69| Sophia

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Shane went at the barn door with an ax. The sound of the banging definitely awoken the walkers by now. You could hear them growl. The shooting of Lori and Rick filled my ears.

"No Shane! Do not do this, Brother. Wait!" Rick shouted at Shane who clearly ignored him.

"Don't do it!" Glenn yelled at Shane.

"Rick!" Lori yelled as she yelled her son back.

"Please!" Rick shouted.

Shane took off the board that held onto the barn with it. He banged on the door as he walked away from it pulling out his gun.

"This is not the way!" Rick yelled at him. "Please!" Rick shouted. The door creaked open and walkers spilled out. I was the one who didn't take a gun out.

I watched as the rest of them did. Carter who stood in front of Maggie who was holding her breaking down dad. Andrea and T-Dog ran up to stand next to Shane to shoot down the walkers. Daryl following behind. Glenn gave me one last look and followed after them. I stood next to Carol who looked like she was about to cry. Shane shot the Walker Rick had.

Rick let go off the pole in anger as he contained to shot down the walkers. I held onto Carol as she watched what happened before us. Lori held on to Carl with all she could as Rick had to help what Shane messed up.

The shooting stopped. All the walkers fell to the ground. It was all silent. I held on to Carol as I felt tears in my eyes. Everyone put down there guns. No one said anything. We all looked around at everyone but nothing was said.

Dale came over as he saw what had just happened. He missed all of it. Jimmy held a weeping Beth. Carter put his hand on Maggie's shoulder as Maggie hanged on to her dad. I heard a soft growling. One of left.

The  small Walker, walked out of the barn. It was a kid. Not just a kid. A little girl. And that little girl. Was Sophia.

Carol ran out of my hands wailing the little girls name. I hurried after her. I stopped her and fell to the ground with her as she weeped for her lost child. I felt hot tears roll down my eyes to as I watched the Walker step forward.

No one did anything. I don't think anyone could. The small Walker walked around the bodies. "Sophia" Carol sobbed into my arms.

Rick stepped forward. He walked towards the Walker. It felt like it should be him to do so. It took him a couple of seconds. Then the sound of a gunshot went off. And the little girl dropped to the ground.

Carol wrapped louder as her body collapsed into my hands. My heart almost broke in half. The sounds of carols sobs filled everyone's ears.

Daryl walked over to me and picked Carol up. I have him a nodd as he carried her away. "Don't look" he told her as her eyes fell to the body on the ground. She pulled away from him and stormed off.

She needed to be alone who could blame her. She just lost her child. I stayed on the ground wiping the tears off my face. I felt someone come up behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Glenn. He leaned over me and kissed my head.

The only thing you could hear was the sound of Beth sobbing. She broke fear from Jimmy and walked over to the walkers.

"Shh shh shh. Wait wait wait wait" Rick told her as she pulled away and ran to the bodies. She walked over to the body who I assumed was her mom. The rolled the body over and the Walker who turned out wasn't dead grabbed a hold of her hair.

Everyone hurried over and grabbed Beth away from the Walker. T-Dog stepped on the walkers head which was completely not really needed due to the circumstances.

Glenn held on to the walkers hands as Andrea used the pix ace right in her brain. I sat there and watched the scene unfold.

Glenn dropped the body. Everyone stood around. Hershel held on to his daughter.

We walked up the hill and Shane woudlnt shut up.

"We've been out. We've been out comping the woods look for her" he stated. God would he ever just shut the fuck up.

How stupid could he be? No one wanted to hear him. I turned around and punched him in the face. He fell back and tried over his feet and fell to the ground.

"That girl. The one you want even calm by her own name. Yeah her. She was a fucking child. No one knew she was fucking dead! You're such a fucking bitch! If anything you should have been that Walker in the barn not fucking her!" I shouted at him. I felt hot tears roll down my face. I

"Y/n" Rick said as he pulled me away.

"Let go of me" I screamed. I wiped the gears off my face as I walked ahead.

"Leave us alone!" Maggie yelled at him.

"Hey, Shane, just stop man" Rick told him as he tried to pull him back.

"Get your hands off me" Shane snapped at Rick. "You knew and you didn't tell us" he went on.

"I didn't know" Hershel said sincerely.

"Bullshit" Shane said back.

"Your bullshit" I told him.

"I think y'all knew" Shane went on ignoring me.

"We didn't know!" Maggie told him as they walked up to Hershel's house.

"Why was she there?!" Shane yelled.

"Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed" Hershel tried to reason with him.

"You expect me to believe that?" Shane snapped. "What do I look like an idiot?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said as I snorted.

"Shane, Hey" Rick said as he put his hand infront of Shane.

"I don't care what you believe!" Hershel yelled at him.

"Everybody just calm down" Rick tried to reason.

"Get him off my land!" Hershel yelled.

"Please. No" Rick tried to say.

"Let me tell you something" Shane said as he got closer to Hershel.

Maggie slapped Shane as Rick pulled him back. "Hey, don't touch him!" Maggie yelled. Glenn stepped in front of Shane before anything could get any worse. "Heavent you done enough?" Maggie asked him as she turned back and walked into her house.

Hershel went up the steps. "I mean it. Off my land." Hershel said as he inside his house.

"Nice going dumb nut" I told him as I walked away from him Glenn following behind me.

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