2| Waiting

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The zombie apocalypse. If you told me that, I would of laughed in your face. But not really, that is quite rude. I would of told you, you were crazy.

But here I am. Sitting around a camp fire with a whole bunch of random people. At first when I met them I was kind of excited. That they whole world is not trashed and there is still some hope. I'm people.

Dale, he was a nice old guy with a bucket hat. I liked bucket hats, brought out people's personalities. He was one of my favorites. He was very sweet and let me borrow some of his books. It seemed like he made some hope too.

Then another one of my favorites Carol. She was the sweetest lady you could if ever met. She was like a mom to me in a way. She was a very good mom to her daughter Sophia. But her husband, Ed. He was a little bit of excuse my language a jerk.

It felt weird to say that. But you could obviously tell he hit her! And I don't like to make assumptions about people. But he reminded me of dad.

Oh there was Lori, Carl and Shane. They seemed like a cute family. Though Daryl told me that he caught them hooking up in the woods. He then had to explain to me what hooking up meant. I was a very sheltered kid. Surprisingly.

But there kid, well not really was Carl. He was fun to be around. Carl, Sophia and I usually played around, they did have a lot of toys for the apocalypse. But they were fun to be around.

Shane, he was like the leader in a way. Of course Merle and Daryl really didn't like that. But Daryl was able to keep his mouth shut. Not so much Merle. Merle didn't like being bossed around.

Oh there was also Andrea and Amy. They taught me how to fish. But at the same time it was a very messy hoppy to have. The fish were slimy and when I freaked out they laughed.

Oh and my favorite, Glenn. He was a pizza delivery guy before. He was extremely cute and had my same attitude. I think it was pretty obvious that I was what Carol said 'crushing' on him. It was weird because I didn't really have boyfriends.

Well it was hard with Daryl and Merle. So this would be my first actual crush. I think he liked me back that's what Lori told me one day when I was helping her with laundry.

I hope so. Because that would be wonderful thing to have in an a world like this.

They went on a run. I begged Glenn not too. I wanted him to be okay here. He told me that I would be back before I knew it. And gave me a hug and he kissed me on the cheek. It was wonderful. I was smiles all day.

I was also worried about Merle. I didn't want to beg him because he would laugh in my face. So I told him to be careful and hugged him.

It's been I think a couple of hours. I was sitting around the fire. With Shane, Lori and Carl. It was nice to see them so happy in a world like this.

Daryl went hunting. I wanted to come with but he told me to stay here so I would be safe. Which is okay because I know he cares. But I just wanted to do something to keep my mind off Glenn and Merle being gone.

After a while I got up to find Carol. She was alone by the creek washing clothes. I sat down next to her.

"Can I ask you something?" Carol asked me as she noticed I was there.

"Yeah sure" I said as I squinted my eyes to look at her, the sun was beating down on us.

"Why does Merle and Daryl call you Daisy? Unless that's your real name and you nickname is Y/n?" She asked as container washing.

"Oh, well Daisy is a nickname I had. It's what my mom used to call me. The story is that when I came home for my he hospital a daisy flew on my head. It was windy out." I said as I looked down at the ground thinking about my mom.


"I always wondered why. It was a cute nickname. You know, looking at Merle and Daryl then you, I would of in a million years think you guys are related" She said as she chuckled lightly.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked her, I got that a lot.

"Well, if you look at Merle and Daryl, they are hard headed and stubborn. And you, your very optimistic and kind" She said with a smile.

"I'm very like my mother. That's what they told me. She died when I was really little so I don't remember her" I said with a sad smile.

"Seeing how you are a wonderful person, I bet she was just as great as you are. The world needs more of Y/n's or should I say Daisy?" She said with a smile. I smiled back. I told her I was going to go back and wait for them to come back.

I walked back. It was a nice walk. A big hill though. But it wasn't bad, it could be worse. Always looking on the bright side.

I walked back and looked around. I looked up at Dale and he shook his head. I didn't let that stop my mood. I smiled and told myself they will be back anytime soon. I walked over to the Rv and climbed up.

"How have you been?" I asked him as I stood next to him.

"Pretty normal. How about you?" He asked me.

"Wonderful. No joke. I woke up feeling really good. My mom used to say "No point in sitting around in sorrow when you could be having a good time" I said.

"Your mom was a wise women" he said as he looked into his binoculars.

"She was" I said as I smiled to myself.

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