bump. I liked to look at it in the mirror. It made me smile.

My boobs hurt like crazy. They did get bigger. And the nipples hurt like crazy. I needed to wear bigger shirts because my bras started to not fit and so did my shirts. 

Maggie went on out on the run when Andrea told her about it saying she needed help. I did thank her. I say her efforts and I would soon forgive both of them.

We still haven't found Sophia yet. Which broke my heart. Carol was going crazy trying to find her. I had a feeling that something was wrong but I didn't want to admit to something crazy like that.

I tried to help around as much as possible. But most people wouldn't let me. But I did help with laundry or keeping watch on Carl.

He has been out for a while. He has kept me company. We will play cards and I taught him a couple of card games at that too.

Right now I was by the Rv practicing with my katana. It was hard to do since I didn't have much energy but I tried. I didn't want to loose the skill that I was already perfecting.

"I see your getting pretty good" I heard a voice say. I turned around and I saw Glenn. He had a smile on his face, I assumed when he saw the look on mine his smile dropped.

I turned back around and continued to practice. But slicing the air and moving quickly in the case of being swormed.

"Y/n I'm-" before he could finish I cut him off. I knew what he was going to say. I just don't want to here it.

"I know your sorry Glenn. But doesn't change the fact you still did it" I replied as I sat down on a log to catch my breath. He walked infront of the log blocking the sun which I was grateful for.

"Y/n please. I miss you. I didn't mean to hurt you. It wasn't my fault she came on me. I want to go back and change everything. When Dale took your stuff from my tent...our tent...it broke my heart. He was taking you away from me. And I know this might seem a load of bullshit to you. But it means something to me. I've never loved anyone before. And I know it's real with you. And I don't want to fuck it up anymore then I already have" he told me. He was talking with his hands and he had tears in his eyes.

It broke my heart. I wanted to get up and kiss him. But something was holding me back. I knew he was sorry and I knew he meant everything he said but I couldn't just forgive him.

I slowly got up and walked up to him. He wiped my tears that were threatening to fall out of his eyes. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed his soft lips. It wasn't a long kiss but it was nice and small. I pulled away and placed my head on his forehead.

"I forgive you" I mumbled to him. He smiled and he wrapped his arms around me. "But we're taking things slow" I warned him as I pulled away. He quickly nodded.

"As long as it means that I can be with you and my child that's okay. I'll do whatever it takes" he said as he gave me a smile. I laughed a bit and kissed his cheek.

"Now help me get back to the Rv my feet are killing me" I said as I put my arm around his shoulder as he lead me to the RV.

I grabbed my katana before we left and I put it over my shoulder. Lori was cooking something when she smiled at us. I smiled back to her.

She flipped the meat and I gagged a little. It was awful. That horrible smell. I couldn't get over yet. I chocked down the upcoming throw up that was about to happen. I needed to stomach it.

Glenn looked at me with concern and I smiled a bit and said I was okay. And I really did mean that this time.

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