21| No Ones Talking

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first off how in the hell am I number one??

first off how in the hell  am I number one??

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butttt let's hurry this up so we can get to the good seasons...


It was early in the morning. And I really didn't want to get up. And I'm surprised some people can function. The only thing I don't like about everything is I can't tell the time. It's frustrating.

"Everybody listen up" Shane says. No one was talking I don't get why he had to say it like that. We were all sitting around by the cars. "Those of you with C.B's 2343 gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down okay?" Shane says again. I'm so confused no one is fucking talking why is he going crazy. "Now if you don't have a C.B, can't get a signal or anything at all your gonna hit your horn one time. That'll ago the caravan. Any questions?" He said as soon as he was done. Yeah I have one, who the fuck was talking?

"We're, uhh..we're.. we're not going" Morales said. There was silence when he said that. I didn't know he very well so it's not like it's going to be some of what of a big loss. No offense.

"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people" His wife said. It was nice to see that they wanted to save there family and be with them.

"You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch you back" Shane warned them. I don't know why he had to say that to those people.

"We'll take the chance. I got to do what's best for my family" Morales told Shane.

"You sure?" Rick asked him.

"We talked about it. We're sure" Morales said as he put his arm around his wife.

"Alright" Rick said as he bent down and him and Shane whispered talking about something.

I looked up at Glenn his face looked a bit worried. I squeezed his hand and he looked down at me.

"We're going to be okay" I whispered to him. I didn't want the talking police to yell at me.

"We are" he whispered back and kissed my forehead. I yawned and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Shane and Rick picked out a gun for Morales to have. I smiled a bit. It was nice for him to do that. So they could have some protection.

"Box is half full" Shane told him as he gave him some ammo. I heard Daryl scoff.

I looked over to him. He seemed frustrated. I let go of Glenn's hand and walked over to Daryl.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing why do you care?" He asked as he turned away.

"Daryl I always care your my brother" I told him.

"Well you left me ever since you got that boyfriend for yours" he told him as he pointed to Glenn. I looked down.

Is that how it looked like? I didn't know what to do or what to say so I hugged him. He is not a big hugger and I don't think he has ever really hugged anyone but me.

"I love you Daryl and I will never leave you" I said into his chest. Maybe I didn't realize how he felt.

I was so worried about myself I didn't check up on him. And I promise I'll do that more often. I won't let him feel this way ever again.

He hugged me back after a couple of seconds. It was good to be okay and have Daryl hug me.

I pulled away and poked his side. "Your a big baby" I told him as I giggled.

He pushed me right back. Before I could do anything else Shane was like "let's move out" or something like not.

"You okay by yourself on your motorcycle?" I asked him. I didn't like them. Always scared me. He nodded his head.

I walked up to Glenn. We were going to ride with Dale in the Rv with a couple of others. And at the last minute Shane walked in. I kept my eyes on the ground.

It wasn't very backed. Shane and Andrea were sitting at the table, Jackie and Jim were sitting on the couch part and Dale let us sit in the back where his bed was.

We closed the curtain and it was nice to have some sort of privacy. It's not like we were going to have sex on Dales bed. That's kinda nasty. I have nice easy slip on tennis shoes and I took them off. And laid down.

"How many women has Dale gone down on in here" I asked as I adjusted my pillow.

"What? Did you just say gone down on?" He asked me as he laid next to me.

"Yeah. I heard it on a tv show one time" I said as I turned over and propped my head on my arm so look at him.

"That's kinda cute" he said as he looked at me.

"Ur kinda cute" I said as he kissed him.

He kissed back. I felt his nice warm lips on mine. We only ever kissed and never made out. I've never done any of that. He lifted himself up and climbed on top of me.

He tongue traced my lower lip. I slightly opened my mouth and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in. It kinda felt weird at first and I loosened up a bit. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want him to think I was stupid. So I broke the kiss and catch a breath.

"I never made out with someone before" I whispered. He smiled.

"I have like twice. She told me to not think so much of it and not so much tongue" he said. I giggled a bit.

"Did you get kissing lessons?" I asked him.

"Maybe. She was like a year older and she kinda felt bad" he said as his face was red.

"That's kinda sad and funny" I said as I giggled a bit.

"Oh hush" he said as he attached his lips to mine again.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now