81| You got everything

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When I got back to the house and Maggie ran in after me. "Hey what's up?" She asked as she grabbed my shoulders. I was out of breath and I couldn't get a sentence out.

"I gave Beth lunch and she didn't eat anything but she took the knife. If I hadn't catches it she would have killed herself. I'm sorry I should have stayed and watched her" I said as I almost fell over.

"Y/n no. You saved my sister and that's all I could ask for" She said as she gave me a big hug. I squeezed her back.

"She is up in her room" I said, she nodded and headed off. I sat on the couch and let myself catch any breath I had left in me.

I was in the kitchen with Andrea and Lori. We were listening to Maggie and Beth argue.

"Thank you for finding them" I told Andrea.

"No problem" she said with a small smile. "Gosh this reminds me of me and amy. Well without what they are yelling about. Just the sound, we would fight over anything and everything" she said thinking back to past memories. You could see the pain in her eyes and she let out a small breath. "Where's Hershel?" She asked quickly changing the conversation.

"Maggie doesn't want him to find out yet" Lori said softly.

"That's working it out?" Mentioning to upstairs, the sound of voices carrying.

"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." I said as I leaned back on the counter.

"You're being so selfish!" I heard Maggie scream. I flinched at the words slightly. I just wanted this to be all over with.

"This could've been handled better" Andrea said, to be honest I just don't think she likes listening to them argue.

"How so?" Lori asked her as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away" Andrea says in a simple tone.

"Excuse me?" I asked her trying to keep calm.

"You were wrong, like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision" She said.

"Wiat hold on. Your gun and Beth life is two different things. I'm not going to sit there and let this girl kill her self under my watch" I said trying my best not to get heated.

"She has to choose to live her own life. She has to find her reasons" Andrea said ignoring me.

"Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori asked as she put the plates away.

"If she's serious, she figure out a way" Andrea said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Damn well I'm glad you were never worked as a suicide hotline worker. The suicides would go way up" I said as I let out a small sigh.

"Doesn't mean Y/n and I can't stop her" Lori said going back to what Andrea said. "Or let her now that we care"

"That has nothing to do with it, Lori. She only had so many choices in front of her, and she believes the best one is suicide" Andrea said with a sigh.

"Well that's not an option" I told her as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Of course it is. She doesn't need to be yelled at or travesties like a child" Andrea said as she looked around.

"She needs a loaded gun, right?" I asked her. Lori was moving master by putting stuff away you could tell that it was bothering her what Andrea was saying and the way she was too.

"You'll understand if I don't send you in there" Lori said to Andrea about 'Beth watch'.

"I came through it" Andrea said a little defensively.

"And become such a productive member of the group" I said with a fake smile. "Let Maggie handle this her way" I said to Andrea.

"I help keep this place safe" Andrea said getting a little angry. 

"You made Shane come though" I mumbled to myself she gave me a little look.

"The men can handle this on their own. They don't need your help" Lori told Andrea, okay I was little offended by that one. We're not in the 1800s I think I can pull my own weight.

"I'm sorry what would you have me do?" Andrea asked getting more heated by the minute.

"Oh? There's plenty of work to go around" Lori said getting more heated then I was.

"Are you serious? Everything falls apart your in my face over skipping laundry?" Andrea asked as she sits up a little straighter.

"Puts a burden on the rest of us, on me, Carol, Y/m, Patricia and Maggie. Cooking, cleaning and caring for Beth. And you... you don't care about anyone but yourself you sit up in that R. V, working on your tan with a shotgun on your lap" Lori says with a shrug

"No, I am on watch against walkers" Andrea shouts.

"Daryl is the only 'Walker' you shot" I told her.

"That is what matters, not fresh mint leaves in the lemonade" Andrea ignores me and fires back at Lori.

"And we are providing Stability. We are trying to create a life with living" Lori says slowly and counting her words.

"Are you kidding me?" Andrea asked.

"Look, I went after Rick. I took down two walkers-" Lori tried to day.

"After crashing Maggie's car. Have you ever apologized for that?" Andrea added. I thought this might be the funniest thing ever.

"Don't act like you're the only one that can take care of yourself. You're insane" Lori spits at her.

"No, you are. And you're the one that's self centered, the way you take it all for granted" Andrea says nice and calmly.

"My husband is out there for the hundredth time. My son was shot. Don't you dare tell me I take this for granted" Lori said raising her voice

"You don't get it do you? Your husband came back from the dead, your son too. And now you've got a baby on the way. Look at Y/n for god sake. She has lost almost everything and she is not having a pity party" Andrea says as she tells Lori. I was kind of shocked she used my name at all. "The rest of us piled up our losses. Y/n, Carol, Beth but you just keep on keeping on. We all have suffered. Playing house, acting like the queen bee, laying down rules for everybody but yourself. You know what? Go ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay, just like it is for you. She'll get a husband, a son, baby, boyfriend" I was shocked. I knew Lori had a thing with Shane but now Andrea mentioned it. Damn, she low key did eat that.

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