𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1️⃣0️⃣

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𝓘𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓻.

Two twins, their backpacks slung over shoulders, walked in unison, their steps echoing a shared rhythm. The school day's adventures still animated their conversation, punctuated by laughter and the occasional secret exchanged in a language only siblings understand. As they approached home, a familiar haven, a sense of comfort enveloped them. The door swung open, revealing the welcoming embrace of home, where shared experiences and the bond of kinship formed the backdrop for their daily adventures.

"Mommy!!! We're Home!!!!" The two shouts and hearing so cheerful against rebecca's ears. She widely smile, wiping her hands with the small handkerchief at the kitchen and walk out towards them living room, seeing the two twins already sitting at the living room with a man. Gulf.

"Oh! Mommy's little kids already come back home with daddy gulf hm?!" Rebecca said softly, slowly slump her body on the same couch too, sitting beside the two that sit between the two adults. If stranger come in and didn't know about them, they might be thinking that gulf is their real daddy, and the husband of the gorgeous woman. The little family looks so happy though.

"Mommy mommy, just now i met daddy. Ryker and freca likes that daddy so much. Can that daddy stay with us?" Freca shook rebecca's arm lightly makes rebecca raise her eyebrows in weird when hearing this. Daddy? Who?

"Huh? W-what's daddy? Who?"

"I didn't know rebecca, the two meet someone and keep calling her daddy. Freca, i can be your daddy okay? No one could be your daddy except me. Plus, i love your mommy." Gulf suddenly said makes rebecca furrowed her eyebrows and without knowing, she have a slight annoyed in her heart. She look at gulf in disgusted.

"Gulf, didn't i already said this and we're already deal with this? We're friends. And you could meet my son and daughter anytime you can and they even called you daddy. but please, please not talking about our relationship in front of my children." There, rebecca sternly said makes gulf sigh out loud, and of course, he was a little disappointed.

He staying with rebecca for years already, confessing to her about his feelings and his true, pure intentions of wanting to make rebecca as his wife. But, rebecca keep rejecting him, and telling him to be a friend to her and also her childrens.

Gulf then suddenly patting freca and ryker's head before he stood up and give a thin smile.

"Daddy gulf going back home first okay? Be good to mummy. See you again tomorrow!"

"Okay!!" Freca happily shout and smiling widely as gulf waving his hands and started to walk away, slowly disappear from rebecca's sight.

"Mommy, daddy ren is so kind! Daddy ren help brother when he's being push and tease by his friends!" Freca suddenly brag out and complain about what happened makes rebecca snap her head towards ryker and look at him sharply. What? They being tease?

"Freca! Dont said that!!!" Ryker shout madly at his little sister. But, there is no way to excuse this anymore. His mommy glares to him sharply already

"Ryker? Is it true?! Your friends tease you?! Did you even being bullied by them?!" Rebecca ask, voices sounding so loud and stern makes ryker look down and sighing out loud before he look at his mommy again.

"Y-yes mommy. They tease us about daddy. They tease us saying that i dont have a daddy and say that mommy is a bad girl because mommy have me and freca but dont have daddy." Ryker said, lips pouting a little as if he will burst to his cries anytime soon. Seeing ryker like that, rebecca's heart clenching. So hard. Ryker never show his weakness towards her. He's cold, strong but, she as his mom never know that he's actually being blame, being tease and being like this by the other kids.

At the moment, ryker is holding back his cries. He didn't crying but his eyes glassy and shaky, combo with the hatred and the grudge were striking in that shaky eyes.

Rebecca pull the both of them, making the two snuggle their face against her neck and slowly rub the two back.

"Im sorry ryker, freca. Mommy is so sorry. Mommy can't give you a daddy." Rebecca was sobbing, tears escaping her eyes and she felt like her world collapse. She need freen. So much. She need freen here, helping growing the kids, playing with the kids, and staying by her side.

"Mmmm mommy dont cry, freca dont like it. But freca already happy when freca meet daddy ren just now. Daddy ren soooo handsome!" Freca said as the two slowly pull out their head and stares to their mommy's face that already wet with tears. Slowly, the two little hands wipe those tears away from rebecca's cheeks.

"Its okay mommy, daddy ren already scold the kids just now. I think they will not teasing ryker and freca again." Ryker said, this time he smiling widely and the two lean to give a peck on each side of rebecca's cheeks. Rebecca know, she is weak without freen. But, having this two is somehow boosting her strength. She need to be strong because of this two. This two kids is her everything. Her love, her strength and her proof of having freen.

"I will never forget you, freen. I never. I swear, and i promise."

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now