78| Roamers

265 9 4


"You'll try and succeed. I'll cover you" Hershel said in a calm voice.

"This is great. What about Y/n?" Glenn asked looking over at me.

"She is in no place to do anything. All of this is hurting the baby and giving her stress. We need to get out of here to make sure the baby is okay" Hershel said as he placed one hand on my shoulder. I groaned as I felt a sharp pain hit my stomach.

Glenn walked over to me and kissed my head before walking out of the building. I was burning up and my body felt like it was on fire.

Glenn walked out of the building the door was open and Hershel and I were right behind him. The night air was way cooler than it was in that building.

Gunshots fire and Glenn hid behind a dumpster. Hershel took action and shot the man right between the head. He fell back unmoving but with the few groans he was still alive.

"What happened?" I heard Rick ask as I heard his footsteps come up behind me.

"He fired. He must've hit Glenn. He's behind the dumpster. Doesn't look like he is moving" Hershel said, my heart began to beat really fast.

I heard the groaning from the man that Hershel hit. His calls would definitely call way more walkers than now. Rick slowly went out the door. His body pressed against the wall. He looked to his left and right constantly to make sure no one sneaked up on him.

"You hit?" Rick whispered to Glenn. My breath got stuck in my throat. Rick edged closer and closer to Glenn. I stood there waiting for a response. "Are you hit?" Rick asked a little clearer.

"No. No" Glenn answered. Weight lifted off my shoulders and it felt like I was able to stand up a little straight. Rick crouched down beside Glenn.

The only reason why I could hear there conversation because it was so quiet. The only sounds you could hear were the groaning of the man and your own heart beat.

"It's all right, the cars right there" Rick said trying to calm down the poor boy.

"Okay" he said in a hush voice as he shut his eyes. "We're almost home" Rick said, maybe mostly to himself to calm himself down too. We were really close to getting home and having one hell of a story to the others.

"You good?"

"I'm good"

The groaning of the wan was hurting my ears. The old me would have yelled at Hershel for killing a man in cold blood. But now I was pretty proud of him for knocking him down.

"Let's go" Rick called to all of us. He was the first to get up the shots fired up again. "Get back!" He called as him and Glenn rushed to get cover behind the dumpster. This was going to be way harder.

"Let's get out of here! Roomers all over the place! Hurry up! We gotta get out of here!" One of the men say as he pulled up in a car. He was talking to a kid on the roof on the other side of the town.

"What about Sean?" The kid calls back.

All of the sudden I felt someone pull me back and put a knife to my neck.

"Y/n! Rick! Glenn!" I heard Hershel call to Rick and Glenn.

"Take one more step old man and I'll slit her throat" The man grumbled from behind me. I struggled against his arm that wrapped around my neck. The more I struggled the tighter the grip he held on the throat.

The cool blade was pressed up against my throat. If I moved it would definitely leave a cut. Rick and Glenn raced into the room. Rick put his hands up and walked a little closer.

"I said if you walk any closer this bitch dies" The guy practically screams. I wanted to cry, I've never been so scared in my whole life. The look on Glenn's face made my knees weak. He looked almost scared and angry.

"Put the knife down and let her go" Rick says calmly. I shut my eyes and counted my breathing to keep me calm. Something my mom used to do when I got scared at night.

"Please let me go" I whispered quietly. I was scared that I was going to die and my baby was too. I wanted nothing more to let this baby live.

"You guys killed my friends so I might as well kill her. You know what killing her means killing this baby. 2 for 2" the man practically laughed. The man took the knife that was on my throat and stabbed it into my stomach.

I let if a blood curdling scream. I heard a gunshot and Glenn nailed him right in the head. I put my hand over my wound so I wouldn't loose any blood.

I started to get dizzy as Glenn and Rick picked me up. I heard ricks voice telling me to keep pressure on the wound.

"Y/n, stay with me okay" I heard Glenn say. I remember looking up at him and him grabbing my face. "It's going to be okay. I promise" his words filled my ears.

I remember going weak and my eyes shutting. My hand slipped off my stomach. The screams of people, the groaning of walkers, the stay awakes. I remember waking up in the car and seeing a boy next to me. I thought I was seeing things.

"She probably passed out from shock"

"Let's hope the baby is okay"

My baby? I felt like I was sinking into a hole. Almost as like I was drowning and there was no way to reach the surface. I wanted to say I was okay and my baby was okay. I just felt really sleepy and I'm tired. I felt really tired.

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