28|Not here for the Eggs

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(I feel like Glenn would be a very clingy type of person... let me know what y'all think!!)


We walked into the kitchen. We were one of the first people in there. Glenn slung his head over the table.

"Eggs. Powdered, but I do them good" T-Dog said as he walked into the dinning area.

Glenn let's our a groan. I pat his back. Jackie comes over and starts rubbing his shoulders. Why she touching him like that?

Lori coughed at I looked at her. She shook her head. I guess my face made everything obvious.

"I bet you can't tell" T-Dog tells us. "Protein helps the hangover" T-Dog said as he gives some eggs to everyone. Glenn ate them very slowly.

I looked at him and smiled. Such a dork.

"Where'd all this come from?" Rick asked us.

"Jenner" Lori answered.

"Could you help me please?" Rick asked from beside me. He handed me a bottle of pills he was struggling to open.

"Sure thing sherif" I said as I opened it and gave it back to him. I felt Glenn lean his head on my shoulder.

"Make it stop" he groaned. T-Dog laughed and so did I.

"He thought we could use it" I said talking about the pills. "Some of us at least" I said looking down at Glenn.

"Don't ever ever ever let me drink again" he said his head still on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him and rubbed his back.

Shane walked in and I felt Lori tense. I looked back at Shane and I saw scratches on his neck. My stomach did a weird flip. I think Glenn noticed a tensed up. He looked up at me with concern.

'I'll tell you later' I mouthed to him. He nodded and put his head back on my shoulder and grabbed my hand.

"Feel as bad as I do?" Rick asked him as Shane went to get a cup of Coffee.

"Worse" Shane said.

"What the hell happened to you? Your neck?" T-Dog asked him.

"Must of done it in my sleep" Shane said as he took a seat. I saw Lori look at her plate and not pick her head up.

Something more happened and I was going to figure it out. I'm fucking Sherlock homes.

"Never seen you do that before" Rick told him.

"Me neither. Not like me at all." He said as he looked at Lori. Lori quickly avoided his eye contact.

Now I'm not no detective but I think there is something going on.

"Morning" Jenner said as he walked into the room.

"Hey, doc" Shane said to him.

"Doctor I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing" Dale told him.

"But you will" Jenner replied softly.

"We didn't come here for eggs" Andrea told him.


We headed into the main room. Glenn practically leaning on me. His hangover was bad. But I wasn't going to complain though.

"Playback of TS-19" VI said as we heard a beep.

"Few people ever got a chance to see this. Very Few." Jenner said as we looked at the screen. It was a diagram of a person and you could see there brain.

"Is that a brain?" Carl asked.

"An extraordinary one. Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for E.I.V." Jenner said, calling out to VI.

"Enhanced internal view" VI said. The picture more closer so we could see more inside the brain.

"What are those lights?" Shane asked as it zoomed in closer and closer to the brain.

"It's a persons life. Experiences, memories. It's everything. Somewhere in all that Oran if wiring, all those ripples of light, it's you. The thing that makes you unique. And human." Jenner finished off.

"You don't make sense ever?" Daryl asked from beside me. I snorted a bit.

"Those are synapses. Electric impulses in the brain. That carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says does or thinks from the moment of birth. To the moment of death." Jenner told us.

"Death? That's what this is, a vigil?" Rick asked stepping forward.

"Yes. Or rather the playback of the vigil." Jenner replied.

"This person died? Who?" Andrea asked looking at the screen kinda of hypnotized.

"Test subject 19. Someone who was button and infected. And volunteered to have us record the process." Jenner said. He seemed kind of sad about that test subject. "VI, scan forward to the first event" Jenner called out.

"Scanning to first event" VI said with another beep.

We looked at the screen. It kinda of looked like a dead tree was in the brain. From the brain stem.

"What is that?" Glenn asked from beside me.

"It invaded the brain like meningitis." Jenner said. We looked at the person and the tree thing was spreading. It looked like the person was in pain. It was turning. "The adrenal glands hemorrhage, the brain goes into shutdown, then the major organs." Then the brain went black.

I grabbed Glenn's hand a little tighter and I felt him pull me closer to him.

"Then death. Everything you ever were or ever will be...gone" Jenner said. I slightly put my head down.

"Is that what happened to Jim?" Sophia asked quietly.

"Yes." Carol answered her daughter and wrapped a arm around her.

I heard Andrea chock back a sob. It made me sad to think about when you turn everything you ever were is completely gone.

"She lost somebody two days ago. Her sister." I answered as I saw Jenner looking at Andrea.

"I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is." Jenner told Andrea. He sighed and began speaking again. "Scan to the second event" he announced again.

"Scanning to second event" VI said in her robotic voice.

"The resurrection times battle wildly. We had reports of it happening in as little as three minutes. The longest we heard was 8 hours. In this case of this patient, it was two hours, one minute...7 seconds"

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