16| He Wouldn't Care

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I woke up to the sound of Glenn's snores. I opened my eyes and smiled. I was glad he wasn't bit or anything. I don't know what I would do without him. Then again what would any of us do?

Half of our group is gone. Where do we go from that? Everywhere we go there is going to be walkers trying to get us. No use of anything.

I sat up. Why am I thinking like this? Mom wouldn't let me do that. I shook my head. We were going to get out of this.

I looked over. It was morning time. I should wake up Glenn. There is probably a lot of stuff we have to do. I yawned one more time and I shook Glenn awake. He shoot up real quickly.

"What's happening? Who died?" He asked me as he put two hands on my shoulders.

"No one stupid. Let's go. Big day" I said as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my katana and headed out. The first thing I saw was Andrea laying with her sister. I guess she hadn't turned yet. I placed one hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

The rest of them were cleaning up zombies and making sure they were dead. I walked up to Daryl.

"If he is still alive do you think he is mad at us?" I asked him. I was talking about Merle not being able to find him.

"If he is, he will get over it sooner and later." He said with a small nodd. I sighed and went on my way.

I felt bad for not finding him. But at the same time would he even go back for us?

Glenn and T-Dog were moving walkers in a pile. I think to burn them. I'm glad I didn't have to do any of that. Perks of being a women.

Dale walked up to me. I'm glad he is okay.

"Nice sword" he said as he came up to me. "May I?" He asked me. I nodded and pulled it off of me and handed it to me.

"Wow. This is a beauty" he said as he looked at the casing of it.

"I'm surprised who ever had it didn't take it with them" I said as I looked at my sword.

"Probably thought the military had it covered that's what most people thought. Be careful with it. I saw you yesterday you have a talent for it" He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and handed me back the sword.

Everyone was doing there fair share. I sat down next to Lori.

"She's been there all night. What do we do?" Lori asked. They were talking about Andrea. There was nothing we can do. She was bit in the neck and she is already dead anyways. I looked down.

No one should have to go through something that terrible. Loosing your best friend.

"Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it. Same as the others." Shane said. I shook my head. It's her sister at least wait filled she turned or something. Not rip that away from her.

"I'll tell her how it is" Rick said as he walked to Amy. I sighed a little. Of course Rick would side with Shane. I mean Shane is some leader or whatever.

I couldn't hear there conversation. Until Andrea pulled out a gun on him. We all stood up. I knew she wasn't going to actually shoot him. She just wanted to be with her sister in the last moments. Rick slowly walked away.


"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? That dead girls a time bomb" Daryl said. We left Andrea alone with her sister.

Daryl and some others didn't like that idea. And of course Daryl had to be different.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked him. Daryl stepped a little closer.

"Take the shot. Clean in the brain from here. Hell I can hit a Turkey between the eyes firm this distance" Daryl told him.

"No. For gods sakes, let her be" I said as I sat down. My head was hurting. It was hot and all this stuff was stressing me out.

How could you take someone's last moments with there loved ones away? If anything it disgusted me. Heartless people. If Shane's... Shane's... I'd not know anyone of Shane's loved ones. But if they were dying I wouldn't just shoot them in the head.

Daryl scoffed and walked away. I shook my head. He was so hard headed.

"Wake up, Jimbo. We got some work to do" Daryl said to Jim as he started to help with Bodies.

I heard Glenn shout at Daryl. My head perked up. Daryl can be pissy all he wants with me, but not with Glenn. I hurried over to them.

"We don't burn our people Daryl it's fucked up" I said as I walked up. I over heard the conversation as I came over.

I heard Daryl mumble a whatever and he pushed the body in the other side. As soon as he left I hugged Glenn. I could feel him trembling.

"You okay?" I asked into the hug.

"Yeah just a little spooked" he said a she held me tighter. Glenn had a big heart sweetest person I ever met and he doesn't deserved to be treated like that.

"Y'all let my brother for dead! And now you got my baby sister standing with y'all" he shouted. I had enough of him.

"Daryl have you ever considered how much of a jerk Merle was? How he pushed us around? How he left us as soon as he got a chance. He doesn't care about us. And he never did. They tied him up there for a reason. And maybe you don't see that now but you will. And if Merle wanted to be saved he would of. So stop playing them for something that really wasn't there fault" I shouted back at him.

I couldn't hold my emotions any longer so I rushed off to Glenn's tent. It was the only place I know where I would be able to think about everything. Alone.

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