4| Gone

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Andrea came out of the car. Amy screamed and ran up to her sister. I smiled a little. Maybe it's okay Merle is gone, he was in a better place.

"How did y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane asked the group.

"New guy. He got us out" Glenn said form beside me. I looked up at him.

"New guy?" Shane questioned. Oh, new guy. Maybe he can help, with everything.

"Yeah, crazy vato just got into town. Hey! Helicopter boy, come say hello!" Morales said as he looked to the truck. I heard a truck door slam. "Guys a cop just like you" Morales added.

A guy, like Shane's age, stepped out of the car. He was wearing a Sheriff's outfit. He was freshly shaven too. As soon as he came into view Shane stopped in his footsteps. It looked like he knew this guy. All of the sudden Lori and Carl ran up to him. Carl screaming dad.

I looked at Glenn and smiled. This was the most wholesome thing I've seen all day. This was wonderful.


We were all by the campfire. Daryl still hasn't come back. It didn't worry me so much. I knew he was okay. I didn't ask about Merle because I didn't want to go worried.

"Hey, I want to show you something" Glenn whispered to me as he stood up. He held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and I saw Lori wink at me. A light blush went across my cheeks. I was glad it was night time.

We walked a couple steps away. Just enough that the fire was still showing.

"What is it?" I asked with a smile. He grabbed out of his pocket and pulled out a cassette tape.

"I found it in the store, I remember you mention something about the Band I thought you might want it" he said as he handed it to me.

It was Fleetwood Mac. It was my favorite album. Rumors. I couldn't hide my excitement. The day of the outbreak, I grabbed my moms old Walkman. Just in case. I knew I didn't need it but what the heck?

"Oh my god! Thank you so much" I said as I hugged him tightly. He thought about me.

"I just thought you would need it" he said into the hug. I pulled away and looked at him. I wanted to kiss him. But I never kissed anyone before.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered. I didn't even know what I was saying, it's like I couldn't control myself.

"Yes please" he said as he leaned into me.

Like I said, I never done this before. I slowly leaned into him. Our lips touched. My first kiss. I assumed it would be at the beach or under a waterfall. But this is okay too. What am I kidding? This is wonderful.

He lips were soft and they tasted sweet. I pulled away, admittedly missing his lips on mine.

"I never kissed anyone before" I admitted. I blushed, at my confession.

"Never have I" he said, it made me giggle.

"Does that make us? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked as I looked at my hands.

"I mean if you want. If you don't want to I completely understand, I mean this could just be a complete accident. It is the end of the world maybe you just needed someone to feel- " before he could finish I kissed him again. This time it felt even more better.

I pulled away and smiled. He smiled right back at me.

"We should head back, don't want us to think we hooked up" I said as I lead the way. He looked at me and blushed.

We headed back to the campfire and Amy looked at me and mouthed 'you better tell me' she said and I smiled and nodded.

I sat close to Glenn. Lori, Rick and Carl were very close. It made me happy to see Carl have his dad back. I looked at Shane, I could tell he was upset. I felt a little bad.

Ed got up and messed with the fire. It made a loud sound and I jumped slightly. Glenn noticed and wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?" Shane called out to him.

"It's cold man" Ed said as he leaned back in his chair.

"The cold don't change the rules, doesn't it? Keep out fires low, just embers, so we can't be seen from a distance right?" Shane said as he looked Ed's way. Carol shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I said it's cold. You should mind your own business for once" Ed said, Shane stood up at that. And went over to him. I scooted more closer to Glenn.

There voices were soft and low I could barely hear them. I saw Shane pick up a log from the fire and put it out. Shane walked back to us and sat down.

"Hey have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?" My head picked up at that. I could be very nice and easy going but when my brothers were involed I wasn't very nice.

"Excuse me? Dale, I'm right here. As anyone given a thought to me? I may be easy going but when anyone of my brothers are talked about I won't stand here and act like nothing happened. I'm his sister. I know you guys might have your reason for keeping him there. But please do not say anything to Daryl before I do. I should be the one. Daryl will get angry and explode in your guys faces. It doesn't mean I forgive you for what you guys did. He can be a... jerk or whatever he is still a human being. And how would you feel if you were were having a bad day and someone tied you up and left you for dead. Other people can be hurt by your actions too." I said as I stood up. I was angry with my words. I was upset and tears in my eyes. I never acted out like this and I felt bad as soon as I did it. "Oh my god. Im so sorry" I mumbled and I hurried off.

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