54| Friend

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I was with Carol hanging up laundry. It kept me busy and I had something to do. Plus I could do that and people wouldn't get mad at me for doing something.

"I can't believe I slept in" Lori said as she walked up to us. I smiled a bit.

"You shouldn't apologize for something like that" I told her as I put a shirt on a hanger.

At this point my stomach was really showing. It was starting to hurt my back and my feet were aching. But it was better then sitting around and doing nothing.

I talked to Lori and she said she wanted the rest because her and Shane did have sex and she wanted to make sure that there was no baby. So I'm case. Which was a huge secret and Glenn and I were doing okay.

He got nervous when he talked to Shane. And it was frustrating to see that. Because if you get Glenn to nervous he might slip up.

Like I said it's been two months since the incident. Of Maggie and Glenn. I think Maggie is to afraid to talk to me in a way. But I'll talk to her sooner or later.

Lori told me yesterday she was going to take the test. I didn't want to ask her in-front of all these people about it so I was going to do it later.

"You must of needed it. Feeling alright?" Carol asked Lori as she picked up another piece of clothing.

Carol has been taking the whole Sophia thing hard. But she tired her best. I know she doesn't want to give up. Neither did I.

"Next time wake me up, all right? Especially on laundry day" Lori told us as she began to help.

"We can manage" I said. We as in Carol and I. We have been doing it pretty good so far.

"I had an idea I wanted to run by you too" Carol told us.

"What's that?" Lori asked as she began to hang the shirt she was holding.

"That big kitchen of theirs had me thinking. I wouldn't mind cooking in a real kitchen again. Maybe we all pitch in and cook dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. And I'm kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied" Carol said sweetly.

"After everything they have done for us, seems like the least we could do" I said to her as I hung up some pants.

"You mind extending the invitation? Would just feel more right coming from you" Carol said as she looked at Lori.

"How so?" I asked her.

"Your Rick's wife. It sort of makes you our unofficial First Lady" Carol said.

I wanted to scoff at that. Like no offense to Lori but like I should be First Lady. Like after everything I've done I'm practically Jesus.

Speaking of Lori. After I found out about what she did to Rick. I mean I get she thought Rick was dead but like Shane? His best friend. That was to much to wrap my head around.

But I did know what I had to do. I saw Maggie walking out of the house. Perfect opportunity. I wanted to clear the air with her. After all we had a lot in common.

"Be right back" I told Carol and Lori. I began to walk up the small hill to the house.

Which was a bad idea because it was hot and I don't think I was made for this. She saw me coming and she looked like she was trying to get away. I made it to the shouting distance.

"Please do not run away. I walked all that for you to walk away I won't be a happy camper. Just please can we talk?" I shouted out to her.

This baby was killing me. I'm sorry but I've made it to the three month mark and I don't know if I can do this. She hurried my way and grabbed my hand to help me.

"I should of came to you" she said shyly as we made it up the stairs to the porch. I took a seat on one of the chairs. She sat down next to me.

"Look, I was hurt. But I'm ready to forgive you. I can't sit here being pouty about everything. So get why you would kiss Glenn. He is cute. But like I said I'm ready to forgive" I said as I looked over to her. She had her head down.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled out.

"Maggie, it's okay. It's all in the past" I told her as I was trying to calm her down. Tears were coming out of her eyes.

I rubbed her back trying to calm her down as much as I could.

"You were my friend and I shouldn't have done that to you. You mean to much for me to throw it away" she said as she wiped her tears. I slowly got up and stood in front of her.

I held out my arms for her to hug me. She got up and hugged me back.

"It's alright" I whispered to her in the hug. She hugged me even tighter.

I didn't have time to sit around and be mad. We don't know how many days we have left and she shouldn't be sitting around and pouting about things that are in the  past.

Time to get up and move on. We pulled away from the hug and I smiled at her.

"You know tomorrow will be four months" I told her as I pointed to my stomach. She smiled at me.

"I'm so excited for you" she said with a smile.

"It's good to have a friend my age. I can't be hanging around those women for the rest of my life. Makes me feel old" I said with a giggle.

She laughed at me. We spent some time sitting around and catching up. It was good to have her as a friend again.

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