23| Graveyard

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okay I can already hear y'all saying that Daryl doesn't have a bike yet.... Roll with it okay. I made that mistake.


We were on the road again. For being in a RV I had to admit, this was a nice bed. I looked up at the ceiling as Dale drove off. I do miss Jim. I miss Merle. I miss my mom. I miss Amy. I don't get why people had to leave this earth. Why can't we all die at the same time?

"What are you thinking about?" Glenn asked me as he looked over at me.

"I don't know. I'm just sad people have to die" I said as I rolled over and looked at him.

"Everyone has to die sooner or later. But we will never die" he said as he smiled. I smiled a bit.

"What if it turns out we are both like not infected. Like if they bite us we can't die?" I asked him as I sat up.

"That would be pretty cool" he said as he laid down.

"I hope the C.D.C is good. Because I'm tired of not having a good place to stay" I told him.

"Me too"


The Rv came to a stop. I pulled back the curtain and looked to see we were outside of a building. It was still daytime. We all hurried out of our vehicles. Glenn was the first one to get out and i followers behind him.

The first thing we say was millions of dead walkers everywhere. I looked at the bodies scattered around the city. My heart dropped. This was a lost cause.

Glenn held out his hand and stopped me from walking any further. It was nice for him to protect me but I can handle myself.

Everyone was in shock just like I was. This was supposed to be an escape. But now we might be back to square one.

Rick took the opportunity to take the lead. He had his Sheriffs uniform on with his hat on his head. He had his gun right infront of him. Just in case.

We all followed him. We walked past the walkers. It was always a sad sight to see. Looking at them and seeing them. They were once people and there life was teared away from them with no choice.

We walked a bit farther and it caused many to cough including me. The smell was horrible. I don't know if I could take it any longer.

Flies and other bugs were coming out of the bodies. I wanted to puke. Being around so many at once was horrible.

"All right everybody. Keeping moving. Go on. Stay quiet let's go" Shane whispered to us, in fear that there might be walkers lurking around.

Glenn slightly pushed me behind him. I was flattered that he wanted to protect me but at the same time I could handle myself. I took out the katana. Just to stay alert.

This was completely horrifying. Bodies everywhere. I assumed it had to be the military. Shooting everyone no matter if there alive and okay. I saw that happen.

Merle, Daryl and I were hiding behind cars as military came through and shooting so many people. People screamed and shouted for them to save them but instead they just killed them in cold blood.

Everyone quickened up the pace wanted to get out of this graveyard. It gave your this eerie feeling. And the flies you could hear them buzzing.

We walked farther into the building. Past cars and more bodies.

"Okay, keep moving stay together. Keep moving come on" Shane said as he ushered us further. "Shhh" Rick told him. He was being a bit loud and completely unnecessary.

We past a abandoned tank with bodies around it and on it. I can't imagine what it smelled like inside of it. We got to a building with a huge window on it.

"Keep it together. Come on" Shane told us as we hurried up. It was starting to get dark. I swear if he says anything else I will punch him.

We got to the doors. It wasn't really a door. It looked like a garage door. Rick rattled it. "Nothing?" Shane asked him in disbelief.

Shane then tried pushing it up. That didn't work either. Then he started pounding which brought a lot of noise our way.

I looked around the building. There had to be a way in. And I wasn't going to let this stop us.

"There's nobody here" T - Dog said in defeat.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick asked him.

"Walker!" Daryl shouted. I turned around and I saw one in a army uniform coming our way.

Everyone cocks there guns. I still have my sword in my hand. Sophia and Carl are scared and you could hear them whimpering. My heart ached for them.

Daryl shot the Walker right between its eyes with his crossbow. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl yelled at Rick almost charging at him.

"He made a call" Dale told him, trying to calm everyone.

"It was the wrong damn call" Daryl fired back.

"Just shut up! You hear me? Shut up. Shut up!" Shane said as he pushed Daryl back. My hand tightened around my sword.

"Rick is this a dead end" Shane said going up to Rick.

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol asked on the verge of tears.

"Do you hear me? No blame" Shane told him ignoring Carol question.

"She's right. We can't be here, this close to the city after dark" Lori said as he holds Carl close to her.

"Fort Benning Rick. Still an option" I heard Shane say. I looked up and I saw a camera move.

"On what! No food, no fuel. That's 100 miles!" Andrea told him.

I kept my eyes locked on the camera. To make sure I wasn't seeing things. I couldn't do that to the group. Bring them false hope.

"125. I checked the map" Glenn corrected her.

"Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight, now" Lori said in distress.

I looked behind me T- Dog and Daryl were holding there weapons to more walkers coming our way. We we're screwed.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now