44| Friends

448 13 2

(Okay so like we need to like speed up the baby growing processes... so they have been on the road for a month. And let's say she is a month pregnant and you can see a little bit of the bump)

  Y/n POV

"You can sleep, you know?" Glenn asked me. It's been a while and it's dark now. He kept his eyes on the road. I stilled played with his hair and I was about to fall asleep.

"No" I mumbled sleepy. I wanted to stay up with Glenn and keep him company. I heard T-Dog's soft snores as we continued down the dirt road.

"Y/n/n it's okay. Seriously. Sleep you and the baby both need it" he said as he moved his hand from my thigh to my stomach. I looked down and smiled softly.

"Don't wanna leave you" I told him as I snuggled more into the seat.

"I will be here when you wake up. Trust me" he said as he took a quick glance at me. I smiled.

"Night glennie" I said as I closed my eyes and let myself fall into deep slumber.

"Goodnight baby" he told me back. I smiled and I relaxed.


I felt the car go to a stop. I opened my eyes to see Glenn take the keys out of the car and close his door. I was about to open mine before he beat me too it.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head" he said as he pulled out his hand to me to grab. I slowly got out of the car. I closed it and I saw T-Dog right behind us.

I grabbed Glenn's arm and leaned into him as we walked up to the house. It was a nice Victorian farm house. I smiled. I would totally want to live here.

We started to walk up the path. The lights were still on. I felt a sudden Greece and I shuddered and leaned closer into Glenn. We finally reached the steps.

"So do we ring the bell? Looks like people live here." Glenn said. I pulled away from him and yawned.

"I think we're passed ringing the door bell. Come on" I said as I ushered them up the steps. All of the sudden I saw the same girl that was on the horse in the corner of the house on a rocking chair.

"Jesus crust girlfriend. Scared the shit out of me" I told her. She giggled and walked over to us.

"Did you close the gate to the road when you drove in?" She asked as she walked up to us.

"Uh hi. Yes we closed it. Did the latch and everything.  Hello nice to see you again" Glenn said.

"Hey! My name is Y/n and this is... oh my god where is sprinkles?!" I asked as I turned around to the both of them.

"Sprinkles?" The girl asked.

"Yes sprinkles. Where?" I asked them.

"In the car. We will get it in the morning" Glenn said as he put his hand on my back. I nodded.

"I'm Glenn and this is T-Dog" Glenn finished interducing us.

"Maggie" she said.

"Look we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog asked her.

"It's not a bite. He cut hisself pretty bad. I was a nurse so I did the best I could with what we had. His veins are getting discolored and if it's not helped he may die" I told her.

"We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them your here" She said as she walked into the house.

"Oh we have some painkillers and antibiotics. Y/n already gave him some. Here if Carl needs anything" Glenn told her as he pulled some out of his bag and handed it to her.

"Come on inside. I'll make you guys something to eat" She said. Yes finally some food.

She opened up the door and we followed her in. It was a big and nice living room. We walked into the side room and we saw Carl on the bed. My heart broke for the poor boy. I gave Lori a small smile.

"Hey" Glenn spoke up.

"Hey" Rick replied. They looked like a mess. They were tired and there tear strained faces.

I saw an older man step up. He seemed to be the doctor.

"Uh, we're here, okay?" Glenn told him. Very comforting.

"Thank you" Lori told us. I nodded at her. I needed to get out of here before we made this any more awkward.

"Whatever you need" T-Dog said as he led us out of the room.


Maggie led us into the kitchen. It was a nice space. I always wanted a big house like this. The older man who name was Hershel he wanted to Check on T-Dog and Glenn went with him. It was just me and Maggie.

"So you and Glenn?" She asked as she opened the fridge and looked around.

"Yes. Was it obvious?" I asked her.

"Yes. They way he looks at you" she said with a smile. She pulled out bacon.

"Oh. I'm not good with the smell of cooking meat" I told her. I didn't want to throw up in her kitchen.

"Why?" She asked me curiously. I really had nothing to hold back at this point. Everyone knew.

"I'm pregnant" I said with a smile. It felt good to tell someone and not feel forced to say it.

"Really? I'm so... congratulations" she said as she went over to me and gave me a hug.

"I know. But the thing is, I don't know how long or anything" I said as I sighed a little.

"Well your just in luck. My mom always wanted to be a baby nurse. So she had one of those baby monitor things. My dad knows how to use it. He could help" she said with a smile.

"Totally, 100% sure. But after Carl gets better" I said. I didn't want to take Hershel away from Carl who needed it.

"I totally get that. Y/n, I really think we're going to be close friends" she said with a smile.

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