68| What is that?

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"Can you shot?" Shane asked Maggie. What was wrong with him to have him think that Maggie was going to go against her own dad.

"Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight" Maggie tells him. He wasn't listening and he just walked away.

"We have to stay, Shane" Carl said as he walked down the porch steps.

"What is this?" Lori asked as she followed right behind her son.

"We ain't going anywhere, okay? Now look, Hershel, she's just gotta understand, Okay? He-" Shane started to tell us. I heard the door open and I saw Carter come out and stand next to Maggie. "Well, he's gonna have to" He finished. "Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" Shane said.

"You're such a fucking hypocrite. You don't even think Sophia is still alive anymore Shane. It's obvious. You're doing this to benefit yourself. Because ever since Rick came back your not the fucking leader anymore" I started to tell him. I felt Glenn pull my arm back but I pulled it away. "I'm going to promise you one thing, as soon as this baby gets out. And if you try to do anything to fuck with me I'm going to fucking kill you myself" I spit at him.

"Y/n" Daryl growled as he pulled me back.

I wasn't joking. If I had to. I was going to kill him. He was a danger to all of us and I could not help it if none of them could realize it.

"Shane just stop" Carter said as he grabbed Maggie's hand to help calm her down.

He ignored all of us and stepped down in front of Carl. "Now I want you to take this. You take it, Carl. And you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the gun and you do it." Shane went on but Lori stepped infront of her kid.

"Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make" Lori spit at him.

"Oh shit" T-Dog said.

We all turned around and looked at the direction of where he was looking at.

"What is that?" Shane said as he started to run. To the barn where we say Jimmy, Hershel and Rick.

(Guys since y/n is pregnant let's pretend not for like this part so she can run and not seem like rlly slow and be left behind because that's going to be rlly weird)

"What is that?" Shane said to himself again as he continued to take off.

"Shane!" Lori yelled after him. We all took of running after him. I was glad I took track in Highschool, because I can still run pretty fine.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shane yelled at Rick as we made it to the barn.

"Shane, just back off" Rick told him sternly as he was handling a walking. Both Hershel and Rick both had walkers on some sort of stick and Jimmy was guiding them along.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel asked through grit teeth as he was handling a Walker.

"Are you kidding me? You see? You see that they're holding onto?" Shane started yelling as he was circling around the walkers.

"I see who I'm holding onto" Hershel but back at him.

"No, man, you don't" Shane said as he contained on walking around.

"Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk" Rick said as he continued to struggle with the Walker.

"What you want to talk about Rick? These things aren't suck. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them. Cause all they do, they kill. These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us" Shane went on. I looked at him in disbelief. How could he bring up all of those people and feel no remorse to any of it.

"Shane, shut up!" Rick yelled at him.

"Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" Shane asked as he pulled out his home and shot the Walker in the chest multiple times.

"No!" Rick shouted at Shane.

The Walker only contained to growl back. The look on Hershel's face was pure terror. He almost looked hurt.

"Stop it!" Rick yelled at him as he continued to hold onto the Walker he had.

"That's three rounds to the chest. Could someone who's alive could they just take that?! Why is it still coming?" Shane yelled as he shot the Walker again. "That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?! He contained to yell. He kept on shooting the Walker.

"Shane, enough" Rick yelled at him again.

"Yeah, you're right man. That is enough" he said as he walked towards Hershel who was holding the Walker. And shit the Walker in the head. Hershel let go of the Walker and he fell to the floor.

It almost seemed like the whole world went quiet. I took a step back and kind of just stood there. The look on everyone's faces were kind of scared to see Shane do all of this.

"Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" Shane yelled.

"You fucking bitch. Say her fucking name one more time and I'll-" I said as I felt someone pull me back. I didn't see who or care for that matter. He couldn't even say her name.

"Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough! Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now!" Shane yelled as he ran to the barn doors.

"Take the snare pole" Rick shouted to Hershel. "Hershel take the snare pole" Hershel just sat there on the ground looking off into the distance. "Hershel, listen to me, man, please" Rick begged him. "Take it now. Hershel! Take it!" I was to busting listen to Rick to not even pay attention to what Shane was doing.

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