9| The Plan

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"What about 1,00 dumb dead bastards? Different story?" Rick asked Daryl. They were now in each others faces.

"Why don't you take a tally? Do what you want. I'm going to go get him" Daryl said as he tried to move past Rick. But Rick was quick and he shoved Daryl back.

"Daryl, wait!" Rick said through gritted teeth. "Get your hands off me! You can't stop me!" Daryl shouted in his face.

I saw Glenn mouth shut. They were being to loud and they were going to attract Walkers.

"I don't blame you. He's family I get that. I went through hell to find mine. I know exactly how you feel. He can't get far with that injury. We could help you check a few blocks around but only is we keep a level head" Rick told him, lowering his voice.

It took a second for him to answer back. I knew he knew what Rick was saying and that he needed to stay calm.

"I could do that" Daryl said. Rick looked at us for back up.

"Only if we get those guns first. I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?" T-Dog said, Rick nodded in return.

I knew what T-Dog was saying. I heard Glenn talk about the herd and how scared he was. He was afraid that he would make it out alive to see me again.

It was a scary thing. No one expected this to happened. If you take a look around the office, none of them did.


We got to a part in the office. We closed the door. Rick and Glenn to a white board and mapped out Atlanta.

Desks were over turned. It was horrible to think about how many people suffered.

"Your not doing this alone" I told Glenn. He wanted to go out and get the guns. His idea being one person worked better. He was fast and he had runned the streets before.

"Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much" Daryl said as he leaned over a desk.

"It's a good idea, okay, if you just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone I can move fast" Glenn said as he looked at us.

I didn't want Glenn to go alone. He could get killed and I would have the guilt the rest of my life.

"Look" he said as he grabbed the marker and showed us the map. He picked up a a clip and put it on the map. "That's the tank, glove blocks from where we are now" He told us. He added a pice of paper and put it right next to the clip. "That's the bag of guns. There's the alley I dragged you into when he firsts met" Glenn said as he pointed and looked at Rick. "That's where Daryl and I will go" Glenn said.

"Why me?" Daryl asked as he stood up.

"Your crossbow is quieter then his gun" Glenn said. Daryl nodded and looked at the ground. He couldn't argue with that.

"While Daryl waits here in the alley, I run up the street, Grab the bag of guns" Glenn said as he looked up pretty proud of himself.

"You got us elsewhere?" Rick asked him.

"You and T-Dog right? You will be in this alley here" Glenn said as he grabbed a eraser.

"Two blocks away, why?" I asked as I crossed my arm over my chest.

"I may not be able to come back the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens I won't go back to Daryl. I'll go forward instead. All the way to that alley where Rick and T-Dog will beg which direction I go, I got you in both places to cover me" he said as he finished and looked around. "Afterwards we'll all meet back here"

"Wait. What about me? I swear to god if you put me here I won't hesitate to punch you" I said as I got frustrated. I had potential.

"You will be with Rick and Glenn. I trust them to keep you safe" he told me as he stood up. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wish so you don't trust me to keep my own godamn sister safe?" Daryl asked as he came up to me and stood beside me.

"No because it's a small alley and it goes hirewire I don't want us all to be piled up" he said defensively.

"What'd you do before all of this?" Rick asked Glenn.

"DeliverEd Pizzas" Glenn said with a smile.


Rick, T-Dog we're in our alley. I had to admit waiting around bored me. Though it did get me thinking.

About a friend I had in nursing school. She was quiet and stayed to herself. She wasn't just my friend she was my best friend actually.

I used to get made fun of for talking so much. And people called me blabber mouth. And me day she defended me like it was nothing.

After class I came up to her and said thank you. She said no problem and that I reminded her of and old friend. Then we got to talking.

I found out she lived in a dorm across from me. And that's when we used to sneak out, sleep overs, partying whatever.

She was older then me, she said she got caught up with stuff and didn't have a chance to start her career but she wanted to start it off now.

I hoped she got out alive. She was one badass lady. Look more curse words as I go. I knew she would. And one day I would find her again. And maybe she could stay with the group so I wouldn't have to leave her again.

She was my best friend and maybe even my only friend. At the time and now. I wonder where you are Michonne?

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