76| Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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The door shut, left the room extremely hot. I felt sweat drop down my face. Maybe it was the heat or the nervousness from the people who were standing outside the door.

We had no idea how many there are. I'm starting to regret Rick even killing Tony and Dave in the first place. I silently cursed to myself.

"We gotta get out of here" I heard one man say to the others. "Dave! Tony!" The third man called as he knocked on the glass and Glenn and I were next to.

"Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract em?" One man yelled at the yelling guy. "Just stick close. We're gonna find em" The same man tells the worried yelling man.

"Dude, he said to stay close" One guy said in a deep voice. I saw there shadows on the door. I could see them holding there guns in their hands too. "Tony" the guy whispers yells and walks to the window. I held my breath as if he could see us. The window was blocked off with a curtain.

The voices stopped and so did the footsteps. I let out a small breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I looked over at Rick. Rick stood up and looked outside the curtain. It was dark outside. They probably left to go look somewhere else.

Rick crawled over to the three of us. We stayed quiet and held on to his gun. "Why won't they leave?" Glenn asked us in a hushed voice. "Would you? Tony and Dave are clearly a part of their group" I told Glenn as I looked around.

"We can't sit here any longer" Rick told us. "Let's head out the back and make a run to the car" Rick told us before we could go through with the plan we heard gun fire.

We all rushed back to our spots before the men could return and see shadows inside the bar. I took a small peak out the window and saw a white male shooting at what I assume is a Walker.

I curse. They are going to bring more with them towards them. Have they ever thought about killing them silently?

"What happened?" I heard one of the men ask the other. "Roomers, I nailed em" The guy said happily to the other. "They disappeared but there cars still there" Another said.

"I cleared those buildings. You guys get this one?" As I heard footsteps walking towards us. "No" one guy said. "Me either". It was hard to tell who was who was who. All of their voices sounded the same.

"We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checks the damn bar?" One guy said completely shocked. I heard their footsteps getting closer and closer to us. I shut my eyes and took another deep breath.

Fast foo steps approached us. The door cam flying open but Glenn ran in front of it and kept it shut. "What?" One of the men asked. "Someone pushed it shut" The other guy said. "There is someone in there" the same guy said.

"Yo! Is there in there? Yo if someone's in there, we don't want no trouble. We're just looking for our friends" The first man shouts to us.

"What do we do?" One guy quietly asks "Bum rush the door ?" Another one asks in the same quiet tone.

"No, we don't know how many are there. Just relax" Said in the same quiet voice the other two were using. If we were across the bar we definitely couldn't have heard them. But in this case we did. "We don't want any trouble. We're just looking for our friends. If something happened, tell us. This place is crawling with corpses. If you can help us not get killed, I'd appreciate it" The same guy said in a louder voice. We were all sweating but this made it worse. I looked over at Rick and he put his hand on his head and frustratedly let out a sigh.

"You're bugging. I'm telling you nobody's in there" One of his friends said.

"Somebody guard the door. If there in there, they might know where Dave and Tony are" One man said as we heard footsteps leave. I felt so guilty. I know I didn't kill then but we were in danger. I know those guys would not understand.

"They drew on us!" Rick shouted. I jumped. I was confused in what he was doing but I didn't want to doubt Rick. We heard the footsteps vastly approach again. My heart was racing inside my chest.

"Dave and Tony in there?" One guy asked. I knew there were only three of them that spoke there could be many more. "They alive?" The man asked desperately.

"No" Rick said as a long time of thinking. I shut my eyes. I grabbed Glenn's hand and squeezed three times. 'I love you' I mouthed to him. 'I love you too' he mouthed back at me.

I know you could say I'm being dramatic but in this case I thought we were going to die. No joke, when I heard there guns cock. I knew for sure none of us were going to make it out alive...

"They killed Dave and Tony!" One of the men say.  "Come on let's go" the same man said.

"No, I'm not leaving, I'm not telling Jane. I'm not gonna go back and tell them that save and ring got shot by some assholes in a bar" the guy pleaded. Fucker did have a wife.

"Your friends drew on us!" Rick shouted at them. I jumped again. Jesus Rick got damn. "They gave us no choice! I'm sure we've all lost enough people, done things we wish we didn't have to, but it's like that now. You know that!" Rick pleaded with them. He kind of sounded like Dave too. "So let's just chalk this up to what is was-wrong place, wrong-" beofre Rick could finish gun fire landed three the bad windows.

None of it hit us because we were all crouched down under it. Fuck. Me.

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