𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣0️⃣

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After billy going back, he's leaving freen alone at the outside as freen immediately went inside again, and eyes meeting with rebecca who stay at the living room with her arms crossed.

The twins were already playing around and went to their play room as rebecca keeping her cold, staring to the blank television that not even on.

"Who is camila?" Rebecca's voices sounding so stern when freen was about to have a sit on the couch beside to her. There, freen gulp and slump her body on the couch, keeping her cold too as she still want to stick on her ego that she's sulking.

Freen didn't reply rebecca's questions.

"Who.Is.Camila. Freen Sarocha?!" Once again. Rebecca glares to freen as freen lift her head up and stares to rebecca boredly.

"Why do you care?" She ask with a little scoffed. There, rebecca gasped, her teeth grinded, and her jaw clenched in annoyed. Rebecca stood up from her seat roughly, her glares getting deep and she pointed her finger towards freen angrily.

"Fine! Dont act like you care too if i accept gulf after this!" Rebecca a little bit shout and she turn her body to walk away but when freen hearing that, her eyes slightly widened, she rush to rebecca and grab her hands before she pull her making rebecca's petite body fall down on hers.

The moments seem in slow motion, their eyes meeting each other, and rebecca gasped a little in shock before she comes to her sense again and wriggle her arms rapidly to let freen's grip on her arms loosened.

"Let go of me!!! Let me go freen sarocha!!!" Rebecca shout, rebelling over freen and already hitting freen's chest hardly with her little hands. Freen grip her both hand tightly, she pull rebecca's body more and wrap her other arm around rebecca's waist makes their body collide and stuck on each other with rebecca on top of hers.

"Okay fine. Fine. Stop it rebecca! Fine! Let me explain but never said that man's name in front of me." Freen said, a little bit cold and eyes staring to her deeply.

"Why do you care? Gulf staying with me when you're not here. He's the one that becoming the two daddy's when you're not around. For freaking years!" Rebecca said with a sarcastic tone while freen who heard this could feel how her own heart hurting. Yes. She knows this is her fault. From the start, it is her fault. Raping, hitting, everything. Everything is her fault.

Freen's face switched, her eyes slowly building up with a tears making the sight of rebecca in front of her glassy and blurry. There, that's when rebecca know that she already make this a little bit serious and tense. She should not saying that, in front of freen.

"I-i know." Freen's voice getting out from her own throat, and it was shaky and cracked. Freen slowly loosened her grip around rebecca's hand and waist makes rebecca quickly stood up away from freen who still stay sitting on the couch. But, freen slowly stood up and look towards rebecca on her face.

"I know. I don't deserve to be your important person. I dont deserve at all. Im-im sorry." Freen cracked voice hearing against rebecca's ears as right now, freen look down and shed her tears silently. She suddenly scoffed and touch her nose bridge. Gosh, everything inside her mind likely to burst.

"Im so stupid. How can im expecting you forgave everything about me when im literally ruined your life from the start. How can im trying to get you back when you're not even mine from the start. How can im wanting to have you for myself when im not even deserve to have you. Ah....I-im.... Yes. You're true. Im leaving you with that two little humans on your wombs. They're not a proof of out love. They're a proof of how cruel i am to you. Im sorry. I forgot about it for a second. I forgot how much i ruined you even thought actually for a second, i thought they are the proof of my love to you. I forgot. My cruelty is much more bigger than my love to you. Im sorry." Freen said in half whispers, she heave out a loud disappoint sigh for herself and the next thing rebecca know is,

Freen slowly lift her head up, showing how messy her handsome face is with the tears. There, rebecca's heart beating out loud and clenching hardly. Its hurting her. So much. When freen like this, its hurting her, but everything that freen said is something that she assumed by her own self. Rebecca is not thinking that way. But....

"Im sorry. I was coward enough to tell you that i.... I fall for you even before im leaving you. I was coward to tell you that everytime i set my eyes on you when you're still staying with me that time, i wish you're mine. I was blind with my anger, my egoes, my emotions and my thoughts until i make your life ruined by touching you. But trust me, everytime im with you at that moment, my heart beating and i wish i can continue be with you for the rest of my life. For me, ryker and freca is a proof of my hidden love towards you. A hidden, deep and beautiful love that i always want. But i didn't realise, you're not thinking that way." Freen mutters again, her hands clenching and shaky, as she lastly give a tint smile with a little sigh.

Freen loved me, too?

There, everything getting out from her thoughts, and once again rebecca gasped and slowly shook her head. But its all too late. Its all late because freen already stepping away, grabbing her things and bags, wanting to going out from the house.

"Freen..."  Rebecca mutters under her breath, her eyes teary, and her body shaking. No. This is not what freen assumed. She's not thinking that way.

"Im sorry. I will come to meet the twins every two or three days. Don't worry, i will still put my responsibilities as their daddy." Freen flashed her upset smile as she step out from the house and just like that, she leaving rebecca again just like how rebecca afraid of. No. Freen can't leaving her.

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