52| Aftermath

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It was a tiny store. Most of it was already raided. I looked around and spotted to the back.

"I'll go see what antibiotics are left" I said as I walked into the back.

I heard them talk. It was only faint. I made my way to the back. I looked at the medicines. Nothing really useful. Almost all the good ones were taken.

I grabbed some pain killers. A whole bunch. I few others we may need too. I looked around. I grabbed some stuff and put it in my bag. I walked back to them.

I didn't hear any noises or any voices.

"Anything you guys..." my voice trailed off. He was kissing her.

My Glenn. The dad of my kid was kissing another girl. And that girl was supposed to my friend.

The quickly pulled away. Tears flooded in my eyes. I tried my best to wipe them.

"Y/n I-" Glenn quickly said before I stopped them. Maggie didn't even look at me.

"Don't say a word" I mumbled. I grabbed my book bag and I ran out the door. I grabbed my horse. I quickly got myself on it.

I hurried off to the farm. Tears were flowing down my face. I had a million thoughts in my head.

I couldn't believe it. Everything was amazing and now this. I should of seen it coming. I'm a fucking Dixon. No one wants a Dixon.

I sobbed as I made it to the farm. I got off the horse and walked. I stumbled over myself.

I could barely breath. My heart hurts. Everything in my body hurts. I saw Rick. I guess he heard my sobs and ran towards me. He grabbed ahold of me.

"Y/n what happened? Where is Glenn and Maggie?" He asked me as he grabbed my shoulders.

"There...there f...fine...kiss" it was all I could managed out saying.

"Aww Y/n" was all he said and he wrapped his arms around me. I don't know how long I cried.

It felt like someone was drowning me underwater. Every once in a while they let me back up. How could he do this to me? We were having a baby.

My whole world was spinning. My dad was right. I trusted to easy. I just wanted a family. Something mom would be happy for me.

I sobbed even harder. I grabbed onto Rick. I was falling in a sink hole. I didn't want to fall in and never come back.

"Y/n" I heard someone say. I turned around and I saw Glenn. I sobbed even harder.

"It's not what it looked like" he said holding his hand trying to reason with me. I looked at him. I searched his face. His face was full of regret and guilt.

I wanted to forgive him. Right then and there. I wanted to hug him and for him to hold me in his arms and tell me he loves me. But my heart ached.

I looked over at Maggie who had her head down. She was messing with her hands. I wanted to scream at her. Yell at her for doing that. We were supposed to be friends.

I wasn't thinking and i walked over to Glenn and I slapped his across the face. As soon as I did it I felt horrible for doing so but it was needed to be done.

"Your lucky I didn't do worse" I spat at him. I walked away. My tears were all dried up. I heard my name being screamed but I didn't care.

I walked over to the RV. I saw Dale he was sitting on the top of the Rv on look out. As soon as he heard my footsteps he smiled but when he saw my face and his smiled dropped.

"Y/n, what's happened?" He asked me as he climbed down from the top. I bite back tears.

"Do you have any room in the Rv?" I asked him. My voice was weak and small.

"Yeah, what about Glenn?" He asked me. I put my head down.

"He kissed Maggie. So I slapped him. I...uh...just need somewhere to sleep" I stumbled out. I wiped the tears that had fallen from my face.

He wrapped his arms around me. I didn't want to cry anymore but I welcomed in the hug. It hurt what he did. But something in me told me that he was sorry.

But I couldn't forgive him. Not just yet. Maybe some time. And maybe if he showed me that he really cared. I wasn't going to let him walk over me like nothing had happened.

I didn't want to be around Daryl because he would of killed Glenn. Also because maybe this isn't a big brother type of help. He is awkward with feelings and I didn't want him to say something wrong and not mean it.

Dale said he would get my stuff for me and I nodded. I walked into the RV and I sat down at the table.

Glenn POV

I felt horrible. I didn't want to kiss Maggie she kissed me. Y/n just came in at a wrong time. I pushed Maggie away as soon as it happened.

It was a couple minutes after Y/n stormed off and slapped me. I have to admit, it hurt really bad. My face was red. I walked back to my Tent Dale was there. He was bringing stuff out of my tent. Not just random stuff Y/n stuff.

"Dale, what are you doing?" I asked him as I walked up to him.

"Y/n wanted to stay in the Rv. She told me what happened. Glenn, why? I thought you wouldn't do something like that" he asked me. I could tell he was disappointed in me by the way his voice sounded.

"I...I didn't mean too. She kissed me. Y/n just came at the wrong time. I pushed her off as soon as it happened" I said. I ran my hand through my hair.

"My advice. Give her time. And time is a tricky thing. You may not have that time. Don't pressure her. Show her how much you love her. Take some time to think. If that's what you really want" he told me. I nodded. He walked away with the stuff.

HEYYYYY YALLLLLL. Okay so I've gotten sick and I threw up from 10:30 to 5:45 in the morning a couple days ago. Like it was bad. But I rewrote this chapter a million times. So I hope this is okay. And like Glenn a bitch for that. Anyways, how do you like it so far??? Please let me know. Thank you for so much support and I rlly appreciate it.

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