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The night has come as freen was sipping onto a cup or coffee in her private office room that placed at the upper level of the mansion. Its a office room in her mansion. Not at the company.

Oh about company! She had so many business that operate in various industries. The businesses are used to legitimize illegal income, launder money, and provide cover for other criminal activities. And the other business include restaurants, bars, construction companies, and waste management services. In this business, it was somehow illegal and can have serious legal consequences.

But with the cable or important and higher person that she had in the clan, she could avoid from everything that involved with the police or government. The law basically didn't disturb her works. That's how influence she is to the world.

Freen was reading a business book with her legs crossed and looking so serious. How her eyebrows furrowed, face looks so tense, and somehow a little humming after sipping the coffee. Its as if she doesnt have any problems at the moment knowing so much that she will make sure everything that she plan will go smoothly.

Knock! Knock!

"Freen may i come in?" A voices heard from the outside after the door being knocked as freen immediately answer without even looking away from the book.

"Come in!"

Slowly, the door swung open revealling billy who was walking inside the office room, holding a paper but his face looks a little uneasy. He slowly approach freen and still standing in front of her, before pushing his hand, handing the paper towards freen.

"Here. Nam gave this to you." He said makes freen raise up her face, slightly lift her eyebrows and a tint smirk plastered on her lips. With that, she quickly put down the book and the cup of coffee onto the table, sitting straight on the chair with excitement shown clearly on her face.

Finally, its something that she waited so much!

Freen take the paper, as she started to read what typed on the paper. Its about rebecca. Of course.

Rebecca patricia.

Age - 21 years old.

Studied and stay at UK, in Law and Business,
but coming back to thailand just one year ago after finishing her degree.

Registration of University
Parents - Fin sert

But after making a research, Fin sert is one of the maid for Armstrong. And the real name for rebecca patricia is, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. Comfirm - She's armstrong's daughter. A one and only daughter.

Fin sert is only becoming a shadow for them in order to protecting rebecca.

(Im sure, rebecca is armstrong's diamond) - Nam.

Freen's lips somehow curled to a tint smile

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Freen's lips somehow curled to a tint smile. Her picture. Rebecca's picture. Her eyes stucks on that picture for too long, and somehow lasted for some minutes.

So its true. You're armstrong.

"Are you sure freen? You're not gonna do this right?" Billy's voices hearing which make freen come to her sense again and slowly raise her face to look up to him. Freen raise her eyebrows and look at him coldly.

"Do what?" She ask, as if she's not getting what billy is saying. But she actually know what billy is referring too and she know that billy know her so much to predict what will she do for the next step.

Billy sighing out loud with his eyes close for a second and then look at freen in serious again.

"You know what i mean, freen." Billy said, sounding so stern in his voices. Freen scoffed and somehow suddenly stood up, facing billy much more closer as if they were doing a eye contest right now. Staring and glaring each other so hard.

"And you know what i am doing, billy. She gonna pay it. She's armstrong." Freen's voices sending shakes onto billy's body. Freen's voices was so stern, yet so hoarse. Gosh, freen is that dangerous. How can anyone couldn't afraid of her?

"B-but freen, s-she is not the one that—-"

"BUT STILL!!!! SHE'S ARMSTRONG!!!!" Freen shout onto billy's face, and this time, billy could see how freen's face was incredibly change. She was mad. Yes. She was already in anger.

Her face reddened, eyes shaky and deep, jaw clench and teeth grinded, as billy slightly glance down to her hands and could see her hands were already clench to a shaky fist. And with that, billy know he need to stop this. Or not, his face will become one with her fist in any second.

Freen. When talking about armstrong, she can't even tolerate. She gets so mad, and the hatred were spiking inside her heart. This is her first goal in her life : killing armstrong. Seriously she will do that to pay for what they did towards her parents.

Billy sighing out loud and slightly pat freen's shoulder that looks so tense right now.

"Not everyone deserve to get punishment when all they did is nothing. Remember, freen."

With that, he walk away, leaving freen alone in that room, still shaking in mad as she crumpled the paper with her fist tightly, and scream out loud before throwing the vase that close to her towards the wall.


The sounds of glass scattered where hearing combo with the screams as billy at the outside could only shake his head. He can't really manage freen. Freen is freen and everyone knows that. He could not stop her.

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