43| On The Road, again.

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guys, I love posting...I post when I'm bored. today has been pretty boring


"Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asked us. We finally made it back to the highway, we were explaining why Lori wasn't back with us.

"I don't know Dale. I wasn't there" I told him as I climbed up the hill.

"All we know is this chick Rode out no where like zorro on a horse and room Lori" Glenn explained after me.

"She didn't really take her. She went on her free will" I reminded him.

"You guys let her?" Dale asked still shocked with the news.

"Climb down out of my asshole, man" Daryl told Dale off. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh stop being suck a penis wrinkle" I told him as I hit him on the back off the head.

"Did you call him a penis wrinkle?" Andrea asked me.

"I did and I'll say it again" I told them.

"Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carls" Daryl told him while walking away.

"I heard screams. Was that you?" He asked Andrea. "And what happened to your eye?" He asked her.

"Me and Y/n had a talk. Don't worry it's all fine" she said dismissing the subject. He looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"She got attacked my a Walker. That was the screams" Glenn told Dale as Andrea walked away. "It was a close call. But Y/n was there and saved her" Glenn said as he gave me a small smile. I smiled back. I couldn't be mad at him the rest of my life.

"Andrea, are you all right?" He called out to the blonde who was walking back to the Rv.

She shook her head slightly and walked into the Rv. I kind of felt bad for Dale in a way. He was trying. Heartless bitch.

"Can we talk?" Glenn asked me. I nodded and he lead me to a car nearby away from ears distance.

"What's up?" I asked him as I leaned against the car window.

"Look, I didn't mean to say that about your brother. It's just, I love you Y/n. I may not say it as much because I never had someone love me or felt this way. I need you to be safe. So seeing you risk your laugh it scares me" he told me. He talked with his hands and he was talking fast like he needed to get all his words out.

I smiled at him and leaned to kiss him. He didn't process the kiss until seconds after and relaxed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled against the kiss. "I love you too" I said. We touched foreheads and he smiled back at me.


"I won't do it. I can't just leave" Carol told us. We needed to go back to our group. Back at the farm. I wanted to check on Carl.

"Carol, the group is split. We're scattered and weak" Dale tried to reason with her.

"What is she comes back and we're not here?" She asked us. "It could happen" she mumbled.

"If Sophia found her way back and we're gone, that would be awful" Andrea stated. I nodded my head.

"Okay, we got to plan for this. I saw tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a change to rig up a big sign. Leave her some supplies" I pointed out to the group. I was torn but I couldn't just think of one persons. I needed to think about the whole group.

"I'll hold here tonight, stay with the Rv" Daryl said agreeing with me.

"If the Rv is staying, I am too" Dale said. I didn't blame him, the Rv was all he had that connected to the real world.

"Thank you. Thank you both" Carol told them.

"I'm in" Andrea said.

"Well, if your all staying that I'm-" Glenn said before Dale cut him off.

"Not you. Glenn, you going. Take Carols Cherokee." Dale said. I was going to be separated from Glenn.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah why him?" I asked getting defensive. They were not letting my man go alone.

"You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on. But what's most important, you have to get T-Dog there and Y/n. This is not an option" Dale said seriously. I was kinda annoyed with the whole pregnant excuse but I was glad that I was going with Glenn.

"He is right. T-Dog needs medical attention. I can't do it all alone and I don't have the stuff" I told him agreeing with Dale.

Daryl wen to his bike and pulled out a bag of medicines.

"Oh my fucking god. That fucking bastard. I thought he took those shits with him" I said as I ran to Daryl and grabbed the medicine bag. It was Merle's stash. Since it was Merle's bike I should've none.

"What is that?" Dale asked.

"Merle's stash" Daryl told him.

I ran to T-Dog. I pulled out some morphine and told him to take it. I grabbed his water.

"Now this will help with the pain" I told him as I watched him take some. I put the rest in my bag. Just in case.

I gave everyone my hugs and goodbyes. Daryl kissed my head and told me to be safe. I put all of our stuff in the car. I put T-dog in the back so he could rest and lay down.

We hit the road. Glenn was good with directions. I smiled as he leaned back in his seat. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on my thigh.

"What?" He asked as he stole a quick glance at me.

"Your cute" I mumbled as I played with the back of his hair. He chucked a bit. T was already asleep. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

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