8| Hand

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We raced up the stairs. My heart was beating quickly. Everything would go back to Normal and we could go back to camp. T-Dog used the same tool to Glenn used to cut the fence.

We got up stairs and rushed through. I looked around for Merle. It wasn't a big roof and it's not like he could be hiding from us.

Then I realized he was gone. I broke down on the ground. Again. Glenn rushed over to me and repeated that he was sorry over and over again. And the only thing I could think of is what Daryl said. Toughen up. I got up and wiped my tears.

I was going to toughen up.

Daryl turned around and pointed to crossbow and T-Dog. Rick aims the gun at Daryl's head.

"I won't hesitate. I don't care if every Walker in this city hears it" Rick said as he cocks the gun.

Daryl lowered his crossbow. Daryl looked at T-Dog and blinked hard holding back tears.

"You got a Do-Rag or something?" Daryl asked him. T-Dog nodded and handed it to Daryl.

Daryl moved over to the pole we're Merle was kept. He cut it off to get through the handcuffs.

"I guess the saw blade was to dull for the handcuffs" Daryl said as he picked up Merle's hand by one finger. I slightly shuttered.

He carefully placed it on the bandanna. He wrapped it up. He sighed deeply and he put it in Glenn's bag. Glenn closed his eyes. Trying the process the fact he had a hand in his bag.

"He must of used a tourniquet.. maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't" Daryl pointed out as he followed the blood trail.

Rick looked back at us and nodded. We followed along. Maybe Merle was still out there.

Me and Glenn trailed behind. He looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry" he said as he looked down.

"It's okay. Wasn't your fault" I said as I gave him a small smile.

"He didn't deserve it" Glenn said trying to make me feel better knowing he meant to complete opposite.

"None of them do" I said as I started to walk after to catch up with the group. We reached to a tiny door with a sign that said caution. Well isint that great.

Daryl lead the way ready to shoot anything with his Crossbow if needed. We then got to an opening and walked down the stairs. "Merle! You in here?" Daryl shouted as he walked down the stairs.

We kept walking. He couldn't of gotten fair with his arm. Maybe? He seemed to be losing some blood.

The blood trail was getting lighter and lighter the more we went. I was starting ti get a weird feeling in my stomach.

We got to a room that appeared to be some sort of office. Daryl shot a Walker, it went straight down.

I was starting to get frustrated. We've been out here for hours and we still haven't found him. The sun was beating down on us.

We made it into an opening. It looked like a office of some sort. Papers scattered everyone, pens and pencils on the ground. It seemed when the apocalypse hit everyone got scared and freaked out.

We saw two walkers on the ground. It looked like Merle took them out. Or someone did. "Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches" Daryl said as he walked past them.

"One handed" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother" Daryl said as he pulled an arrow out of of an walkers head. "Feed him a hammer he'd crap out nails" he said as he put the arrow back into his crossbow.

"Any man can pass out form blood loss, no matter how tough he is" Rick said as he ventured on into our journey.

We walked into some sort of kitchen area. It was like a part of an office where people would make there lunch of coffee.

"Merle!" Daryl shouted. I jumped a little. We were not alone.

"We're not alone here, remember?" Rick said as if he was reading my mind.

"Screw that. He could be bleeding out. You said so yourself" Daryl said as he walked farther into the kitchen.

We got to the stove. The stove fire was still on. And the belt was there. It was slightly burned. Blood was on the over handle. And skin pieces was on the hot plate. I shuddered at the thought of my brother doing that to myself.

"What's the burned stuff?" Glenn asked as we got a closer look at the mess that was created on this kitchen top.

"Skin" I said as I looked at Glenn.

"He cauterized the stump" Rick finished for me. I saw Glenn's face twist in disgust.

"Told you he was tough" Daryl said and it made me giggle again. "Nobody can kill Merle but Merle" I said to back up my brother.

"Don't take that in faith. He's lost a lot of blood" Rick said as he looked at us.

"Yeah? Didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap" Daryl said as we went farther into the building.

"He left the building?" Glenn asked as he trailed behind me. "Why the hell would he do that?" Glenn said as he shook his head.

"Why wouldn't he?" I asked him. "He's out there alone as far as he knows doing what he's got to do." I said as I looked out the broken window that Merle hooped out of.

"Surviving" Daryl said.

"You call that surviving? Just wondering out in the streets, maybe passing out? What are his odds out there?" T-Dog question Daryl.

"No worse then being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks" he said as he looked at Glenn and T-Dog. Then he looked at Rick. "You couldn't kill him. Ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard"

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