42| Shot

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"You still worrying about it?" Andrea asked Lori. It's been a while since the gun shot happened. We brushed it off and continued to keep walking.

"It was a gunshot" Lori states.

"We all heard it" Daryl said from the front of the line.

"Why one? Why just one gunshot?" Lori asked. I mean it did make sense because I don't think they would just fire a gun.

"Maybe they room down a Walker" Daryl suggested getting frustrated how we were stopping again.

"Please don't patronize me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to our down one Walker" Lori said, her words were coming out fast and harsh. She was freaking out. "Or Shane. They would do it quietly" She stated out of breath. She talked like she was on a time limit.

"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol asked softly.

"There's nothing we can do about it anyway. Can't run around these woods chasing echoes" Daryl says looking around.

"So what do we do?" Lori asked still talking fast.

"Same as we been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway" Daryl grunts.

"I'm sure they hook up with us back at the RV" Andrew said. Her eye was already bruising. I was pretty proud of myself.

Lori then looks down and follows after us. We have been walking for a while and nothing of Sophia's had popped up.

Not even a trail or anything. We stopped as we saw Andrea and Carol talked quietly.

"The thought of her out here by herself...it's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy" Carol said, damn that was a little harsh though. I looked at Andrea's face for any emotion.

"Oh god. That's the worst thing I ever said" Carol said fixing herself and grabbing Andreas hands.

"We're all hoping and praying with you, for what's it's worth" Andrea said shaking her head dismissively.

"I'll tell you what's it's worth. Not a damn thing. It's a waste of time hoping and praying. Cause we're gonna locate that little girl she is going to be just fine. Am I only one zen around here?" Daryl asked us. I rolled my eyes.

"Such a cock big boy. Seriously, let them hold on to something" I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

We started to walk again. I felt Daryl push past me. "So you mad now?" I called after him. I heard a little laughs from Lori and Carol. And I smiled back at them.

I walked behind Andrea. "We cool?" I asked her. She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah. I needed that anyways" she said. I gave her a smile and we continued to walk.


"Well loose light before to long" I pointed out and we all stopped.

"I think we should call it" Daryl said agreeing with me.

"Let's head back" Lori told us.

"We'll pick it up again tomorrow?" Carol asked.

"Yeah, we'll find her tomorrow" Lori said quickly.

Daryl let out a whistle and he followed him.

"What's with the whistling? We ain't your dogs?" I told him as I followed him.

"Sure act like it" he fired back.

"Well you look like one" I mumbled to him as I let out a little laugh.


"How much farther?" I asked Daryl as we walked through high grass.

"Not much. Maybe a hundred yards. As the crow files" he told me. I huffed. I hated that saying.

"To bad we're not crows" I heard Andrea mumble.

We continued to walk. I dragged my legs. The were already getting tried. I don't think I could do this much longer. My whole body felt tired.

"Oh" I heard Andrea say. It looked like she got caught in some branches. I turned around and looked at her. Watching her struggle.

"As the crow flies my ass" she said as she got out of it. All do the sudden a Walker came out of nowhere. Before I could warn her the Walker already tackled her and she screamed. I ran to help her.

I sliced the walkers head clean off it's body. I held out my hand to help her help.

As she got up, a women with a horse appeared out of nowhere. I looked too see her. She looked about my age and she had short hair. She looked like a good looking lady.

"Who's Lori? Rick sent me you've got to come now" she said I heard her thick country accent.

"What?" Lori asked her.

It was strange to met a women come out of nowhere and know your friends name and her husbands.

"There has been an accident. Carls been shot" she said. My heart dropped. Not Carl. "He's still alive but you need to come now" the girl said. She seemed pretty legit too. Knowing there names and stuff too.

"Rick needs you just come!" The women said. Lori quickly took of her bag and threw it on the ground and went to the girl.

"Whoa whoa whoa. We don't know this girl" Daryl said stopping Lori.

"Man shut up. She seems pretty legit and she knows there names. Remember that gunshot? That could of been Carl. Lori go" I instructed her. She nodded her head and so did the girl on the horse .

"You can't get on that horse" Daryl said Ignoring me.

"Rick said you had others on the highway? Big traffic snarl? Backtrack to Fairborn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox. The name is Greene" She said as soon as Lori got settled she took off.

I watched the horse take off in the distance. I smiled. Lori was going to check on Carl. I knew he was going to be okay.

"Let's get back to the highway" I told everyone. They all looked at me. We heard the Walker snarl and Daryl out a crossbow through its head fisnhing my work. "Shut up" he spit.

I laughed and I walked ahead.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now