62| Little things

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Today was gun training. Since I was the one with good experience with them I didn't need to go. But Rick asked if I wanted to, to help out.

I would like to but I don't know if I could. With the baby and the awful feelings I've been getting in my stomach and Glenn with his loud mouth I don't think I could.

"You coming?" Shane asked us as he stood from the hood of the car.

"I gotta help Dale clean the spark plugs in the R.V. He said he's gonna teach me mechanics. I should probably go look for him" Glenn said quickly as he tried to walk away.

"You found me." Dale says from right beside him. "He is a good learner" Dale said as Shane nodded and closed the truck.

"Y/n?" He called after.

"I don't think it's good right now" I said as I sat down in a chair. I wasn't lying my feet were hurting me but I had a good excuse.

We waved goodbye as I watched them drive away. I took a deep breath as I tried to get up again. My back was doing my dirty and sleeping in a tent was not helpful either.

"Spark plugs, huh?" Dale asked as the finally drove off. "Want to tell me what's going on?" He asked us.

I tried to get up but I was struggling. "Glenn" I said he quickly rushed over to me and helped me up. Dale followed us over so I didn't have to walk so fair.

"You're old" Glenn said. I hit his arm. Who starts a sentence off with that? "You're...you know things. So...what if somebody to you something that somebody else should know..." Glenn leads on.

"Glenn, stop being dramatic. Spit it out." Dale told him.

"Lori is pregnant and there is walkers in the barn" Glenn said as he put his head down. I rubbed his back, it was a lot for him to take on but I'm glad he can finally sleep at night.


It's been a good while. I thought telling someone for Glenn would be a good idea but he seemed even more nervous.

Dale said he would talk to them or give him his opinions so it would be easier for us. But mostly Glenn. I tried telling Glenn it was going to be alright but I think that freaked him out even more.

He was afraid Lori would get mad at him and Maggie too. I told him everything was going to be fine. And that Lori should not put her problems on us. And us finding out about the barn was a lot.

I was standing next to Glenn. Hershel said it would be good to get some exercise and Glenn and I were walking around the campfire. I stopped for a second to catch my breath as he kicked some wood to keep it going.

"Glenn I can feel your nervousness all the way over here. Babe it's fine" I said as I lifted my hands above my head so more air could get to my lungs.

"There going to hate me. What if they kick me out of the group?" He starts to go on with all the worse possible things to happen.

"Glenn please? I don't think they would do something like that" I said as I grabbed his hand.

I saw Lori walk over from the corner of my eye. I felt him squeeze my hand even harder. I could tell he was afraid of the outcome.

"I'm sorry. I'm-it just came out. And it was Dale." He tried to go on. He was quickly rambling, I tried to squeeze his hand to come him down before Lori talks over him.

"It's okay. I never should have put you in that position." She said with a small smile. I felt Glenn drop his shoulders. All of the weight and guilt he was carrying around is finally gone.

"I've been thinking about what you said, Y/n. And about needing help. And you're right that I do." She went on. She was playing with her fingers and kept looking down at them.

"Name it" I told her as I reached down and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"If you're still willing to make a run into town for me..." She went on, slowly and careful choosing her words.

"I'm your man" he said with a smile.

"Thank you" she said as he wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Then legging go and giving me one. I smiled and squeezed back.

"It's okay. It's not a big deal really. " he said as she thanked us and went away.

I felt my nerves go off the roof. If he was going to go on a run he needs someone. Maggie. What happened last time scares me. I'm not there, what if it happens again. I know I trust them. Kinda. Sorta. I don't know.

I'm not good with my emotions so I quickly walked away. I don't know where I was going to go. But sometimes it feels to much. Like what if me and Glenn aren't right for eachother.

What if he is only staying with me because of the baby? It's not like he can get up and leave because if he could what if he could. Because I wouldn't want to stay with me either.

I felt tears form into my eyes. I quickly wiped them before they would fall down my face. I don't realize how far I walked until I was down all the way near the other side of the house.

My eyes locked on the trees. How the nice summer breeze made the beaches swing back and forth. Only slightly. It's something you would have to stare at for a while to notice.

In these times like this it helps you notice. And think about all of this. The small and tiny things.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now