37| Secrets

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The day that Sophia ran off was one of the days something changed in me. But that's not the only thing.

I watched Carol stay by the side waiting for Sophia to pop up. She couldn't of ran off to far. But poor girl got spooked my anything. I just hope she came back soon.

Or maybe Daryl or Rick found her and they are on there way back. But I had this baby to worry about too. I had to keep he or she safe. And I did not want to have a baby on the road.

"Hey Glenn, remember that day in the C.D.C, when Shane has the scratches on his neck?" I asked him as we were searching a car.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked as he lifted up the back seat.

"Everytime Lori looked at him she got scared or like jumpy. I think he had something to do with it" I said as I sat down in the drivers seat.

"I mean I wouldn't but it past him" he said as he lowered the seat and looked through some papers.

"He just creeps me out. You know?" I said as I opened the glove box.

"I do know. He creeps me out too" he said while agreeing with me.

I pulled out some sunglasses and put them on. I looked at myself in the rear view mirror. They were like the glasses a mom would wear when she took her kid to soccer practice, but like lowkey rich. I never had sunglasses. Mine now.

"Do these turn you on?" I asked as i giggled and turned around to face him.

"Oh yes" he said as he placed wet kisses all over my face.

"Ew stop" I said as I tried to move away. "I just feel like Shane is dangerous" I said as I sat back in my seat.

"That's why you shouldn't be alone with him. Even more so since there is a baby coming along" Glenn told me as he moved to the passenger seat.

"Ever since Ricks got back, he has this look in his eye" I told him as I watched Shane told to Carl, but he seemed a little rude.

"I never liked Shane ever really. He always seemed different" Glenn told me. I watched the interaction with Shane and Carl.

It seemed like Carl was holding something and seemed pretty excited to show Shane. But Shane seemed to yell at Carl. Carl had his head down and walked away. He was towards us.

"Hey, Y/n, look what I found" Carl said excitedly as he showed me what he got. He had a black bag with a whole bunch of knifes.

"That's cool buddy" I said as I looked at all the knifes. I found a small knife. It was like the size of a knife you would carry around. I picked it up. It had a black handle with ridges in the knife part. "Shh, give the rest to Dale and say this one went missing" I told him as I ruffled his hair. He nodded happily and walked over to Dale.

"Did you just take that knife out a set?" Glenn asked me.

"Well no dip jackass" I told him. He completely pointed out the obvious.

"No need to be mean" he said.

"Would you like me to ruffle your hair too?" I asked him as I tried to take his hat off.

"No!" He said as he tried to move away from me.


All of the sudden we were sitting around when we heard the Car Shane and Lori were at start to say something from the radio. It wasn't a transformer, I mean at this point, I wouldn't put it past it.

"Is that the local signal?" Glenn asked as we walked up to the car.

"It's hot to be within 50 miles of here" Dale told him.

"Avoid anyone infected at all costs. Remain calm. Help us on the way. The emergency alert system has been activated" the radio told us. Before it could say anything else Shane shut it off.

"Asshole" Shane muttered. He looked around at all of us and then said. "Okay, let's get back to work" He told us.

I groaned as I walked away. This was stupid, I wanted to do something meaningful. Like kill walkers or look for Sophia. I have to admit, I've gotten pretty good with my katana. I just need more practice.

"This is lame" I said as I opened the trunk of one of the cars.

"Tell me about it" Glenn told him as he walked up over to me.

"We have probably looked through all these cars 8 million times" I said as I looked around through the trunk.

"Daryl and Rick should be back soon" Glenn told me as he leaned against the car.

"Speaking of my brother. How are we going to tell him?" I asked him. All of the sudden Carol walked over to us.

"Tell who what?" She asked. She was still jittering about Sophia.

"Uhh nothing" I said quickly. Maybe to quickly.

"Y/n is pregnant" Glenn said quickly.

"Goddamnit Glenn!" I said as I hit the trunk.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"Are you serious?" She asked me. She was shocked.

"Yeah" I said. She walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Sophia. It's a wonderful thing, believe me" She said with a sad smile.

"We will find her" I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Oh and please don't tell anyone. Dale, T-Dog and you already know. We're trying not to tell anyone else" Glenn said from beside me.

"Will do" she said with a smile and walked away. She went back from her looking spot.

"By now they whole world knows" I said as I slumped sitting down by the car.

"I told you I was bad at keeping secrets" Glenn said as he sat next to me.

"I know, but I didn't think this bad" I told him as I pushed him slightly. I couldn't be mad at Glenn for long.

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