22|On the road

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We have been riding for a couple of hours. I fell asleep after a while. I was laying in Glenn's arms. He told me I could sleep and he would stay up. I haven't been sleeping very good since everything has happened and Glenn knew that.

I woke up to the sound of Jim groaning and I bolted awake.

"Shh baby it's okay" Glenn said as he pulled me back down.

"Is he turning?" I asked him as I looked up at him.

"No not yet. He has been doing that for awhile" he said as he kissed my head. I felt a little better and I relaxed more into his chest.

It was good to get a little sleep. I was about to drift off into another sleep until the Tv broke down. We all got out to stretch our legs.

I walked over to Daryl and yawned. Glenn following behind me.

"Did your dumbass fall asleep?" He asked me.

"No" I mumbled.

"Jim hasn't turned yet?" He asked us.

"No but he has been getting worse any time now" Glenn told him.

We walked over back to the Rv to see what's going on.

"Y'all, Jim.. It's bad" Jackie said as she ran down the Rv steps. My heart dropped. "I don't think he can take anymore" she said as she ran back up.

"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead see what I can bring back." Shane said as he headed to the car.

"Yeah I'll come along too and I'll back you up" T dog said he headed after him.

"Y/n, wanna come with?" He asked me. I stopped. I was going to say no but I couldn't speak.

"Nah she is staying here" Daryl said as he sensed I was getting uneasy and he pulled me to the RV.

"Daryl my arm" I said as we got to the other side of the of the RV.

"Why the fuck is he talking to you?" He asked me. He was always over protective and I was surprised he let me be with Glenn.

"He said some stuff to me that he has Been watching me" I quietly said. It was good to tell someone. Other then Glenn.

"Daisy stay away from him. Don't be alone. Stay with someone. Either me or Glenn or others" he told me as he but his hand on my shoulders. I nodded.


It's been a couple of hours. We were loosing daylight. We waited for Shane and T-Dog to come back before we could make any real decisions.

We all stood around the RV. Waiting for what to do. I still had my katana. I wore it more often Since Shane. I didn't want to let my guard down.

"It's what he says he wants" Rick said as he looked around. Jim wanted us to leave him here. He wanted to turn in his own so he could be with his family.

"And he's lucid" Carol said back. I don't think she was to keen on letting Rick do this.

"He seems to be. I would say yes" Rick said as he took his fat off and brushed his hand through his hair.

"Back in the camp when I said Daryl might be right, you shut me down. You misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just gonna to suggest that we ask him what he wants. And I think we have an answer.

"We just leave him here? We take off? Man, I'm not sure I could live with that." Shane said as he looked at the ground.

"It's not your call. Either one of you" Lori told them. And I do agree with her on that.

Ever since Rick came back she was more snappy or angry at Shane and I don't blame her one bit. And it kinda made me feel good for someone to treat Shane like that.

Shane and Rick helped Jim sit on a tree stump. I grabbed Glenn's hand. In a way this was all sad and I was trying my best not to break down.

Jim was a kind and sweet guy. He always put a smile on people's face. It's always the good ones that go.

We all slowly walked up the hill. My heart started to beat fast. This was all to soon. The grip that was on Glenn's hand became tighter.

"Hey, another damn tree" Jim said as he looked up and laughed a bit. I have him a sad smile.

"Hey Jim, I mean you know it doesn't need to be this" Shane said trying to reason with him.

"No. It's good. The breeze feels nice" Jim said as he closed his eyes and relaxed a little.

"Okay. Alright" Shane said as he tapped his leg and walked away.

Jackie (I know it's not her name but it's a nickname for her) came closer to Jim. They always had a good close relationship.

"Just close your eyes sweetie. Don't fight" she told him as she smiled then kissed both of his cheeks. She then stood up fighting back tears. My heart aches for her.

Rick walked up to him. Kind of in like a desperate manor. "Jim, do you want this?" He said as he held out a gun.

"No" Jim told him as he looked at the gun then backed to Rick. "You'll need it. I'm okay" Jim told him. His voice was getting weaker by the second.

Rick walked away as he nodded him head and put the gun back in his holster. Then it was Dales turn. He kneeled in front of him.

"Oh, hey. Thanks for uh, for fighting for us. Okay?" Dale told him as he backed up.

I have him a nodd. And Glenn put his hate back on before putting his hand in mine. I leaned into him.

If this is what Jim wanted then I would be okay with it.

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