𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1️⃣4️⃣

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𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽? 𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓼𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭?

The next day, rebecca was in rush. After the work hours done, she quickly went back to her office table and grab her handbag before slightly arranging the stuffs on the table. She was about to step away, wanting to go back home since she was so worried about the two little kids that still having their fever at the armstrong's mansion, but, someone grab her arm.


Rebecca quickly turn around and could see that it was yeen, a woman that also a employee here.

"Oh, yeen. Yes? What's wrong?" Rebecca ask, a little in rush and her face was showing that she really need to go back home right now.

"I got a letter from the company director, its saying that you got a transfering offer to working at FR company. So, today, you have to attend the meeting this evening."

Hearing that, rebecca was so shock as she quickly shook her head.

"No, i can't. My children is sick. I can't leave them for too long." Rebecca said makes yeen gasped in disbelief. What? Rebecca just reject a job from a big and hot company right now? Gosh.

Rebecca was about to go but one more time, yeen block her with her body, makes rebecca sighing out loud.

"B-but rebecca. Your offer letter is so limited! You're the only one that got the offer. The company is hot and top right now, this is your chance, just go this evening——-"

"I said i can't, yeen. My children are sick. I have to be with them. Just reject the offer, thankyou for telling me." Rebecca said softly, smiling a little before she turn and just walk away from yeen just like that. That's making yeen sighing out loud and scratch her unitchy temple.

Rebecca rebecca. Rebecca is really different. She choose her childrens more than everything.

Yeen grabbing the phone and started to make a call.

"Hello, yes sir, rebecca rejecting the offer sir."

"Alright sir," With that, yeen hang up the call and sighing out loud again before she step to her table.

Back to rebecca, she hailed a taxi, determination etched across her face. The engine hummed as the taxi navigated through streets, carrying her back to her sick children. Anxiety lingered in the air, but her resolve mirrored in the passing streetlights. The cityscape blurred as her thoughts raced, a mix of worry and hope propelling her towards the comforting embrace of home where her children awaited her care.

The children. The two is her everything, and she know that she can't focus on anything if the two were sick, just like right now.

"Thankyou," Rebecca quickly said and give the tip towards the taxi driver as she rushingly walk out and went to the armstrong mansion. There, once she open the main door, the two kids were laying on the couch with their grandma and grandpa, slightly chuckled and hands playing with the plushies that she got.

"Mommy!" Immediately, freca and ryker shout excitedly. Mr and Mrs Armstrong looks towards rebecca and give a tint smile even though they could see clearly those worriness that written on rebecca's face.

Rebecca rush towards them and kneeling on the floor beside the couch, stroking the two hair softly.

"Mommy's baby and mommy's handsome man, why did you staying here? Mommy already said to you to have a rest and sleeping at the room right?" Rebecca ask, sounding a little stern but the softness still conquering her. Hearing rebecca's words, that's makes her mom chuckled and shook her head.

"Rebecca, let them be, they're okay, the fever already decrease and ryker and freca was the one that ask me to put them here to wait for you. They said they want to search for a daddy? Which daddy?" Mrs Armstrong ask makes rebecca look at the two older with her eyes widened but her eyebrows was creased hardly. Gosh. This two is still remember.

"Yes! mommy mommy! Ryker and freca already healthy! Lets go see daddy?" Ryker said and shooking rebecca's arm. This time, its leaving the two older in weird. Which daddy? Huh?

"Rebecca... you're not explaining to mommy and daddy?" Mrs Armstrong ask a little stern in her voices. Rebecca sighing out loud and facepalming her ownself roughly.

"I also didn't know who is it, mommy, daddy. They keep telling me they like the daddy, and want me to search that daddy again and so on. But they call that person as daddy ren? Uh i dont know."

"Yes!!! Daddy ren! Daddy ren is so handsome grandma! Handsome like brother! Daddy is tall, and strong!" Freca said excitedly, her face lift up and sparkling, lips was widely smiling and when she describing the person, she make a 'strong' action with her little arm which makes rebecca and Armstrongs a little chuckled.

"Oh seriously? Then where did the two of you meet daddy ren?" This time Mr.Armstrong that asking makes freca waking up from the couch and happily jumping on it.

"In front of the school. We eat ice cream, daddy help ryker, and i love daddy so much." Freca said once again with her smiles. Gosh, this little girl is really head over heels towards the person. Rebecca's thought.

"Then we will go and search for daddy ren tomorrow. Okay? Today, you still need to rest. Alright?"

"B-but mommy! Freca want———"

"Nope! When mommy said tomorrow, its tomorrow. Okay?!" Rebecca ask as freca pouting her lips cutely but still nodding her head. Rebecca chuckled and pull her into a hug.

"Good girl. Right now, ryker and freca need to rest and take a medicine again."

"Okay mommy!"

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