𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2️⃣3️⃣

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𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼!!!!

They're coming back to the armstrong mansion as she didn't even look back makes gulf sighing out loud and stares to the three figure that walking to get inside the mansion, leaving him alone in the car. Gulf scoffed and he drove away while rebecca quickly getting inside the mansion and went to saint, giving a finger flick on that man's forehead.

"Auch! Rebecca!!!" Saint scream while rubbing his forehead and the little laughters from the two little kids could be hear.

"Kekeke uncle! Uncle is so funny!" Freca laugh while holding her stomach makes saint playfully wearing his grumpy face.

"Huh! Rebecca! What's wrong?! Did i do something wrong?!" Saint ask, as rebecca scoffed and slump her body on the couch, then she glares to him sharply.

"You know about this, right?! You know that my boss is really freen right?!" Rebecca ask, makes saint taken back in shock as he gulp his saliva hardly and rebecca saw how he was that flustered right now. Tch. She already expected this! Saint know about this!!!


"Saint... Dont lied to me!" A stern voices of rebecca hearing against saint's ears makes saint quickly nodded and flashed a fear- awkward grin.

"Y-yes, i knew. B-but its not my fault! Its billy! Billy was the one that ask me to hide this from the two of you!" Saint said makes rebecca's eyes widened. Seriously? All this time saint was having a plan with billy huh?! With her brother!

"What? And freen also didn't know this?" Rebecca ask, and once she mutters freen's name, her heart beating fastly. God. She's crazy.

Saint nod his head and flash his smile again.

"Hehe. Yup. She-she didn't know about all of this!"

"No wonder she looks so shock when im getting into the company! But, why she act like she didn't know me? Did she hate me that much?" Rebecca mumble as she look down and sighing out loud. She know its her fault of doing and decide that way. She killed her. She shoot her at the first place. Freen might really struggling to live that time, because of her.

Saint sighing too and shook his head.

"No. Dont think about that, okay? Right now, think about you and the kids." Saint said and immediately, rebecca remember about this. She raise her face and said to saint with her eyes grew bigger!

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now