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Its already 2:00 AM.

Freen stepping inside her mansion and could see how the mansion filled with the dim yellow lights which showed that everyone is already gone sleep. And yes, she's staying inside the mansion with billy and heng, and some of the bodyguards who staying based on their schedules.

When she was about to take a step onto the stairs, a sounds of someone clearing his throat was hearing. Freen slightly froze and turn her body, as she could see heng and billy was staring to her with their both arms crossed to their chest. As if they were mad. Huh? How brave they are to get mad towards freen? No. No way.

She thought they already go to bed? Freen slightly raise her eyebrows and look at them coldly.


"Seriously freen? You're going out and randomly killed 6 minions of the armstrong?" Billy ask, his eyebrows furrowed hardly as if he want to tell her that what she did just now was wrong. Billy and heng also slowly walk to her, standing in front of her which make freen found it annoying. So annoying.

Freen sighing loudly and slightly leaning her back to the stair's handrail, and look at them boredly.

"They followed me first. Not me." She simply answer.

"But still, this will effect our plan, we already planned to start our move on next ye—-"

Freen's hand quickly snatch for billy's shirt collar which make heng and also billy gasped in shock. This is challenging her anger. Challenging her patience.

Freen glaring to billy deeply, jaw already clenched tightly and eyes was as deep as mariana trench. She's mad. From her body language, heng and billy already know she was mad. Her trembling hand that hold billy's shirt collar, her quick fast-pace breaths, her tense face, and everything. Everything shows so clearly that she's mad.

"F-freen..." Heng slowly hold freen's hand that still clenching and grasping for billy's shirt collar but she's still not taking her hand off from it. That's make heng a little worried of the tense situation. He know so much what freen capable to do. Her strength is incredible.

Billy slightly gulping but still staring to her as deep as her's too. Billy is a man that Conscientious, charismatic, honorable, persistent, disciplined and loyal. He's different from heng. Heng is more to playful and goofy but billy is not. He's genius and more with goods characteristics.

"I Fucking turn 25! Its me and my hands! I was the one that make the plan and its fucking up to me to take any move! Dont tell me what to do. Asshole." Freen said one by one, coldly pressing each words hardly, teeth grinding and hands was shaky as billy slightly sighing and just staring onto that red-monster face that changed just now. He knows freen is already mad at the moment. Freen is so scary.

"freen..." Heng mumbled once again which make freen roughly push billy and that's make he stumbled backwards and body threw down onto the floor with a loud thud. Billy hissed while freen scoffed annoyingly before she stepping up to the upstairs towards her room.

"Heng! As usual. I give you 20 Minutes, black room."

When freen said that, heng immediately flustered and in rush. But, he still went to help for billy despite the instructions from freen. Instruction to search for a slut through a call that could feed freen's lust atleast once or twice a week.

"Are you okay?" Heng quickly went to help billy which still sitting down onto the floor and rubbing his arm. The two of them look up to see freen's figure that slowly disappeared from their sight.

"That bastard...." Billy mumbled slowly with a hissed as heng just sighing out loud, slightly rubbing billy's shoulder.

"You know her, billy." Heng said with his flat voices which makes billy just sighing out loud with his jaw tightened. Billy know. They know. They know how sensitive and extreme freen's anger issues is. She can't accept if someone controlling her, or trying to fix her. She can't accept since she is the person that full with arrogance.

Whether its wrong or not, she can't be told. She can't be ask. Only herself could control her own body. No one else can.

But what makes everyone amaze is, each of her actions were never leading to failure. But still, billy just want everything to be follow and perfect just like how they plan. Not suddenly make step and crushing down their plan like this. But... its freen. Its her decision. Uh.

"Go. You will late to make the call." Billy slowly said, and turn his face to see heng who seem slightly worried of him. Heng then nodded and help him to standing up again.

"Dont take freen's words too serious, billy. We know her, okay?" Heng pat billy's shoulder with a thin smile plastered on his lips. That actions from heng makes billy look at him and give a tint smile too.

"I know. I know her, heng. We know her. Dont worry. Im okay, and she's our family." Billy said, smiling sincerely with a relief feelings spiking in his heart. Its just.... how bad freen's attitude or behaviour is, they know how much freen is a good person before this. Freen is their family. And both of them is the only family that freen have. Even though its not by blood, but still, they only have the three of them. No one else know each other better than the three of them.

"Alright. Im going~ that horny master is waiting~" Heng grinning waving his hand with his legs running away to get his phone. With that, heng make a call that become freen's usual request. Everyweek, or sometimes when she's mad or stress, she will ask heng to request the slut, girl or whatever it is to become a person that she can release her tension.

With a sex, she can release those tension.

Who will reject the call when they know the request is from 'Freen Sarocha Chankimha?'

No one. No one reject the offer or request before.

Anytime, anywhere, her request will be always accepted despite how afraid everyone is towards her cruelty.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now