45| Praying

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(I just treated the line up. It's so sad for no reason. I don't want to finish the story 😭😭 but I will... I be poppin out chapters like my cousins pops out babies... IM SO SORRY 💀)


Glenn was sitting outside. I saw him walk out. I soon then followed him. All the chaos was slowing down. I knew it was a lot on Glenn too. I gave him a few minutes before I followed after him.

He was looking down at his hands. I leaned against the post.

"Are you praying?" I asked him as I kind of startled him.

"I was praying. I was trying to" he told me as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Do you pray a lot?" I asked him. It was the first time I saw him ever.

"No. This is my first try" he admitted to me.

"Ever?" I asked him completely shocked. "Well, when I was a kid, I used to pray for my daddy to stop drinking" I told him.

"Oh, you never told me about that" he said as he leaned back in his chair.

"You never asked" I replied softly.

"I guess that's on me" he told me. I was still wearing his hat.

"But enough about me. Let's keep talking about what's going on with you" I told him as i sat on the railing. "Praying for what?" I asked him.

"You. And the rest of us. Looks like we could all need a little help right now." He told me. I smiled. He was always so caring and he always thought about others and never himself. "You think...you think god exists?" He asked me.

(Okay, so some of you guys might now believe in god or do. So for your personal references I'm going to leave this part out. Pretend your having the conversation)

"I want our baby to be okay" he told me. I looked up at him shocked.

"I know. It's hard because if this world" I said as I looked back at my hands.

"That's what I'm afraid of" he said as he avoided eye contact.

"You know. When I was a kid. I had this big fear that I wouldn't be able to carry a kid" I told him. I never told anyone that. Expect for him.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yeah. One time, I complained to my daddy. Keep in mind I was little at the time. And he told me 'no one would want to give your sorry ass a baby anyways' and then he slapped me across the face. I never really knew why he was so angry. Rebutting I did made him made. I started to think that maybe everything was my fault. That if I wasn't born, maybe my family would be happier. But I realized that, I've come from a broken home. And it was my choice to not make it so broken. That I would do great things and have a better life for my kids. One I dreamed about. Keep in mind, I didn't dream about Zombies" I laughed lightly. "Okay what I'm trying to say is, im scared to love you because of my past. Im afraid when I tell you, you don't want to be around me. Like I'm some freak" I told him. My eyes were filled with tears and I didn't look at him. I may of spilt to much.

"Y/n/n, I would never think of you as some freak" he said as he walked over to me. "You are the most beautiful, funny, amazing and kindest women ever created. It doesn't matter about your background because it matters about now" he said as he cupped my face and wiped my tears. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm not this emotional. It's only because of the baby" I told him as he let out a small life and then he kissed my forehead.


All of the sudden a blue truck pulled up. Glenn and I were still outside but I was sitting on his lap in the rocking chair. The nice cool breeze was nice on our skin.

"Who is that?" I asked as I hoped off. Hershel and Maggie made it out of the house and down the stairs to the car.

I waited up on the porch. All of a sudden a man walked out of the car. Not just any man Shane.

"Where's the other guy?" Glenn asked me. For a minute I thought he was crazy, but then Maggie told me that Shane and Otis went to the high school to get stuff that Carl needs.

"I guess he didn't make it?" I said. It was almost like a question in a way.

"You know Shane, something else happened" He told him. I knew he was right. It scared me. Every time I was in a room with Shane there was this off sense. Like it was eerie and off putting.

"We say nothing to Patricia. Not till after I need her" Hershel tells all of us. I but my head down. It was true. He didn't make it. I couldn't image the pain of loosing your husband or wife like that.

It must of been horrible. And Patricia, the times I met her she was super sweet.

I saw Rick give Shane a hug. I lowered my head. In a way, I feel like Rick knew something was up but he didn't want to admit to himself that his best friend would do something like that.

He had to of known about Lori and Shane. He had to right?

I saw Maggie put her head down. I didn't know Maggie for long, but I always wanted a friend. Like when I was younger, not many kids wanted to be around me because of the stories of Merle. Expect for Michonne. I told her everything and she still didn't care.

I walked down there. I walked over to Maggie and put my hand on her back. I felt her lean into me a little. I smiled a bit. I haven't felt his way about a friend since Michonne. Maybe I could have the best friend again..?

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