26|Are you sure?

729 15 4

this is gonna get fun...


Carl slowly took the cup to his lips. He tasted a little bit then made a face. "Ew" he said, it brought more laughter among the group.

"That's my boy" Lori said a she ruffled his hair.

"We'll just stick to soda pop there bud" Shane told him.

"Not you love birds" Daryl said as he walked over to Glenn and I.

"What?" We asked at the same time.

"Keep drinking, I want to see how red your two faces can get" he said to us as he poured more wine into our glasses.

There was more laughter along the group. I looked at Glenn and shrugged my shoulders. What could happen.

I took a big gulp of my wine and he did the same. There was more chatter and laughter. Everything seemed to be okay. Then Rick tapped his glass and stood up. The chatter in the room died down.

"It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly" Rick said as he held out his glass.

"He is more than just our host" T-Dog said as people agreed and cheered with him.

I was feeling good and the wine started to kick in a little because the more I drank the easier it slipped down my throat.

"So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here doc?" Shane asked. The laughter and cheers went done. Why did he have to open his mouth. I leaned my head back and I felt Glenn Pat my thigh.

His hand stayed here. I looked down at it. He arched his hand up a little more. I felt butterflies explode into my stomach. Where did he get all this confidence from? Was it the wine.

"All the.. the other doctors? That were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?" He asked as he broke me out of my more interesting those about Glenn.

"We're celebrating, Shane. Don't need to do this now" Rick said as he took his seat.

Even though I was completely pissed off Shane was ruining people's mood I couldn't help but feel a tingly feeling as Glenn moved his thumb on my inner thigh.

"Whoa wait a second. This is why we're here, right? This was your move. Supposed to find all of the answers. Instead we.." Shane said as he laughed to himself. "We found him" He pointed at Jenner. "Found one man. Why?" He asked.

"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left, went off to be with there families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted" Jenner said as he scanned our caves for every bit of emotion.

Of course I couldn't really be sad when Glenn hand kept moving up and down on my leg and I was trying my best to focus instead of wanting him.

"Every last one?" Shane asked him.

"No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They...opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time" Jenner said as he looked at his hands. Way to ruin the mood Shane.

But it didn't ruin Glenn I felt his hand go all the way to my( there is so many things I could call it) his fingers slightly brushing it. I squeezed my legs together trapping his hand between my thighs. He looked at me and smiled.

I blushed and took another drink of wine. I didn't want anyone to know what just happened. Not Daryl. He was sitting across from us but the focus was on Jenner.

"You didn't leave. Why?" Andrea asked Jenner.

"I just kept working. Hoping to do some good" Jenner told us quietly.

"Dude, you are such a buzz kill man" Glenn said as he leaned his head back.


"Most of the facility is powered down. Including housing, so you have to make do here. The couch's are comfortable, there are cots in storage if you like. There's a red room, down that you kids might enjoy.  Just don't plug in the video games, okay? Or anything that draws power, the Sam supplies of you shower go easy on the hot water" Jenner said as he lead us down a hallway.

"Hot water?" Glenn asked.

"That's what the man said" T-Dog replied.

They both bolted down the hallway. Glenn pulling me with him. We found a nice cot with a shower with it too. A little room.

Glenn closed the door and turned around to face me. "Come here" he said as he pulled me into a kiss.

This kiss was different. It was like he had this sense of confidence that he never had before. And I love every minute of it. He grabbed my waist and his hands fell to my hips pulling me in closer.

His tongue traced my lower lip begging for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth letting his tongue explore it. I let out a small moan.

"Glenn are you sure you want to do this?" I asked pulling away.

"Trust me. I want you and right here. I will not regret this in the morning" he said a she placed his hungry lips on mine again.

I took of his fat throwing it on the floor somewhere. I started to un button his shirt. I was started to get frustrated. How many buttons down this have? He placed kisses on my jaw and neck.

If he hadn't done this before where did he learn all of this.

He placed me on the bed. Before he took of my shirt he looked up at me.

"Do you want to do this?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "I need words" he said. My heart fluttered. "Yes" I told him as I took of my shirt and thrower it on the ground. He smiled at me.

I wanted Glenn ti be my first time. I trusted him and I knew he was never going to hurt me.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now