66| Barn

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"Come on. She can clealry handle her self" Shane brushed off.

I wasn't as offended as the other two were. I mean I coudknt give a rats ass what Shane thought about me.

"You better watch what you say" Daryl growled at him. I grabbed Glenn back before either of them could do something stupid.

"Shane stop" Rick told him as he tried to break up the brawl between the two. "Sophia is still out there to. Y/n is not the only reason." Rick told them.

"Okay. I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility" Shane started to say. I couldn't believe what the fuck he was trying to say.

"Shane! We are not leaving Sophia behind" Rick told him sternly.

"I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll tow days ago" Daryl spoke up starting to get even more pissed off.

"You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll" Shane told him.

"More then what you fucking did" I told him defending my brother.

"You don't even know that the hell you're talking about" Daryl said going closer to Shane. Rick put his hand up to try and make some space between the two.

"You get a good lead it's in the first 48 hours" Shane starts yapping on.

"Shane stop" Lori pleads.

"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all met her out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction" Shane starts yelling at Daryl.

I walked up over to Shane and smacked him right across the face. I was tired of him shit talking my brother like it was nothing.

"The next time you fucking talk about my brother I'm going to fucking kill you" I warned him. I felt Glenn pull me back.

"Back off!" Rick yelled as Daryl charged at them. Lori pulled Shane back.

"Keep your hand off me" Shane bites back at her. Lori steps back almost stunned.

"Now, let me go talk to Hersel. Let me figure it out" Rick says calmly.

"What are you gonna figure out?!" Shane yells at Rick and Lori steps in front of him again. Lori placed her hands on his chest.

"If we are gonna stay, if we are going to clear his barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land" Rick tells him sternly.

"Hershel sees those things in there as people- sick people- . His wife and his stepson" Dale speaks up. My heart dropped a little. He just didn't want to let go of his family.

"You knew?" Rick asked Dale.

"Yesterday I talked to Hershel" Dale explained.

"And you waited the night?" Shane asked Clealry pissed off.

"I thought we could survive one more night. We did" Dale said as Shane walked back being dramatic. "I was waiting till this morning to say something but Glenn wanted to be the one" Dale finished saying.

"The man is crazy, Rick. If Hershel thinks those things are alive or no" Shane screamed at Rick.

Due to all the noise SHANE was making the chains on the door started to rattle. We could hear walkers start to growl. I took a step back. I didn't know how strong those chains were and how many were in there.


We all made it away from the barn. To be honest I didn't mind it really. I kind of felt bad for Hershel And his family. They were holding on to there family for as long as they could.

I was with Glenn on a lawn chair while he was on watch. It I tried to get up those stairs there was no way I would get down.

"Andreas looking for you" I told Dale as he kind of stood around like a lost puppy.

"Thank you, Y/n" he said as he smiley kindly at me. I nodded and went back to my attempt of reading a book.

"Any chance you got an extra hat?" Glenn asked Dale. Maggie cracked an egg over Glenn's head because of him telling everyone.

As much to my dismay can't she do that to her own man? Speaking of her man I hadn't seen Carter in a while.

"Nope" Dale said as he took the hat off of his head and threw it up to Glenn who caught it.

"Thanks" Glenn said.

"Looking good" I told him as I smiled at the hat he wore.

"What? My hair looks messy" he said as his cheeks blushed red.

"Who are you trying to impress?" I joking asked him

"Okay so there is this girl" he started off before he burst out laughing.

"You are so lucky you're up there you asshole" I told him as I pointed my attention to my book that I was barely even paying attention too.

I would have had many opportunities to re read the book maybe even hundreds of times to where I know the book forwards to back.

It was about a couple of minutes before Andrea walked out of the RV with her bag over her shoulder. She looked kind of pissed off. Dale probably told her something she shouldn't do.

"You okay?" I called into the RV.

"Yeah" I heard Dale call back. I felt bad for Dale. He was trying to protect her in a way. But something people didn't want to be saved.

"You mind running and getting me some water?" He called out.

I looked up at Glenn who looked back down at me.

"What? It was directed to you not me" I told him as I looked back up at me. I felt his posture slouch.

"Can you come with me?" He practically begged as he got down of the RV.

"Oh my god. You're just a big baby" I huffed as I got out of the chair. "We're on it" I called as we walked to the fountains.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now